Friday, July 23, 2010

Random Photos Part Two

Jennifer Aniston leaving England after a very quick trip.
Joseph Gordon Levitt gets some sweat from a can.
Good news for all you Joe Manganiello fans. He got promoted and is going to be a regular next year on True Blood.
John Mayer - New York City
Jerry O'Connell and Paul Scheer realize they got their purses mixed up.
Kristin Davis looks great here.
"Mommy needs to get paid, so look happy."
Kate Hudson and the guy from Muse who will break up with her soon.
I wonder if someone really asked Kate Walsh for an over the shoulder pose.
Lindsay Price is very very shiny.
Glad to see Michael C Hall recovering well from his fight with cancer.
Meanwhile his wife, Jennifer Carpenter, hung out with James Remar.
There should be a rule that all Miss USA winners need to wear their sash. Otherwise they are unrecognizable.


  1. I like jennifer aniston.

    John Mayers pants look like they came from KMart-in 1972

  2. Muse>Kate Hudson

    OMG I just read that pic of Kate and her 8 was taken in Alaska where she's camping with Sarah Palin and family. Famewhores unite!

  3. Jennifer Aniston is so beautiful, but I never get much of a "sexy" vibe from her. My husband says the same.

  4. Ohhhhh Joe, I can see you being trouble for Sookie and Bill with ya phyne ass, mmmmm, you can definitely get it! lol

  5. Matt Bellamy sounded really in love with Kate(I don't know why) in that previous interview. Weird how she manages to be with a lot of musicians, she's such a groupie..I mean a band-aid.

  6. Maybe someday the Gosselin kids will be able to pick out their own, non-matching clothes. Children are not a set of dishes.

    Free the 8!

  7. If Kristin Davis ever wanted some company, i am more than willing.... just saying.

  8. ok.

    im in pa right now and it is as hot as a mofo, the humidity is ridic. where the f is kate and those kids that they need long sleeves and vests?? i thought everywhere in the country was pretty toasty right now...

  9. Kate G. and Sarah P. camping together? Where's Dick Cheney and his loaded shotgun when you need him?

  10. thank you Paisley. When I see photos of them I wonder when they will be allowed to wear their own clothes. I'm sure they brought it up but Kate beat it out of them.

    Oh - and lovely photo pf the wolfman from True Blood! he is yummy - as are most of the rest of the men on the show.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. sweet jesus that body on Alcide is too much.
    if he does an Eric scene ala Bill and Sam, i might actually loose it!

  13. JG-L needs me in a can, I could make him sweat.

    Too much?

  14. Dammit *chiuahuense*, you beat me to it!! I would love to make Joseph Gordon Levitt sweaty.... SOOO HOTTT!

    Also, I love Jennifer Aniston's outfit, she looks so polished and nice.

    I really need to start watching True Blood... wow. I have some laundry to scrub on those washboard abs!

  15. Joe Manganiello now that's a man with a body!

    To the Taylor Lautner's of the world take a look. Someday when you grow up maybe you too could look like that.

    I'd love to see Joe in a FFF picture.

  16. Looks like an Angelina look-a-like, something's off with the face. And why would she be at comic con when she's out promoting Salt? I don't think it's really her.

  17. Good for Joe Six-Pack, but what about Don Swayze? RrrrAAAAAWWWrrrrr.

  18. It's nice to see Michael C Hall looking so well. I'm really looking forward to the next series of Dexter.

  19. Michael C Hall looks a little pale, but it could just be the lighting.

    Kate Hudson is such a slut. Someone really needs to make a timeline of who she has dated. Her list is LONG.

  20. Kate Hudson needs to stop with that little bun on top of her head.

  21. Love, Jennifer's outfit, especially the jacket.

  22. Kate Hudson did play Penny Lane in Almost Famous, her breakout role. Hmmm....

  23. saw michael hall at the market a few weeks back-looks HOT! taller than i thought...cut him and jen off walking (sorry email me for a canning class comp!!)
    now back to alcide! lol

  24. Kristin Davis looks great anywhere.

    Ugh, those "washboard abs" gross me out. I like a guy with a nice round squishy belly.

  25. Who Kate Hudson has dated:

    Not really good choices but not real slut material either, surprisingly. Surprised she dated Lance Armstrong. The whole One-Nut thing scares me.
