Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Today's Blind Items

These A list parents used to allow their daughter to go to school. Now though, she is home schooled and watched almost 24 hours a day. The reason? Despite not even being 18 yet, the daughter has become pregnant three times by three different guys. Besides just worrying about their daughter, the parents also do it to protect their own careers. They are afraid another pregnancy would not be able to be dealt with as quietly.


  1. Shiloh Jolie-Pitt or Suri Cruise.

  2. @Mooshki


  3. Isabella Cruise?

  4. Annette Benning/Warren Beatty?

  5. One of the Willis-Moore skanks, or the Banderas-Griffith girl

  6. even though im a liberal girl at heart .. i hate when young girls have abortions as methods of birth control this young girl has so much resources at her finger tips having A list stars as parents... quite sad this BI is

  7. "Another"? Perhaps the Palins?


  9. I like Jill's guess.

  10. The Isabella Cruise guess is interesting. Didn't she go to the COS school?

  11. I'm with luvgossip - the Bening-Beattys.

  12. Bristol Palin is 19, like the guess though.

  13. Anonymous2:26 PM

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  14. Anonymous2:27 PM

    @little red leo, teens from homes with good parents do get knocked up too.

  15. I'm seconding the Tallulah Willis guess.

    You NEVER see her out & about.

  16. Why don't the parents put her on some kind of birth control? If she's too lazy/rebellious/stupid to take the pill, there's always that injection you can have once (or twice?) a year. Those little rods that you put under your skin aren't available anymore, are they? There are also some temporary types of IUD that are pretty safe nowdays. It sounds like this girl is mentally unstable and/or begging for some attention. I'm guessing that it's one of the Willis kids or one of Don Johnson/Melanie Griffith's. Whoever it is, I hope she gets some help or a clue.

    I still say the Golden Age of Celebrity Spawn bad behavior is yet to come, especially if the dream coupling of one of Britney's boys and one of Denise Richards/Charlie Sheen's daughter ever happens. Fingers crossed.

  17. The only Beatty / Bening girl who is under 18 is only 13. I HOPE this isn't her.

  18. Aren't the Cruise kids Scientology-schooled anyway?

    For some reason I'm thinking Beatty-Bening and/or Griffith/Banderas.

  19. I regularly used to see Talulleh and Scout Willis at my Starbucks in the morning on their way to school, and I haven't seen them there in ages. I think that's because Scout moved to NYC and Taleulleh can't drive yet, but this would be a more interesting scenario. However did Rumer or another member of that family have a scandalous or secret pregnancy? Otherwise the last sentence doesn't fit.

  20. @Lori and @chopchop, I think the "another pregnancy" reference just means if the BI girl got pregnant a fourth time, they worry they wouldn't be able to hide it like they had the first, second, and third.

  21. My very first thought was Ireland Baldwin, then I thought the Benning-Beatty's have two teenage daughters.

  22. @Stacy: The other Benning/Beatty daughter is over 18. (There's a third who's about to be 10). I'm commenting way too much on this. I should get back to work.

  23. any young girl doing this 3 times is seriously fucked up. she's got bigger problems than just the promiscuity. it's a sign of something a lot deeper. i hope she's getting help for it, whatever it is.

  24. This is terrible. Three abortions already under her belt before she finishes high school? Wow.

  25. agree that even best parents can't avoid all trouble with kids but after the first pregnancy its time to force feed the girl birth control is it not?!

    it is also time, perhaps, for some in patient counseling--three pregnancies under age of 18 is not just a cry for help but repeated screaming. of course that means the parents would have to active parent by participating in family counseling.

    sad, sad, sad.

  26. FYI, three pregnancies but no baby doesn't NECESSARILY mean three abortions. She might have miscarried. Yes, chances are there was at least one abortion involved, but even to have your kid pregnant three times by three men is embarrassment enough.

