Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Real Housewives Parenting Tip #46

In another edition of Real Housewives Parenting this time we will focus on Alexis Bellino from the RHOC. Well, Alexis and her husband Jim decided to take their two kids to the pool. That is a nice family experience. Showing that she has had more botox then sense, Alexis decided to park the stroller containing her two toddlers about two feet from the edge of the pool. You know, so the kids could be close.

Well, after leaving the kids next to the pool, Alexis and her husband decided to saunter away from the pool. The next thing you know the stroller is in the pool, and the lifeguard is pulling the stroller and one child out while Jim, finally waking up jumped in and grabbed the other child. Both of the kids are fine and to celebrate the parents decided to drive home with the kids on their laps and no seat belts while letting them hang out the car and wave to trucks. But that is for the next edition of Real Housewives Parenting Tips.


  1. Poor kiddies. They are going to be lucky if they make it to kindergarten alive. Hope their parenting skills are being challenged.

  2. Bravo really goes for quality when they look for subjects for these pathetic shows, don't they? Bravo should be renamed to Side Show.

  3. geez. Where is CPS when you need them? How very sad for these poor children - heaven only knows what kind of danger they are in when the cameras aren't rolling.

  4. The rich should just leave the parenting to those who know best..............THEIR NANNIES lol

  5. they are such pieces of shit!

  6. That woman irritates me like finger nails on a chalk board.. Urgh.

  7. They were at the Balboa Bay Club, one of the most douchetastic settings in all of Orange County.

  8. Don't get me started on these assholes....

  9. That's what happens when you have a nanny for each child you yourself never learn how to parent

  10. Btw, that photo is more flattering than they deserve. Those are two unattractive people(inside and out).

  11. Anonymous1:39 PM

    They look like trailer trash.

  12. Ha! I remember them saying in one episode( don't ask how I remembered) God is number one in our life, two is our marriage and three is our kids. That's probably why I remembered it...They put themselves before their kids. Here's a good example...
