Monday, July 19, 2010

Russian National Orchestra Founder & Grammy Winner Accused Of Raping 14 Year Old Boy

Last week, the founder of the Russian National Orchestra, and Grammy winning pianist Mikhail Pletnev was arrested in Thailand after he was accused of raping a 14 year old boy. When police arrested him they also found lots of other photographs of him in sexual positions with other underage boys.

Pletnev was released on bail last week but showed up in court today and will have to show up every 12 days until the case is settled. For the first time since his arrest he spoke to reporters and said that this is all lies and just all one big misunderstanding. Uh huh. Probably research or something like that.

The Grammy he won back in 2005 was for an arrangement of Cinderella.


  1. Ugh, is today pedophile rapist day? I'm going to go look at some fluffy kitty pictures to clear them from my mind. :(

  2. was it rape or rape-rape? someone get whoopi on the phone!

  3. He better get his ass to Switzerland, STAT.

  4. I will get the eye bleach out and pass it around.

  5. sex tourists...happens all the time. it's awful that that is what Thailand is being known for...and more awful that it is so readily available and paid for.

  6. I feel so bad for the children in Thailand who get sucked into the sex trade business. That country is becoming too well known as a place to get ahold of children. Sad.

  7. I just don't understand these people, I really don't. How can they not care about what they're putting the children through?!? When you lack any sort of compassion for the people hurt by your abuse, you need to be locked up for good.

  8. Does he feel he's not guilty because he believes it to be right or some other technicality?

    More and more, I'm disgusted by the human race :(

  9. He *might* be able to talk himself out of the rape, but there's no way of getting out of the pictures. Sick, twisted idiot.

    Can I call it early - he will off himself.

  10. JJ,they never do. Their types often think they are innocent and the truth will prevail.

  11. Many years ago when I was a teenager and home sick I watched Donahue. The show was about MANBLA a group of men who like little/teen boys and think it is a " natural expression of LOVE".
    These twists believe the most disgusting shite to justify being a child rapist.

    I think the peverted SOB on that show scared me more then any horror movie ever could.

  12. sunnyside1213,

    Thanks for the eye bleach, I would now like to extend it to my entire body.

    YUCK! Lock them up for life. They reoffend, they are disgusting, they cannot be rehabilitated. What a depressing start to my CDAN fix.

    Enty, can we have some kindnesses this week to make up for it please? Thanks.

  13. How can this be in his head? Maybe it's in their mind that it is wrong, and that is attractive. It's so gross!

  14. It's the Roman Polanski's of the world that lead them to believe that they can get away with it. Perhaps Whoopi secretly wishes to take the little boys' place.

  15. "I am a man of honour" - NO, you are NOT. I'm sure he's best friends with Gary Glitter. They both belong in front of a firing squad.