    I would have put her on birth control after the first!!!!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. PS And who are the guys and why are they not under fire? If they are minors, then they need discipline. If they are adults, they need to be prosecuted!!!!!

  29. This is ridiculous in this day and age. They should have put her on the shot you get every six months. There is no excuse for this stuff. I bet she will have problems carrying a child to term later, because the lining of the uterus becomes thinner each tine.

  30. Mooshki, I was going to say Zahara.

  31. I believe the oldest daughter of Warren Beaty and Annette Bening wants to have a sex change like Chaz Bono, so I don't think she'll be making the tabloids as the pregnant man Pt3

  32. How wrong you are LOOnyBin. Women who want to have sex changes simply want to have sex with men 24 hours a day.

  33. Off topic, but did y'all hear that Craig Ferguson and his wife are expecting a baby? Yay, for them!!! Congrats!!

    Back to the topic, do Tom Hanks/Rita Wilson have a daughter that would fit this blind. Something like this would be truly scandalous from a couple as highly regarded as they are. I would be horrified, and I'm cynical and jaded. Imagine how most of America would feel.

  34. nunaurbiz, the boys might be minors too or say she's 15 and the boy is 17. in my state, there has to be more than a 3 year age difference for it to be a crime.

    besides that, let me remind you that would make a boy a sex offender for life. this girl obviously fucks a lot of guys. so what is SHE branded with?

  35. nancer & nunaurbiz, wouldn't prosecution make the girl's ID public knowledge? Even if the court doesn't officially release her name because she's a minor, some crooked clerk will leak the info to a tab for $300.

    I'd forgotten about Wilson/Hanks. And don't the Spielbergs have girls in their teens?

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. It sounds like this girl is sending out a desperate cry for help. The average teen would go to Planned Parenthood to get some birth control if their parents did not make it readily available. Or they just wouldn't be bedding guy after guy like that. To get pregnant 3 times by 3 different guys at such a young age in such a short period of time is likely a sign of serious mental issues. I don't know - you hear about celebrity kids being molested by their parents friends and such. I'm guessing this girl may be dealing with some such issue. Poor kid! I hope she's seeing a good mental health provider.

  38. Vikingwench, Zahara is clearly the smartest one in that family, so I think Shiloh is more likely.

  39. That's insane but the first name that came to mind was Ireland Baldwin. I don't know why; maybe the instability of her younger, tween years with her parents (who I imagine are still battling, albeit a bit more quietly). I'd think it was one of Bruce and Demi's kids but I can't see Demi, being rather feminist and open-minded, not putting her kid on BC if she found out she was sexually active. If not that, she would have certainly taught her about condoms. Hasn't Demi done a ton of work with AIDS and HIV organizations? I'm sticking with Ireland, sadly. I so hope that isn't true...

  40. Okay - gonna throw out another name - I noticed it doesn't say both parents are actors, so how about Michelle Pfeiffer and David E. Kelley? I know she's probably closer to a B, but I like her a lot, and I know they have kids :)

  41. it shouldn't be made public, weezy, but maybe you're right. i just don't believe in always blaming this on the boy.
    that's what i'm saying.

  42. I don't understand how this girl's doctors have not put her on birth control, or explained STDs to her. It could be that she has refused to use the birth control given to her.
    I agree with the above comments--either she has very, very deeply rooted problems or wants to spite her parents.
    Are Dina & Michael considered A-list? then we can point to Ali. (Just kidding)

  43. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Malia Obama?

  44. This isn't sad-it's stupid.

    The girl is an Idiot

  45. I'm astonished at the number of posters who think that parents or doctors can simply force this child to use birth control. They have no such legal right. Even if she were found mentally incompetent, it would still be nearly impossible to put her on birth control against her will. Any doctor who participated in such an attempt would risk losing his or her medical license. This is a highly touchy subject legally, and the courts will almost always rule in favor of the girl's right to autonomy.

