Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Random Photos Part Two

Interesting date. Arpad Busson spends time with his rhino horn eating ex Elle Macpherson and his current girlfriend, Uma Thurman.
I wonder how much crap Hank Baskett gets from his teammates about Kendra.
Helen Hunt is back on Broadway. Last night was her first performance.
Long time no see Hugh Jackman. He is filming a new movie in Detroit.
Jessica Alba must have got a deal on these types of dresses. It seems like yesterday's was almost the same.
It's Jesus. No, not Madonna's boyfriend, but Jesus Jesus, Jim Caveziel.
Jennifer Garner without the kids. And dressed up.
Justin Tranter meets his fans in New York.
Larry David and Rosie filming Curb Your Enthusiasm. What was it, like 400 degrees in New York yesterday? Must have been fun.
Leonardo explains how he is a big fan of breasts.
Just because we have not seen Linda Hogan or her now legal boyfriend in awhile.


  1. I was actually in Mason, Mi the other day and Hugh Jackman was there.He was filming a scene at the court house for a movie called "Real Steel". My God, those arms mmmmmm. I watched for awhile.

  2. Re: last picture of creepy old woman - Is it not a crime to defile the American flag by fashioning a bra with its likeness?

    It's like she's doing it on purpose, wearing it right next to the flag itself!

  3. Linda Hogan - put it away. Please.

    If that's Elle's secret, I'll just have to grow old gracefully. Shame on her.

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I can't stand the homewrecker Elle.

    Another Slut Kandra.

    Haven't seen Helen Hunt in a long time.

    Jessica A. looks cute.

    Jim C. looks like he gained weight. Not bad.

    I really don't like Jennifer G.

    Leo must be talking about his gf Raf.

    Eeeewwww trashy Linda Hogan. She looks ridiculous.

  5. nasty linda and dude

  6. Linda Hogan has the death grip on her "man". And she looks like she wants to jump inside that phone to hear both sides of the conversation.

  7. The last picture is foul.

  8. I want Jessica Alba's dress.

  9. Linda Hogan's now legal boyfriend is starting to look like her loser son. Not a good look

  10. I'm telling you, Helen Hunt is the answer to some of these blinds about drug use/abuse. I hate to think Coke mom, but I kinda think it. She looks awful. Everything went downhill for her after she married Hank Azaria after all those years of bring with him, and they ended up divorcing. Then she did the single mom thing .. I don't know if there ever was a reveal on who the dad was.

    Google her and look at the array of pix that first come up. You can see it all coming apart.

    And I LOVE her. Love her love her love her.

    But something's really really wrong.

    As for Linda Hogan ... not worth the space on your site, Enty.

  11. why is Helen Hunt's forehead a foot tall? It's as big as the lower part of her face. It's shocking to see in the photos -- I can't imagine how bizarre it must look in real life

  12. I bet Jessica A gets a super great deal on all dresses. That is, FREE.

  13. Elle eats rhino horn? And whose marriage did she break up?

    Re Hank and Kendra: It seems like most athletes are married to bimbos.

    @white lorelei - I'd always heard that Helen and Hank were beard and merkin. Pity. I love Hank Azaria.

    Looks as if Jim Caveziel borrowed his granda's polyester slacks. Not a good look he's sporting there...

    Linda Hogan desperately trying to look youthful. Blurg...

  14. Unfortunately, Helen Hunt definitely has a fivehead, maybe even a sixhead.
    Awww, Mrs. Hulk and her son at the marina. Cute!

  15. I think Jim Cavaziel looks HOT. Yowza. Come to mama.

    Think Hank really gets crap from his teammates? He's banging a playmate and laughing all the way to the bank.

  16. I can't really judge the guy in the mullet and wife beater hanging onto his meal ticket. Not after the day I had at work. Sometimes I think a sugar daddy would be nice.

  17. Yup Hank had a kid with her & now he is STUCK.
    And Rosie could stand to lose a few THOUSAND calories bring on the heat.

  18. What do you guys know about Elle as a home wrecker???
    Okay, I want Linda's mirror!

  19. @Goodgrief.... Is Hugh actually filming in the Detroit area, or is he out that way? Cause I'm in Metro Detroit and will go stalk the man!!

  20. i thought helen and hank never married.. and also thought there were no children. i was always so crushed that she dumped him...

    could be leo is just discussing his real estate holdings:
    he's got " HUGE tracts of land...

  21. Blogger B626 said...

    Yup Hank had a kid with her & now he is STUCK.

    Since when guys are the one *STUCK* with children? Especially star athletes?

  22. Amy- I'm in Detroit Metro too!

    He's filming in Mason and some scenes they're doing up in Cadillac I heard.

  23. Elle is a beautiful woman but she looks so desperate in that photo "look at me, look at ME!"...she looks like she stole some high schooler's Sadie Hawkins gown...I mean is that taffeta?! Uma couldn't care less.

  24. @Bionic Bunny
    hahahahaha...I got it! HUGE tracts of land...LOL

    We're knights of the Round Table,
    we dance whene'er we're able.
    We do routines
    and chorus scenes
    with footwork impec-cable...

    (Love that movie)

  25. Amy, he was filming in Mason which is a suburb of Lansing. The filming took place last Thursday and Friday. I think it was just a few scenes here at the court house. I'm not sure where they are now, could be Detroit I guess. He seems like a very nice guy and took time out for pics and handshakes with the fans watching.

  26. @white lorelei.. you don't think it could just be that Helen Hunt isnt aging well at all and she just doesn't do the whole botox/ plastic surgery thing? She is pushing 50. I too love love love her and would really hate to think she's into drugs.

  27. Props for the Semi Precious Weapons ... erm, props! Love that band.

  28. I saw that Linda Hogan halter top at the WalMart this morning. KLASSY.
