Monday, July 26, 2010

Randy Travis Cheating With His Dentist's Wife

While the news is kind of sad, I actually am excited to write about some juicy gossip that has nothing to do with the wastes of space that have been dominating the tabloids the past few weeks

Randy Travis was caught cheating on his wife of 18 years by, well, his wife Lib Hatcher. It turns out that Lib had a feeling that Randy was cheating on her so she installed some spy cameras inside Randy Travis's tour bus. She grew suspicious when she was at the dentist's office getting her teeth cleaned and Randy took a walk outside with the wife. Well it turns out Lib's hunch was correct and the spy cameras also worked. Randy flew the wife out to several shows across the country and had sex with her on his bus. He also had encounters with her a Nashville condo he owns.

The wife of the dentist is 51 which is the same age as Randy. She has two kids. Randy's wife is 69.


  1. Michael K will be devastated that such a glamorous woman has been WRONGED!

    Seriously, though, that's sad. :-(

  2. I think she looks great! Randy is a different story, though!!

  3. To understand the irony here, you must know that Lib cheated on her husband with Randy. Don't feel too sorry for her.

    The conspiracy theory here also would be that there have been gay rumors forever about Randy and that Lib's "affair" with him (she is his manager) was a cover and that this rumor is floating because someone is planning to "expose" his sexuality now.

    Just sayin'!

    Randy's a sweet guy. I never believed the gay rumors and I know Lib's ex-husband didn't either. Lib is NOT well-liked in Nashville. Randy is much loved.

  4. Kind of a jerky thing for him to do, and it's too bad it's become a news story.

    I can't say we were closer than a few feet away from Randy Travis at Naperville's Rib Fest (we were volunteering there) a few years back, but he did come across as a nice, genuine type of guy, and didn't expect anyone to treat him as anything special.

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  6. Wow, nunaurbiz! That is amazing info...And, I don't feel as sorry for her now. I'd actually be pissed if my husband installed camera's in my private areas...

  7. i was just going to remind people that lib cheated on her husband with randy so thank you.
    not excusing his cheating but what goes around, comes around once again.

  8. aww lib, dontcha know it always ends how it starts...

  9. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

  10. Lordy, he looks about 80.

  11. I really can't feel sorry for Lib because like other's have said - she cheated on her husband with Randy.

    I would like to say that Randy is looking terrible (not that he ever looked good as far as I was concerned). Lib is now looking almost younger than Randy. LOL!

  12. Who said, "Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy, fat women."

  13. Anonymous12:37 PM

    This story is funny.

  14. Sunnyside - as soon as you direct me to a female car mechanic - I'm on board.

  15. But will she divorce him? My bet says no.

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  17. This didn't last forever and ever amen.

  18. @bits of moxy - this is a link to an all-female mechanic/garage here in Vancouver. It is apparently run by all lesbians and by all accounts is one of the best and most honest mechanics in the city. Love it! Might be a bit far for you, though?

  19. I think she floated this out there because someone is getting ready to espose her meal tickets

    There is no way he cheated on Libby, not in a million years. He married that old hag in the first place, he loves her in the 2nd place.

    However, there is a second theory! She cheated on him! So she wants to note that the guy who married her old hag ass started the unfaithfulness. She's not nice.

  20. Anonymous1:03 PM

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  21. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Never thought Randy T. would be the type to cheat.

  22. I remember Randy as a mentor on American Idol. He was such a prick to Adam Lambert and was fixated on the fact that Adam wore nail polish. I remember thinking he came across as a nasty, old homophobe.

  23. if he cheats WITH you, he'll cheat ON you.

  24. Did the dentist install those horse teeth before or after the affair?

  25. i'm more fixated on icecat having camera's installed in her "private areas"!

  26. "Who wrinkled my Randy Travis poster, pissed the seat, and hid my keys?!" =Tourette's Guy, Best of (2 of 4). Aahaha thank you for reminding me of him!

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