    Sounds like just another concerted effort to hurt herself, probably with the end goal of hurting her parents. Not much different than an eating disorder or cutting herself. As long as the self-inflicted pain hurts other people, too, it's worth it.

  46. I'm on the Willis train.
    Go back to Idaho with the girls, Demi, then see how long Chris('Ashton')will stick around.

  47. So sad. :-(

    I was on the Scout Willis train (we NEVER see her), but she's 19 now.

    Tallulah it could be...

  48. Kevin Bacon & Kyra Sedgewick

  49. The second Bening/Beatty kid is only 13, doubt very much it's her.

    And @J.C. - what the hell is wrong with you that you are calling young girls - that you know absolutely nothing about - skanks?

  50. Scout is so fucking ugly- who'd have sex with her? She makes Rumer look pretty, for Chrissakes.

  51. No idea who the girl is, but I have to agree that there seems to be something wrong with a girl who has gotten pregnant three times and must be locked up 24/7. Some therapy would be useful, I think, and someone might want to explain birth control to her. Having three abortions can't be fun. She must be addicted to the drama by this point. If she was seeking attention, maybe pulling her out of school was the right thing to do. Children of celebrities are in an awkward place, halfway between humanity and its deities.

  52. Oh, I hope this isn't Ireland. But you know, there has to be some kind of fallout from that upbringing with one crazy parent (mom) and a dad who has bigtime anger mgt issues. I feel so sorry for her, regardless. This would be a juicy one to know. But of course, we never will know for sure as ENTY wouldn't have the bad judgment to out a minor.

  53. some of these posts are extremely disturbing, especially the attitude's regarding adolescent girls and their issues with sex. we're obviously talking about a child with severe emotional problems and holding her 100% responsible is a foolish idea. of course that doesn't mean the boys are at fault of even the parents are completely to blame. it's a tricky situation and should be dealt with some empathy. i sincerely hope some of the opinions here are just jokes- i know our community has a bigger heart than that.

    rant aside, it does sound like ireland baldwin. considering how her father has spoken to her and with the effect of the divorce etc, i'd venture to say she has some real issues with men and a distorted view of healthy relationships. whoever it is, i hope she's ok and gets the help she needs.

  54. Susan Sarandon & Tim Robbins.

  55. i think ireland is a really good guess, she's GOT to have tremendous daddy issues, and doesn't bassinger already suffer from agoraphobia?

    i also wondered how old the ackroyd daughter is.

  56. Is Kim A list? I didn't think she would fit. Also, we seem to all be focusing on actors--what about musicians? Mick Jagger & Jerry Hall have a few teenage daughters.

  57. Ireland would be a logical candidate -- considering that rant her dad barfed up a while back. that kind of attitude from dad doesn't teach a girl to value herself highly.

    still -- wtf with getting the girl some birth control? it's not difficult. oooh -- that brought up a thought. what if Mumsey and Dadsey are against birth control for religious reasons?

    who could that be?

  58. What NYC2008 said.


    Forget "why don't the parents make the kid go on BC" WTF doesn't the girl WANT to be on it?????? If she is having that much sex?

    I just do not understand this type of thing.

  59. lutefisk, Kim won Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her part in L.A. Confidential- so that kind of gives her status......Alec is on 30 Rock, so he is way up there too, IMO.

    Kim is agoraphobic, and Alec is a wack job, so I could totally see this as Ireland.

  60. One of the daughters of Ah-nold Schwarzenegge and Maria Shriver.

  61. If the young lady was pregnant 3 times, she probably wanted to keep the baby, but her parents probably did not want her to. If you take it into considration that there is no mention of getting the poor girl on some type of birth control, seem to indicate that she is very very young. So she must be under the age of 16, so I going to go with Demi and Bruce's youngest daughter. The one who was once report to have been spot in a bar although she underage.

