Thursday, July 01, 2010

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Four parts today.

Maggie Griffin has the greatest title for a book ever. How can you not love a woman who
boozes it up at a book signing.
Probably not boozing it up is Mark Feuerstein at the NYSE promoting Royal Pains.
Michael Strahan and Nicole Murphy at a friend's birthday party.
I feel like there should be some kind of Beefeater joke here, but Beatrice and Eugenie are royalty so don't know if it would be appropriate. But now, I want some gin.
Does Prince Michael Jackson also have vitiligo?
Rachel Dratch and Amy Poehler on the red carpet.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Smashing Pumpkins - Los Angeles


  1. Maybe Michael is really the kids father if the kid has Vitaligo.
    I wasn't sure if Mike used his juice to get the kids or not.

  2. Interesting on the vitaligo...

    Amy and Rachel aren't too dressed up for a red carpet. Shhh... I think Amy might be pregnant.

    None of those royals turn out good looking.

  3. Beatrice and Eugenie are actually with a Chelsea Pensioner, eg a life serviceman who has retired to the lovely Royal Hospital Chelsea, which also contains a nursing home for elderly ex servicemen.

  4. Princess Beatrice always has the crazy eyes.

  5. (1) Kathy Griffin and her mom Maggie are the greatest. I love her mother and she's is having the time of her life now. Good for her.

    (2) Interesting on MJ's son having vitaligo. Playing devil's advocate, maybe MJ saw that the son was born with vitaligo and latched on that as an excuse for his own lightening. I dont know if MJ talked about the vitaligo before his son was born but its a thought.

    (3) Strahan & Eddie Murphy's ex. I heard stories that she was cheating on him and Strahan catching her but still staying with her. Wow.

    (4) For royalty the sisters arent the prettiest but who say royalty have to be classically beautiful.

    3 more days till the reveals. I cant freaking wait.

  6. Borg Queen, I never bought the vitaligo, but apparently it was in his autopsy. I didn't know it was inherited, though. Or it could be a birthmark, and that's why he picked the kid, because he thought that one day, if it was ever seen then, ppl would be more likely to believe MJ was the father.

    Beautiful readers, yesterday too!

    Kathy cracks me up. My husband can't stand her, but she has me crying.

  7. Honestly I think part of Prince's spray tan is coming off. The kids have been on vacation for a while, I'm sure someone else would have noticed that.

  8. Watch all of them be his bio-babies. Now that actually would be somewhat shocking. Heh.

  9. 'Royal Pains' is perfect summer tv. Fun and not at all serious. And if you miss an episode, you don't really miss anything.

  10. Beatrice has a weird face.
    -Vitiligo? maybe..birthmark?
    -Hi readers! Cute pics, come on...almost nobody says who they are ;)

  11. Vitiligo is a genetic disorder, but it is recessive. My brother has it, but no one else in the (immediate) family do. So it does not frequently appear, even among those with the gene.

    Bro's spots look exactly like that, so I would assume he has it, too.

  12. I think Andrew and Sarah's daughters are gorgeous! Especially the redhead.

    Also they appear to have a spark of intelligence in their eyes, unlike either of their parents. Seriously, Andrew and Sarah are supposed to be barrels of fun, but d-u-m as boxes of rocks. Especially Andrew.

  13. Ooh - I made it into the reader's photos! W00T!

  14. Anonymous1:39 PM

    that isn't spray tan.

  15. Mark Feuerstein - one sexy guy, love Royal Pains.

    Didn't know Amy was preggers, huh.

    Very curious on Prince Michael.

  16. Gretchen, it wasn't Randy Andy's job to be smart LOL

    And no one ever accused of Charlie in the smarts department!

  17. Kalabee! Which are you?
    I'm going to email my pic to enty again tonight. I had one back in 08, but I look completely different now hahaha

    and Billy Pumpkinhead? PLEASE STOP!!!

  18. My mom's got vitiligo (face, hands, chest, legs) but so far neither my siblings nor my own kids have it. That said, the spot under Prince's arm absolutely looks like it to me. That's the perfect location for a patch to emerge, as well.

  19. I'm reader #4 with the apron (gasp!). I was helping my mom make Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks Enty for posting!

  20. La Pachuquita - LOVE your picture. It totally made me smile.

    xoxo j

  21. agree with DivaJulia, I love your apron, La Pachuquita!

  22. omg that apron...that glee.. you are fab!!!!!!

  23. Kathy Griffin's D-List schtick was funny, but her shameless self-promotion is starting to get overbearing.

  24. I am Reader # 1.

    This is my first time.



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