Friday, July 30, 2010

Your Turn

With all the attention at Comic-Con last week it got me to thinking about super powers. When you were a child, and maybe even now, you probably imagined having super powers or if you are old enough, maybe being bionic. You know, when bionic meant some really crappy special effects with music. Aaah, I can still hear the sound in my head when Steve or Lindsey would do something bionic.

Anyway, if you could have a super power what would it be? I used to think flying, but as I get older and more cynical I don't think it would be that great. Sure, you could fly instead of sitting in traffic, but unless you are strong enough to carry someone, then are you going everywhere by yourself? Plus, when you landed, people would always ask you questions like, "Did you just fly here?" "What is flying like?" Oh, and "Can you give me a ride?" So, I think I am going to go with X-Ray vision. No one needs to know you have it, and I think it would probably never get old. So, what super power would you most like to have?


  1. I wanted to be able to swim the ocean like fish, like Mr. Limpet.

  2. Invisibility! Or the ability to time travel. While invisible!

  3. ooooo... i used to want to fly, too. now i'd love to stop time.

  4. The ability to hand someone in financial trouble the exact amount of money they need at that moment. (And read minds.)

  5. I don't know if this would be a super power or not, but I have always thought it would be neat if there was such thing as an eye that was capable of taking pictures. I think that would be lovely. You could take candid snapshots of your life all the time and no one would know.

    If that doesn't count, then I choose invisibility. The possibilities are endless with that one.

  6. I'd like to be able to remember the names and faces of every person I meet. It's a little mundane but, damn would it ever be useful.

  7. Love this one!!

    When I was little, I wanted to be made of rubber. Kind of like Mystic, but I wouldn't be blue, I would look like myself. I could stretch as far as I wanted, or transform into anything I wanted.. This is kid logic, so just go with it, K.. :)


  8. Able to breathe underwater.

  9. I always wanted to fly and would dream about it. The weird thing was that I was always flying really low above a pool or end up in my basement and the air was really thick. It was almost like I was swimming through the basement than flying. This is starting to sound like swimming powers denial.

  10. When I was a kid, I was always amazed by the original Bewitched and thought it would be cool to levitate and move things with my mind.

  11. breathe underwater WHILE invisible in another time portal.

    "that ability to turn paper into money."

  12. When I was in Jr. High I was very very tiny. The prick captain of the football team decided I was perfect to bully and literally push around. I wanted to be able to hurt him back without getting caught. How can you do that? Be invisible with an invisible hat pin? Now invisible is good, but I don't need the hat pin anymore.

  13. I would like to be able to instantly teleport myself to anywhere in the world. It would also be helpful to be invisible while doing it.

  14. teleport? is that a word? : )

  15. To travel through time! (I didn't even have to think about it ^.^) Time travelling as an ability of mine not as in using an object, although having a De Lorean would be awesome too - I'm still waiting for my hoverboard.

  16. it's not really a superpower, but if we can take a short jump to fairy tales, I'd like a purse that never runs out of money.

  17. Oh my word...Teleportation would be AMAZING.

    A close second would be hypnotic suggestion.

  18. But if we teleported, would we still need passports?

  19. no border checks with teleporting, my friend. first class all the way. except when you teleport to the arctic and forget your jacket.

  20. I know it might be nerdy but I always thought I would like to just be a bit super human like Buffy. :) You know, the ability to be cute and small but still throw the bad guys around like nerf balls.

  21. Sign me up for the teleporting, then! Wheee!

  22. Teleporting and Time travel..or are they one and the same..I'd really mess up the pilgrims..;)

  23. The inability to get hurt / contract diseases.

    No health insurance!

  24. @The Nightmare Child - You crack me up everytime you say "oh my word".. I'm not trying to be mean either. It reminds me of my childhood for some reason. Are you from Utah?

    Loves it!!

