Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This A list rocker has been trying for the past month to convince a girl he met in rehab to have an abortion. The reason? She is 17. So far she has refused.


  1. Ah! Lady J beat me to it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If this is true as soon as she has the baby it will be all over the news.

  4. and if she's smart she'd keep it and be in the money for life!

  5. i like your guess,Lady J!

  6. Or Richie Sambora. Or Ron Wood!

  7. Tyler was my first thought.

  8. Anonymous2:04 PM

    but the kid will know Montana, know that he/she isn't loved for anything but the money. and having 2 parents that have ADDICTION PROBLEMS???? AND 1 under 18? The kid will be born with so many strikes against it. The rocker is right, the baby should not be born, not for HIS reasons, but for the lousy life he/she will probably be in for.

  9. I have a silly question. But what rehab facility allows the minor females to associate with senior citizen rock stars? Seems like huge liability issue for them.

  10. I hate to say it but I kind of agree with bj. A 17 year old in drug treatment is not ready to be a mom. Having said that though I still hope the rocker goes up for statutory rape.

  11. Steven Tyler is my guess.

  12. @Sean, some states have age of consent as 17.

    As far as what bj had to say, someone put her in rehab so there is a family support structure.

  13. I know most states have an age of consent of 16. However, she is still legally a minor. The treatment facility would be legally responsible for her physical well being. Her getting knocked up opens them up to a huge lawsuit. It would be very different thing if she were over 18.

  14. Sooo... just to put it out there, the blind doesn't actually say it's his. I agree with the assumption we're all making here, but it may not be his loin-fruit.

  15. i'm with RocketQueen on this one. ugh

  16. I think it's Tyler, too. Those videos with his daughter and Alicia Silverstone always struck me as a little pervy. I can see him liking them young. Now, not to defend him, but have any of you seen any 17-year-olds lately? Some of them could easily pass for someone in their 20s. I would imagine this is especially true for someone who has been doing enough drugs to warrant a stay in rehab. Look at how old Lohan looks. She may have told him she was 21 or even older.

  17. yikes! 17 in rehab and pregnant?

    If it is the aging rock stars at least she's smart enough to know she's hit the jack pot!
    I bet she's thinking she could always hire a nanny for the kid.

  18. Just because they met in rehab doesn't mean they had sex there. My first thought was Richie Sambora *cringe*.

  19. Do 17 year olds go to rehab??

  20. I agree with Steven Tyler, but I also agree that the blind does not state that it is his.

  21. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I also agree it's Tyler.

    I wonder if she put a bag on his head LOLOL. Eeewww.

  22. has anyone ever been to rehab? you're not in segregated groups by age. you're all in it together. there's no reason to 'protect' anyone from some aging rocker. it doesn't work that way.

    and yeah, i'd bet money it's tyler.

  23. Sylvia, a full body bag would be required.

  24. ugh, this abortion talk makes me sick to my stomach.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Did Ron Wood go to rehab recently?

  27. Unless it was edited since you all started posting, it doesn't say it's an "aging" rocker. Maybe it's a younger male...though probably not 17, and as Harriet said, they didn't necessarily have sex while there, just met there.

    That said, I don't have any good guesses - not been keeping up on my rehab celebs, but we'll know about this one for sure if there isn't an abortion.

  28. Sadly, that baby will get her the Mother Lode - both from the rock star and the rehab that should have protected a minor. Of course if this is in Utah, then she's good to go at 14 as far as consent. :( Either way, it's sad for the baby unless the prospective mom is able to get her stuff together.

  29. Not all rehabs are alike.
    In some states, young people under 18 go to a special 'pediatric' rehab (yes they have them) because even sexually active girls at 17 are still physically growing, and emotionally still immature, and have different needs than adults.

    I've seen a variety of them
    (Not because of my addictions, but
    because my job puts me in theraputic situations)-

    Most centers would not blend young girls with the general population, as among addicts there are predators. HOwever, if this is one of those posh, private centers, all bets are off. Money can buy anything, even time in a 'spa/rehab'

  30. Hi Everyone ! New on here, but been reading CDAN for a couple years. First thought - Steven Tyler

  31. Why don't these horndogs get smart and just keep it in their pants? Or at least get a vasectomy!

    I predict there is going to be a very rich babymama out of this.

  32. and maybe it's not even drug rehab -- Bret Michaels? Chris Brown (and his whole Rehab Image tour)? It's probably drug rehab but I'm just saying, there's a whole lot of possibilities that aren't necessarily senior-citizen-aged rockers

  33. I was thinking someone younger than Tyler...any other addiction problems besides Tyler? Someone other than an aging rock star? He didn't list aging in the description, by the way. Just that she's 17, he only has to be over 18.

  34. didn't charlie sheen go to sex rehab? and (please let it not be so) david duchovny?

    but the blind only says "A list rocker". not aging, classic, any of that. so the jump to the aged, i'm not so sure about. not that i ever get any blinds right and seldom guess, but who might be a younger rocker who was possibly in for something else?
    wasn't brett michaels in PT because of what he went through? is that even his name? sorry, don't keep up much.

  35. Just a point of reference: Steven Tyler left his recent rehab stay at the end of March...

    ...so the timing fits, especially since he's been trying to get her to have an abortion "for the last month."

    He also "dated" an underage girl named Julia back in the early 70s, in fact got her parents to sign over custody just so that it wasn't illegal!

    Oh, and he is certainly A list.

  36. I'd go with Bret Michaels too, Tenley.

  37. wgaf about the kid, it will be future fun for us on gossip boards, its a win win

  38. I SWEAR this said aging A list rocker when it was first posted. I saw it much earlier this afternoon.

  39. Okay, I just have to state that the legal consent in Utah IS NOT 14. Good god. Mormons are completely different then the Fundamental Mormons... AND, even then 14 is not the consent. That is why it is ILLEGAL. That is why the Head of the FLDS church is in PRISON. I don't think people will ever stop associating Polygamy with Utah and Mormons. Polygamy has been illegal in Utah since the early 1900's....It is very much frowned upon by the LDS Church.

    Oh, and Steven Tyler is my guess.

  40. Debutante, welcome!

    Steven Tyler sounds like as good a guess as any.

  41. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Well, no doubt the Hollywood/Rock community will just rally around this ahole just like they did around those pedophiles Woody Allen and Roman Polanski.
    Gross, but predictable.

  42. Jonas:

    If he left the rehab facility in March...how does the timing fit?

    It's currently July...


    So for the last month would mean June...Maybe May.

    Sorry but your assumption that "the timing works" is off-base.

    Let's think of some other A-list musicians...Because I think ENTY would say aging...

  43. Strictly speaking, the blind not only doesn't say he's an "aging" rocker, but it doesn't say it's his baby. Maybe he's just really, really pro-choice. (I mean, it think it implies it's his child, but it doesn't actually say it.)

  44. Or as someone said earlier, it is a rocker who got their act together and wants this young girl to have the time to get her act together before having a baby.

  45. If the rocker wanted the girl to get an abortion for altruistic purposes, wouldn't it be a kindness BI? Nah, I think he did the dirty with her.
