Monday, July 12, 2010

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Princess Beatrice on a yacht with her long time boyfriend.
Pendulum - Novi Sad, Serbia
You would think that after all of these years, Carmen Electra would just want to someday pose like someone who is not trying to be sexy.
Rod Stewart still looking good on vacation in Europe.
Reese Witherspoon at a Dennis Hopper art exhibit.
Also there were Selma Blair and Liv Tyler.
Sandra Bullock taking Louis on a flight.
Snoop is very, very shiny.
Steve Nash and his daughter watching the World Cup final.
Well, if Sylvester Stallone ever starts shooting heroin, I am pretty sure he will be able to find a vein.
Not really The Gods Must Be Crazy, but Thomas Jane is probably a fan of it anyway.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Reese is overdoing the pee-pee pose.

  3. I never understood when men marry the exact clone of their ex wife. Rod Stewarts wife looks just like Rachel Hunter, wtf?!?!

    Louis is such a cutie lil chubsy wubsy lol

  4. i will forever love thomas jane because of 'hung.' i adore that show and he's wonderful on it.

  5. I'd like to see a line-up with all Rod's wives and see if we could get the names right.

    Mama'ing sure seems natural for Sandra. Her son is a doll.

  6. Reese looks weird, maybe is the pee pee pose or the skinny frame or her blonde/white hair. All of them?
    -WTF! Stallone's arms are freaky.

  7. super cute pic of princess bea.

    the blurred out little boy in r-stewart pic is creepy.

    reese's frock is the perfect bloat day dress. love it.

    baby bullock don't play. what a cutie.

  8. Baby Louis, what a hulkster!

    There is no denying Sly's stature. He's not much taller than that newspaper stand :/

    I hope Adidas made a special edition, just for Snoop, because I'd laugh out loud if I came across the shiny in public.

  9. Minus the veins I have to say Sly is lookin pretty damn good.. maybe it's the sunglasses?

    I too loooovve Thomas Jane especially in Hung but wtf is up with him always wearing those toe/sock/shoe thingys? lol guess he likes his comfort. He could walk around in a paper bag and I wouldn't mind. I do think when ever he walks around he should have the theme song from Hung playing in the background though. Best. Intro. Ever! lol

  10. Maybe it's just me but Reese looks too skinny? Her legs mainly.

    Louis might be cutest baby evah!

    Sly's arms are scarier than Reese's legs or, dare I say, Tori's boobs!

  11. Reese's legs look SKINNY. What a strange outfit for her to be wearing. Just very unlike her usual choices.

  12. goddamn Thomas Jane is so damn yummy.

  13. What in the heck did Sandy do to her face? :(

  14. Stallone has lost a bunch of weight.

  15. reese looks pregnant to me.

  16. Yay! Never thought I'd ever read a comment about Gods Must be Crazy on a gossip blog, thanks enty! You've turned a lurker into a poster:]

  17. @nancer: Been lovin' TJ for a long time and SOOOO glad he got "Hung" (pun intended)

    @Danielle: As long as he's out and about without Patty, I'm OK with it ;-)

  18. PS: Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks Bea's honey looks like Daddy did years ago....? EEK!

  19. How does Reese stand on those skinny legs?

    Well done on the pee pose, it makes your hips look a lot skinnier in the dress.


  20. Carmen always looks like she is trying too hard. Ick. Nast.

    Thank you Thank you Thank you for the Steve Nash photo. Total freaking hotness..Oh lookie---he's not wearing his wedding band..hmmmm.

  21. Reese may have had to trim down a bit for her role as Marlena, in Water For Elephants, which she is filming now. That is also why her hair is really blonde. That's exactly how the character is. Very petite with platinum blonde hair!

  22. @nfr

    I LOVED The Gods Must Be Crazy! Sometimes I make those 'boing pbop' type sounds with my mouth & my husband knows exactly what I'm doing cause he saw it, too!

    Still laugh at fire-stomping rhinos.

  23. reease looks great! re Rod Stwarts twin wives: Men marry physical clones because they are visual creatures, and they have a "type"-I bet she doesnt act like Rachel!