  25. Easy.
    Phoenix.... the one from the comics, not X3 - before she became Dark Phoenix.

  26. When I was a kid I used to imagine that I had just been born a minute ago, and everything before that was a memory implanted in my brain. Every now and then I still picture that, when I reminisce about my childhood :)

    I'd love to teleport anywhere. I've always imagined it to work between two cities with the same name. So you can go from Rome, Georgia, to Rome, Italy in the blink of an eye. It keeps all the crazies from Los Angeles out of our hair :)

  27. Telekinesis, like Carrie White.

  28. I would like to have sex with people in their dreams (happy dreams) sort of like an incubus.

  29. I would like to be able to shoot spaghetti out of my fingertips, because no one wants to be covered in spaghetti. *Phfffllllt!* If I'm on a date and he's rude *Phfffllllt!* "Enjoy your spaghetti, you're very rude!"

    It would have to be time travel and teleportation. One isn't good without the other.

  30. I would want to be able to speak & understand any language.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Time travel, so I could meet my family, particularly my paternal grandpa, who died long before I was born.

    Failing that, reading minds and/or the ability to be invisible but not all the time.

  33. @Icecat - No. Chicago. I just like using terms & phrases that were frequently used in Golden Age Hollywood.

  34. I would love to be able to teleport or fly. No more airports!

    Although as a nod to Comic-con and Dr. Sam Beckett, I would LOVE to time travel.

  35. Storm was my favorite X-Men (powers wise), so, yes, the ability to control the weather.

  36. Invisibility looks like a winner. That was also my wish along with flying. Oh, the people I would fly over and crap on (just kidding!).

  37. Be like Sammantha from "Bewitched". She could do it all, time travel, be invisible, everything, with just a twitch of her nose. Wasn't she supposed to be like 200 years old, so she never aged much.

  38. My superpower is spotting crumbs on the floor from a mile away. I think I have OCD when it comes to vacuuming.

  39. You people are really funny today, but I especially like Ms. Snarky's fantastical never ending money purse.

    I want, ESP and telekinesis or the power to beat my enemy's ass while I'm hundreds of miles away from them and surrounded by several witnesses.

    Or maybe I just want to be KARMA!

  40. I want two - the ability to turn back time and I also want invisibility.

  41. I think the ability to communicate with animals and get them to do one's bidding would be awesome.

  42. @ gay tallywacker, are you trying to housebreak a puppy?

    I'm torn between invisibility (if I could control it) and telekinesis. I wouldn't want to read people's minds, because that would drive you insane. Plus, no one really needs to know what others really think of them. Pretty soon you wouldn't have any friends.

  43. @Nightmare Child. Well..thanks for the childhood memory. I just hadn't heard it in a long time. It was/is also, a Utah phrase, because we weren't allowed to say "Oh my God".

  44. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I would love to be a human lie detector. Could you imagine knowing AT EVERY TURN when someone was lying to you?

    then again, that could be pure hell.

    Hmmm, maybe I'd rather have the power to make myself and others unbelievably happy.

  45. I am absolutely terrified by water, so my secret wish would be to be able to breath underwater like Aquaman or a mermaid. And be able to speak every language to places to which I could teleportswim.

    But if wishes are being granted off this post.....immortality for me and my DH. I truly believe we've been together for lifetimes, and this time around I realized that the whole being reborn and finding him again each time really SUX in the bad sense---so really, I'd just like us to be able to be who we are right now for ever and ever and always....

  46. Icecat: I say "Oh, my word" all the time & I'm in Canada. it's my new fill-in for "Oh My God" & "Holy Shit"....daughter went briefly to a Christian school & got all 'proper'on my arse, now it's sort of stuck. That, & "Pipes!" Don't know where I heard that one, but it's got some real good "Umph!" to it when you need it & there's kids around.

    I also used to have dreams of flying low as a kid & out windows, to get away from my wretched family. Now though I just would love that fantastical purse of Ms. Snarky! I don't ever want to know what other people are thinking.