  62. I started with the Ireland Baldwin guess, but couldn't find any stories about her. I had to go to work and didn't have time to post why I switched to Jill's Tallulah Willis guess.
    This is from July 2009:

    At a rowdy 18 year old’s birthday party, you might expect the restaurant or the ladies bathroom to get trashed, but not the birthday girl’s 15 year old sister.

    The Moore – Kutcher – Willis clan got together this past Friday night to celebrate Scout Willis’ 18th birthday with a 20’s flapper-style bash at L.A. restaurant Cicada. Guests included Dita Von Teese, Marisa Tomei, and Rumer Willis.

    But the real star of the night was the youngest Willis girl, Tallulah Belle, who spent the night smoking, drinking, and hitting on older men. She reportedly ended the night by stumbling out of the restaurant with a pack of cigarettes and a pack of her friends, who attempted to keep her upright on her walk of shame to a waiting vehicle. Step dad of the year, Ashton Kutcher, looked none to happy about it either.

    Full Story:

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Multiple pregnancies would not be unusual in an unmedicated young girl with bipolar disorder.

  65. "They are afraid another pregnancy would not be able to be dealt with as quietly" - for the sake of your own health, medically you are not supposed to have more than 3, the doctors would probably refuse to do a 4th, although with enough money could they be convinced...

  66. One of my friends told me that she had 8 abortions! Many of you have mentioned birth control, and I asked her why she didn't use any? She said she didn't like condoms! WTF? She was old enough to understand that there are other birth control options. I was shocked that she was so casual about it.

  67. After doing a little research..

    I'm jumping on the Tallulah Willis train...

  68. @parissucksliterally---thanks, I forgot about that.

  69. Seriously, Squeezebox? You can't make your children get on birth control? I understand, of course, that you can't force an abortion, but since a child is underage, the parent is legally responsible for him/her, yes? Are the parents legally responsible for whatever spawn he/she might have? I think that the parents SHOULD be able to force a child to take birth control if they refuse. I've not met a teen yet who is capable of making informed decisions (the part of your brain that deals with decision making/impulse control, etc doesn't fully mature until you are in your mid twenties) and obviously the child in this BI reinforces that.

    As the parent of three girls, I would be extremely PISSED if one of my children did this and I couldn't get birth control for her because she refused. If parents are responsible for their children and their children's actions in other situations(for example car accidents), why not that one?

    /end rant

  70. Tallulah - no doubt.

  71. This isn't about birth control, this is about a kid who is crying out for attention. These A-list parents are probably so involved in their own lives that this kids is going crazy trying to get someone to actually care. Birth control may prevent the pregnancies, but that's only a symptom of a bigger problem.

  72. Tara: no doubt the legal line limiting a parent's ability to make medical decisions for her child EXCEPT for those involving reproduction seems arbitrary. And I do think that it is foolish to make parents legally responsible for their children while not giving them full authority to go with it. But the practical implications of allowing parents such power are much more problematic than the current situation. Surely we don't want to see underage girls sterilized due to their parents' whims.

    The answer then for parents of promiscuous girls like our BI subject is to do exactly what her parents have done: put her on lockdown. You can't control your daughter's uterus, but you can control access to it.

  73. I wish I had the means to put one of my kids under 24 hour lock down a couple of years ago when he was going down the tubes. On the other hand, I guess we did okay since he's now 100% reformed.

  74. saw little tallulah at coachella this past april. wasn't doing anything too hardcore but was doing illegal things (for her age or in general). she was w a group of gfs all around the same age. not sure if this helps support or negate guesses but im not sure i would let my 15 year old go to a weekend long drug infested music festival w/o supervision. but im not a celebrity or from la, either.

  75. So they're worried about Ashton's and Bruce's career? Because Demi's sole employment for the last few years has been as Ashton's arm candy.

    This must be why Ashton put up the money for Rumer's new house -- she had to get out and away from her disturbed sibling. To be fair, Demi's career lately may have been caring for Tallulah.

