Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Terri Horman Leaked Info - Tried To Abduct Her Daughter - Having Sex With Another Man

You just would not think that the case of the missing Kyron Horman could get any more wild, but it has. At this point, all of the antics of Terri Horman are starting to overshadow what is truly important. Where is Kyron Horman and what happened to him?

In the latest developments it seems that Terri Horman is involved in a relationship with a man who was a classmate of her soon to be ex. The relationship started AFTER the disappearance of Kyron. So, while the rest of the world grieves, Terri was sending naked pictures of herself and having sex with Michael Cook. Terri is also accused of letting Cook see the sealed restraining order and he took pictures of it. He also looked up the address of Kaine Horman and may have been following him. Why? Well, according to Kaine Horman, Terri has been following him to work to try and find a perfect time to kidnap the daughter the couple had together.


  1. I just hope the little boy is found safe and sound.

  2. This reached a tipping point of weirdness and twists some time ago and I remember saying -- here, at CDAN I think -- that it almost certainly means we haven't seen and can't imagine the full extent of crazy yet to come out in this case.

  3. I don't care how many men this woman sleeps with. I just want to see that baby home safe with his family. Unfortunately, it's looking more and more like that's not going to happen. I can't imagine the pain his mother is feeling right now.

  4. That woman sounds worse and worse every day. Please let that adorable, sweet little boy be safe and come home.

  5. That child is not coming home safe and sound. This latest act confirms it in my mind. In her twisted head she probably figured she could grab her daughter and leave the country with her new boyfriend to escape facing punishment for her step son's death. This woman is one sick b*tch.

  6. Unfortunately I think the boy has probably been killed. Poor, sweet angel. :-( There is no doubt in my mind the stepmom had something to do with it. What I do not understand is why, when the boy didn't show up at school and was marked absent, the school did not call to ask where he was and why the parents didn't call to say he would be absent. This is standard practice for all schools no matter how large and has been for at least 20-some years. To me, this is the biggest hole in the story.

    My thoughts: the school DID call and Stepmom lied and said he was sick and then played dumb when he didn't show up after school.

  7. that child prob has been gone since the day hewent missing,how tragic that this MONSTER is still out amongs us! i don't get it!

  8. Really? What the fuck is wrong with this woman? I have no doubt she has something to do with this... I also cannot imagine what the other parties are going through. Watching the real mom speak was heartbreaking.

    Thoughts go out to Kaine and his family..

  9. I just can't stand looking at those photos of Kyron so happy at the amusement park. It just makes me cry and get sick to my stomach. I just don't understand how people can hurt kids. And I just don't know how his mom and dad are making it day to day.

  10. @chopchop: the policy around here was to call after 3 days of absence. because at that point they wouldn't let your kid back to school without a doctor's note. not for the safety of your child.
    my kids are 24 and 29. los angeles county.

  11. That poor boy. I fear the worst. You can tell by this crazy bitch's actions that she feels pretty confident that no one will ever find his body. Let's just pray that she becomes so overconfident that she'll start blabbing to someone and they will go to the police. These kind of people always end up being their own worst enemy in the end and tip their hand. She sure lives up to the sterotypical "evil step-mother" doesn't she? Too bad. There are lots of really great stepmoms and stepdads out there.

  12. Thanks, bb. I guess it's not as prevalent a rule as I thought. So if your kid goes to the bus stop but never arrives at school, a parent wouldn't be notified until several hours later? That is scary. :-( My DDs' school calls home or work if a child doesn't show up and a parent hasn't called in. Even my high school which had 1200+ kids did the same, and this was back in the 90's. Not only did they do it for the child's safety, but also to bust those who skipped school.

    The school hasn't said much so I'm guessing they've been ordered to keep quiet ... so this is all speculation at this point.

  13. To begin with, I am not convinced yet that Michael Cook & Terri just started their fling in late June. Nor am I thinking that he took up with her because of her intoxicating beauty.

    I'm wondering what his motives are? How long before the sex photos show up on TMZ and the world can see for themselves if Red is a real redhead?

    Gee, and I wonder who it was that leaked the details of the RO to the papers?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. What kind of slob of a an would want a woman who may have killed her step son - must be a real winner. I thought at first this was a case of nest purification - she had her own child and didn't want the one what wasn't hers around anymore. *poor kid* now I'm not so sure, this may have always been about hurting the father. A restraining order must not be much comfort if she was able to find another lunatic to help her kill Kaine in a matter of weeks. The police need to arrest her, if only as a material witness. Kaine is most likely going to end up dead too if she's running around.

    She's such a nasty looking woman and of course the whole killing tiny kids thing - what is attracting any man to her?

  16. I was thinking the same thing. What is attracting these men to this ugly thing?
    I would be happily surprised if they found the little boy alive. I think she killed him the first day he went missing.

  17. @ChopChop - I wondered the same thing. I think my sister's kids school calls after a days absence & I'm positive mine did.

    Her post missing kid behavior, again, reminds me much of Casey Anthony's.

    I hope the (soon to be ex) husband has security/bodyguards. They don't have enough evidence (SOMETHING???) to hold this crazy mofo?
