Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sean Kingston Accused Of Assault

Police in Seattle were called to a hotel room Sunday night where Sean Kingston had been staying. According to TMZ, two women showed up at Kingston's hotel room and they were drunk and had brought even more booze with them.

One woman said she had sex with Kingston and then Sean went to a different room on the same floor of the hotel to go to sleep. Then, the woman who said she had sex with Sean had sex with two other men who were in the room and the other woman also had sex with someone in the room.

The hotel says that an ambulance was called that night and that the two women, ages 19 and 20 were transported to the emergency room. The police originally wanted to interview Kingston but determined later that he had nothing to do with anything and that no charges would be filed. Meanwhile it sounds like the women already have a lawyer and are going to file a civil lawsuit.

You know I abhor sexual assault, and think it is one of the most hateful crimes imaginable. But at the same time I also hate when false accusations of sexual assault are thrown around because then it makes it that much more difficult to have real assault charges stick or women to feel comfortable filing charges. To me it sounds like the women just wanted to have sex with a famous guy and if they could make a few bucks doing it so much the better.


  1. Who the hell is Sean Kingston?

  2. somebody called 911 - seany's on the floor

  3. Ha Heatherhug, I'm with you! "Famous"???...Who the f is Sean Kingston?

  4. First off.. I don't know who this dude is either?!?

    Secondly, the story is so strangely vague.. So, the girls admitted to haveing sex with multiple people? But now their going to cry assult? So strange.

    I also hate it when women cry rape and it is not justified. It can be really damaging to men...I had a co-worker do that to one of her friends, and it was very horrifying to watch go down. I actually didn't believe HER story...And she totally ruined this poor guys life...

  5. Sean Kingston is a rapper/singer.

  6. Maybe, just maybe, men ought to start thinking about who they're having sex with. Just maybe. Dumbass.

  7. He used the sample of "Stand by Me" Ben E King in a track a couple of summers I believe, and Scott Storch produced it.

    Is there a paragraph missing? The story doesn't make much sense.

  8. I know these women are adults, but still. Where are their parents for them to be behaving this way?!

  9. Sounds like groupies just trying to cash in, imo.

  10. This is what happens when you let strangers in your life becuase you think you can scam a free piece of ass. And then you take it in the ass financially becuase you got conned.

    Disgusting they tried to cry rape to get over on the men. Glad the cops saw through it.

    As far as I remember Sean Kingston is a one hit wonder from a few years ago. I can't even remember the song.

  11. The men should be careful about which women they take to the sheets; if she looks like a 'ho, she probably is, plain and simple.

    At the same time, the women who get caught up in this need to show more respect for themselves. One day, they will be mothers. They will have sons and daughters. The sons will grow up to mistreat women because that's what they have learned from the examples their mothers set for them by being loose. The young girls will become just like their mothers for that same reason. The result will be absolute tragedy.

  12. Maybe the girls got in between Sean and a double cheeseburger?

  13. "But at the same time I also hate when false accusations of sexual assault are thrown around because then it makes it that much more difficult to have real assault charges stick or women to feel comfortable filing charges."

    Agree 100%

  14. He sat on her and she felt raped?
    His videos are so funny, He sings a high energy dance song surrounded by lots of humpers and bumpers but he barely moves, to avoid heart failure.

  15. If you are drunk you cannot give legal consent.

  16. Amen, Enty!!

    Sounds fake to me.

    LOL @canadachick

    That song'll be stuck in my head from now on now....
