Thursday, July 01, 2010

Random Photos Part Three

So, I was wrong about Killers being the worst movie of the year and wrong about Knight & Day being the worst movie of the year. It is actually Last Airbender. Awful. Here at the premiere are Dev Patel and M. Night Shyamalan, the man responsible for the disaster.
At least Dev can go home at the end of the night with Freida Pinto.
Tracy Morgan seemed pretty happy to be there. That was before it started though.
And for Danielle Staub's next sex tape...
Speaking of porn, doesn't this look like the beginning of a really bad porn movie starring Alex Rodriguez.
They changed clothes on the Ellen Barkin stand and pose doll.
Elizabeth Banks having a great time on the set of her new movie. Is that Josh Duhamel?
Eric Clapton - Cincinnati
The only elephant in the world who matches Elizabeth Hurley's dress.
Goldie Hawn went with something more subtle.
Now how come we can't have Elle Macpherson host ANTM? Why do the British get her?
Ed Norton looks pretty damn good here.
And if you ever were curious about Ed Westwick's tongue, here you go.


  1. Balls to the Wall starring A Rod.

  2. Airbender is getting bad reviews? Aww man the trailers for the movie look good. But I am not surprised M Night Shymalan hasn't had a good movie in quite some time.

    Where has Ed Norton been? I love him, he is a great actor.

    I want Elle's shoes.

  3. Ugh... @Danielle's sex tape, as if one wasn't bad enough.
    -I have always had a soft spot for Edward Norton.
    -Please! more Chuck Bass ♥ not Ed Westwick, it's a Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde situation.

  4. m. knight had one good movie---'the sixth sense.' everything since has sucked balls.

    goldie dear, nobody wants to look at your 65 year old tits.

  5. I tell ya what, I've always had a crush on Ed Norton, too (with the exception of the time he was with Courtney Love BLECH!) and I swear, that man is aging WELL!!!!!!

  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again: WTF is up with Danielle AND Ellen Barkin's face? Do they really, truly look in the mirror and think that looks good? They PAID for that shit, y'all. This is what you look like when you try and stop aging ... and yet people keep doing it! DEAR GOD MAKE IT STOP. Having a face as wrinkly as a Shar Pei puppy is ten thousand times better than the desperate plastic surgery of an aging actor/actress.

  7. They changed clothes on the Ellen Barkin stand and pose doll.

    LOL Enty!

  8. unf ed norton.
    i hope he's a reveal for something. like a nice thing he's done.

  9. I saw "Knight and Day" this week. It wasn't bad at all if you went into just looking for a hour and a half of action sequences and great set locations. It requires a HUGE suspension of belief, but so do all the Bond and Bourne movies. If you hate Tom Cruise, you'll hate the movie. If you don't really have strong feelings about him one way or the other, you'll enjoy it. I doubt that I'd watch it again, but I thought it was fun. I've sat through much, much worse, some of which is considered "art".

  10. i just refuse to put any money into tom's pocket---or the 'church'of scientology's coffers. that's why i won't see it or anything else he's in.

  11. Why on earth does M.Night Shamalala keep getting funded to make more movies? Nancer's right, one good movie & a string of crap thereafter.

    I'm coming back in my next life with Elle's body, Salma's face, if all goes acccording to plan.

    I did not need that visual w/ the bowling pin.

  12. @Nancer...M Night made two good movies...The Sixth Sense and Signs.

  13. My God Elle is good looking. Like 100x better looking than Giselle.

  14. totally agree with chopchop

  15. Craaaaaaaap! I promised to take my son to that airbender movie this weekend. Oh welll....

  16. My husband is a huge Shayamalan fan, and will watch any and all of his movies, but when he saw the 4% rating on Rotten Tomatoes for The Last Airbender, that was too terrible even for my husband to ignore. It might be the first of his movies we don't have to watch.

    And for the record, I enjoyed Unbreakable, The Happening, and Signs (in addition to The Sixth Sense). The worst one IMHO is Lady in the Water.

  17. Goldie may be in her 60's but I am pretty darn sure those plastic tits are ALOT younger.
    Born sometime in the
    late 80's/early 90's?

  18. I saw Airbender yesterday knowing full-well the horrible reviews. My siblings and I had low expectations but went in thinking, "It's bad but it can't be that bad."

    We were half-right. It wasn't that bad, it was WORSE. I posted on my fb status update that a group of blind monkeys typing out random words could have written a better script. That the actors were so wooden as to give wood a bad name. It was a criminal misuse of Dev Patel.

    We still don't understand how M Night could eff it up so much, considering he had a really strong source material to base the movie on! Fans of the cartoon have every right to be in an uproar over this piece of crap. Save your money, go watch Inception instead. :P



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