Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Tipper Gore Keeps The Massage Story Alive

You know this whole Al Gore massage thing was going to go away quietly. Probably. Maybe. Now though it has been given fresh life and it is all thanks to Tipper Gore. From her we now know that Al Gore did get a massage that night from that woman. To me this adds a lot of credibility to what she has said even if she has taken money for her story.

A Tipper spokesperson told People, "Tipper has known about these allegations since Al found out about them himself. She has known that massage has been very much a part of his health regimen for many, many, many years. She doesn't believe any of the allegations that this woman [Hagerty] is making and they played no role whatsoever in their decision to separate." With that sentence about massage we now know she is admitting to him being there and it sounds like Al could have been getting frisky with massage people for a long time too.

If she wanted to help her soon to be ex-husband this does not really seem the way to do it. I don't think Elizabeth Edwards believed all the things about John Edwards at first either. Look how that turned out.


  1. i still think it's a crock of shit.

    why would she wait FOUR years to come forward? payoff.

  2. She's saying herself that the massages were never an issue. People need to let this story go.

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    al snore, isn't as innocent as it seems. maybe it's a dig towards her future ex-hubby that she knows will hurt him!

    i wonder how much money the snore made from his global warmings hoopla? tipper tha stripper wants her cut. ha ha.

  4. Wait a minute - if Mel Gibson's Oksana holds out for a payoff, we should be sympathetic to her, but if this lady gets a payoff, she's not to be believed?

    I do understand that the level of (alleged) violence differs greatly, but I sense a partisan angle to your arguments.

    If a right-wing kook abuses a woman, shut him down. If a left-wing saint misuses a woman, then it must be her fault.

    I'm not buying it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous10:54 AM

    nutty i agree.

  7. totally agree, nutty.

  8. Sorry, I don't do U.S. partisan politics in gossip blogs, and I'm allowed to be bored of this story. Although I U.S. politics ARE more interesting than my Canadian, for sure.

  9. WTG, Tipper. I had practically forgotten about this scandal already and you brought it right back into the public eye. I suspect she's getting some good advice from her friend Elizabeth Edwards :)

  10. who gives a shit what way he leans politically? this isn't MSNBC.

  11. Anonymous1:42 PM


  12. I thought that woman's account was way to detailed for someone who had experienced trauma. I'm on the fence. Tipper's statement doesn't change that. Hope justice gets served correctly, whatever that is.
