Monday, July 05, 2010

Tammy Lynn Michaels Says Melissa Etheridge Lied To Her Again

I get the feeling that Tammy Lynn Michaels is a trusting kind of person. She obviously believes that whatever Melissa tells her must be the truth. This, despite the fact that she has already accused Melissa of going back on her word before. Well, on Friday, Melissa filed papers to end their legal partnership and again she caught Tammy by surprise. The great thing about Tammy's blog is that you can feel the emotion. It is not some carefully crafted or worded statement from a publicist, it is her true feelings and it makes you empathize.

SMACK!!!!!!!!!!!! FILE FOR DIVORCE!!!!!! even though we both promised agreed handshook pinkyswore no filing until after tour in the fall her broken promises told to me by headlines

Now, if you are like me, a pinky swear is the ultimate. You just cannot break a pinky swear. At the same time, you don't often see exes who are allegedly fighting all the time doing pinky swears. Even though it is just touching fingers it is kind of intimate. Wonder if they had some ex sex.

Tammy also says she has absolutely no money.

i gave up my managers, agents, contacts, all that good stuff, because i stepped directly into potty training a small boy, and carrying around a small girl on my hip. both excellent souls. and i was a very huge part in raising them for many many years while She with the Guitar focused on her Guitar. the other week i had to borrow money from a friend. two weeks ago i had to scrape together $1.25 to pay for gas. i know she doesn't want to give me money. trust. i'm borrowing cash left and right from people to get through this summer, and feed my kids, with a stomach full of ulcers, thank you. no stress here. :-)

I wish she would use some capitalization, but I get the point. Also, umm, how far are you going to get on $1.25 worth of gas? Does she have a moped?

She also says that she spoke to Melissa the night before Melissa filed, but Melissa did not say a word.

o now.... to open the lap top.... and read the headlines.... when i just spoke to the fame crawler yesterday.... she could have mentioned it..... and hmmm.... wants some custody of kids.... interesting.... but no $ support for me... interesting as well.... so so so interesting, there, melissa. practicing what we preach is always hard for americans, i think. (is that why you and rick warren got along so well? ) oh, the nights of promises.... "tammy, if i ever leave you, it's because i'm crazy, and you have to come find me and get me and save me!!! we have to be together forever!" (remember that one, lucky?)

I have to say that I have been on Tammy's side on this. I think Melissa is screwing her over and probably has someone else already. Didn't Tammy stick by Melissa through all the cancer drama? Never wavered. I would feel pretty crappy too.


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