If I been sent to jail for throwing a BlackBerry at someone and was not allowed to interact with that person because of a court order, I think I would do my best to stay away from that person. If that person happened to live in the same building as me, I would probably move. But, Foxy Brown is not me and for that I am grateful every morning. Yesterday Foxy ran into her neighbor outside and said, "B----, what are you looking at? What the f--- are you looking at?"
Then to show everyone just how classy she is, Foxy lifted up her skirt and exposed herself. Well, the other woman called the police, who came and arrested Foxy and charged her with a Class E felony. Of course Foxy's mom blames it all on the neighbor and says the neighbor just wants Foxy's money. Oh, and that Foxy does not listen to her music really really loud just to make her neighbor upset, she does it because Foxy is deaf. Uh huh.
Foxy claimed to be deaf at the hearing that sent her to jail. I don't know if she is or isn't but it could be true. On the other hand she and the neighbor clearly do not get along and if she could afford it should probably move.
ReplyDeleteShe should have been charged with a class D felony, D for disgusting! Who shows their lady bits in anger? Bizarre.
ReplyDeleteShe IS partially deaf. Supposedly it got better and then got worse.
ReplyDeleteEven if she's partially deaf she can use headphones or have her place sound proofed or use a recording studio for rehearsals. I'm not an expert on hearing impairment but it seems like she would have options that would take care of her needs while not inconveniencing her neighbors.
ReplyDelete"Foxy lifted up her skirt and exposed herself".
ReplyDelete- Exactly for what purpose, this?
Was she trying to intoxicate the neighbour with the fumes? Shudder.
Foxy is trash who has no money and hasn't put out any good material in years, because she was dropped by both Jay-Z and Nas. Instead of showing her "snatch" to the neighborhood it would be in her best interest to get a JOB and stop acting like common ghetto garbage. She is too old to be acting in that way.
ReplyDeleteAlso she was deaf at one time but she had surgery to have it repaired. I am not sure if she is still deaf or not, from what I understand it was successful but I am not sure how much of her hearing she has regained back.
Sadly, she's going to have to start calling herself Used-to be-Foxy Brown.
ReplyDeleteThis chick has been Ick. Nast. for a while, but wow - she's stepping it up.
ReplyDeletei could let her slide for being deaf, but what's her excuse for those ridiculous eyelashes? i'd be scared to go blind with that crap.
ReplyDeletemy guess is she's lost her mind since she hasn't done anything noteworthy since she was what, 17? girl's gotta do something to keep her name out there!
oh, puh leez. i have hearing problems too. but i hear some registers differently than others.
ReplyDeletedude next door can play music and it doesn't even register. but, no, since the lower income families moved in, seems that the first big expense is a huge set of speakers,
so, even though i can't hear my girls on the phone, i'm chased out of town by the neighbors bass.
thank goodness the cops agree with me.