Thursday, July 08, 2010

Vanessa Carlton Picks The Wrong Dog

A few months ago, Vanessa Carlton was bitten on the leg by a pit bull while she was jogging. She suffered five puncture wounds to her leg and was treated at a hospital. She filed a complaint against the owner of the dog and the case went to trial this week. If the dog owner lost, then the dog would be put to sleep.

Well, the owner went to great lengths to prove his 9 month old puppy did not cause the bites. The owner hired experts in dog dentistry, forensics and also dog behavior specialists who all said the dog could not have bitten Vanessa Carlton despite what she thinks she saw.

A judge agreed and the charges were dropped. Vanessa attended the trial and testified but it did not help.


  1. That's just....crazy. Who bit her then? Another dog? A human? Good for the owner for fighting it. Poor puppy.

  2. Props to the dog owner for saving their dog. If it was not their dog who bit her they really stepped up to prove it. I'm glad they saved their dog who is apparently innocent.

  3. People who order dogs to be put down are assholes. There are plenty of options before choosing that route.

    I'm glad that the owner took the effort to show that it was unjust to put the dog down.

  4. Yay!!

    I'm so sick of people seeing a Pit and automatically assuming the worst. She was probably jogging, got bit, and by the time she turned around the dog wasn't there, so she had to choose.. What a whore if that is what happened.

    Oh, I'll just blame the Pit Bull...

  5. Haha all I can think of is that line from the Wizard of Oz-- "Ohhh... she bit her dog?"

  6. Huh?

    She got bit but didn't see the dog? That many dogs are around her when she got bit?

    I am afraid of dogs but certainly wouldn't want to see one wrongly accused and put down erroneously.

    Good for the owner but Vanessa, what gives?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. good for the dogs owner for standing up for what's right and boo on vanessa for thinking she could bully an innocent animal to death.

  9. She wanted a nine month old puppy put to sleep? What a cunt!

  10. What Karmen said. Why should the DOG have to be put down? If found guilty, the OWNER should be fined and have to take owner/trainer-dog classes. Oh this pisses me off.

  11. I'm with all of you. Why would anyone go to any length to have a dog put down over a bite? The owner should be fined. There are so many other options. I have no idea who this actress (?) is, but she is a jackhole.

  12. sounds like maybe she was jogging, got bit by a dog that then ran off, and she ran over and found someone with a dog and said 'that's him.' and it wasn't---she was mistaken. right? maybe?

  13. Victory for pit bulls and their owners! My pit bull is the biggest baby and plays with our 6 and 7 year old nieces all the time - no biting. It was probably a Yorkie

  14. I just wanted to say that I love all of you for siding with the doggy.

    This is all~

  15. oh! and also, Pits are the best dogs ever! When they are babies they look like little piglets and all they want to do is squirm around and love on you. If a pit puppy did do this then its totally the owners fault.

  16. what a bitch!! i hate her even more now!

  17. Anonymous7:18 PM

    This is a crazy story, and I agree that an innocent pup shouldn't have been put down. But I disagree with the sentiment and the vitriol against Vanessa - and the idiotic "it must have been a Yorkie" idea put forth by yet another irrational pit proponent.

    I have a rescue dog, too, but people who flood every story like this with 'my pit wouldn't hurt any living being!! Especially other dogs (BULLSHIT - TOTAL BULLSHIT) or people (generally true, but not always) - you are utterly full of shit. And people are allowed to try and get redress for injuries. She was apparently attacked, assholes. It was in all likelihood not 'revenge' but a desire to never see this happen to someone else. Pretty reasonable for anyone without an agenda.

  18. I agree with you Bish about the Vanessa thing just because she wanted justice didn't mean she wanted the dog dead it is probably a law about this sort of thing and punishment for the offense. I'm also sick and tired of my dog don't bite because just because it didn't bite you doesn't mean it wont bite me.

  19. She could have had the dog and owner attend classes or something. No need to kill a 9 month old puppy for a first offense. Maybe she stepped on his foot or something and that's why he nipped her. Kudos to the dog owner for fighting to save their puppy. All of that couldn't have been cheap. I'm so glad they loved the pup enough to not just give in to someone rich and famous.

  20. It didn't say anywhere in Enty's post that Vanessa was ordering the dog to be put down. That might just be the verdict for such a case in that jurisdiction.

    I'm not a fan of dogs; I have two housecats myself, but I will say that the most adorable pit pull I have ever seen is Pit Bull Sharkey on YouTube. The videos of him cuddling with guinea pigs, chicks and bunnies and getting smacked by a cat on a Roomba are just too cute.

  21. comment about being a Yorkie was done in sarcasm - I live near Detroit and seems like everytime a dog attack happens here, it's automatically a Pit Bull - and then they backpeddle.

    My dog is very human friendly, and is learning to be around other dogs - we take her to dog socialization every week at Petco to get her trained around other dogs. She also has obedience training.

    A friend of mine worked animal control in my city for 8 years and he said he did not have 1 pit bull bite....smaller dogs bites were more common.

    I'm not saying that dogs can't attack people - I'm saying the media needs to do research before saying "Pit Bull Attack"

  22. I agree with Bish but also admit Pit Bull Sharkey is too cute! Can we put the owners down because they don't take care of their dogs and allow their dogs to bite folks? Seems that would be the logical solution.

  23. Wow! That owner rocks! I would have done the same thing.
    I'm surprised at the outcome ESP considering it's one involving a celeb.

    That dog in that pic is sooo cute!

  24. I think next time reader pics come around I'll feature my Red Nose Pit Bull, Daisy. Love her, she is the biggest baby in the world!