  76. i'm with Willis team

  77. @awesomeballa, the only person I know who used to have huge parties with underage drinking and drugs was from Marfa, Texas.

    I'm from LA. We stick to cake and soda pop in my circle of friends.

  78. Even though it's not a total fit, this blind item could have been Bristol Palin. Bristol is pregnant with her fourth child. She is now 19, but she was pregnant three other times. The first time the baby may have been aborted, although pictures of her surfaced in fall of 2006 in a green sweater in which she looked to be at least four months along, which is rather late for an abortion. Second child was brought to term, that's the Down Syndrome child Sarah Palin adopted as her own, named Trig. Bristol had Tripp with Levi Johnston. And now she is pregnant with baby number four, whose father is a guy named Ben Barber - she was dating him until two months ago. He just gave an interview about this today. Now Mama Sarah is forcing a shotgun wedding on Bristol and Levi because she figures she can control the media spin around the two of them better.

    And yet, Bristol managed to turn an extremely sexual life into becoming a spokesperson for Candies' abstinence campaign.

    True life is so much stranger than fiction. And although they are a "political" family, and not "A" list, too many girls suffer fates like Bristol Palin and whoever is the subject of this particular blind item. The pregnancies are cries for help, for attention, for love. Often the girl feels so neglected at home, or is so abused at home, that having a baby someone means that she'll have "someone to love her." But it's not that simple, they soon discover. Parenting is hard work, and even the consequences of abortion or adoption can be heartbreaking on an emotional level - especially for a young teenaged girl.

  79. I know I'm late on this one, but with the Tallulah you remember those pictures of her in shorts with her behind all hanging out hugging daddy Bruce?

    Attention seeking maybe?

  80. I hope it's not Ireland. I used to dance with her and she was always very nice and seemed quite sensible, but she had crazy restrictions on her- she wasn't allowed to step outside the studio after dance class because her parents were worried she would get kidnapped. And this was before Alec Baldwin had his resurgence in career.

  81. Christina - Very well put! I snorted with laughter over not being able to control my daughter's uterus! LMAO

    Yes, my daughter would be homeschooled and on complete lockdown if something like this happened.

  82. I know someone (let's call her A, details changed to protect the innocent) had two abortions by the time she was 18. In A's case it was most definitely a sign of mental illness: she has borderline personality disorder, which is marked by impulsive, risky behaviors such as unprotected sex, drugs, gambling, spending exorbitant amounts of money on shopping; fear of abandonment; desire for attention; an overwhelming need for the patient, and only the patient, to be needed (so borderline patients LOVE being moms to infants, because they are so responsive, and stop being interested once the child develops its own personality); emotional manipulation of those around her; etc. All of these traits encourage risky pregnancies.

    In A's case, her first pregnancy occurred when her new step-mother (we'll call her L) became pregnant. A patient with borderline sn't always aware of what she's doing--she may not realize that she's having risky sex, or that she isn't using protection partly because she wants the attention pregnancy will bring her from those around her, and from a baby. Conscious or not, A was redirecting attention away from L, wanting the attention, wanting to prove that Lwasn't special, and fearing that she would e abandoned and "replaced" by L.

    A's father and L briefly considered raising the two as a twin, but the psychologist A had been seeing for awhile (since L figured out that her stepfather had been abusing A's other sister, and their mother, who is also borderline, scontinued o/sided with the abuser...the mother, btw, wa pregnant at least 3 times before age 18, and it was finally my dad who took on the responsibility of the child...before that they were all adopted). said that it was too dangerous for my sister, and that it would bring up her fears of abandonment,

    Based on my experiences, I'd say Ireland unfortunately fits the criteria, although I don't know much about her. Her father's behavior, being exposed to that kindof fear of separation described by Elizabeth all make her a candidate for borderline (someone elsemetnioned bipolar, and the to are often comorbid, and genetic, and Alec's phone msgs sound ike somoene in full-blown manic)
