Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Random Photos Part Four

Richard Jenkins gets the top spot. A great actor. He can be in something like Eat Pray Love but also has no problems with Step Brothers.
Yeah, she looks like that. Apparently this issue is devoted to Britney and sex.
This is Cheryl Cole on her way to Tanzania. Apparently she forgot to immunize because she caught malaria while she was there and is now in the hospital.
Happiest I have seen Claire Danes in a long time. Marriage must be good for her.
This is Cristiano Ronaldo yesterday after eating
lunch with his girlfriend who he was
dating back in May and about two weeks after he paid someone to get pregnant with his baby. Umm. Strange. Presumably the girlfriend is ok with this considering they had lunch yesterday.
This is not a wax figurine. Spanish singer Camilo Sasta must live in his plastic surgeon's office.
Debra Messing over the weekend in Malibu.
Donatella has had some of her orange glow removed.
Eva Mendes promoting her move in Cancun with
Mark Wahlberg.


  1. Something is off with Britney's face in that picture. It just doesn't look right, and not because she appears showered and clean (for once).

  2. True. They photoshopped her face like they did her body.

  3. Damn Camilo Sesto is a name I had not heard since I was a little girl lol OMG he looks younger now and alot more androgynous, you can't tell what it is, lol

  4. Can I say that I really like Eva's dress (at least the top part that I can see)?

  5. Anonymous2:07 PM

    CR-guess he wanted a kid, but did not want the mother part of the package. strange, but maybe HE was ready to be a father but, is not willing to settle down with just anyone. Women do it, so why not men?

  6. While they were photoshopping the grease out of Britney's hair I wish they had done something about those tat's.

  7. @bj: it's his egochild. He's been expressing his desire to have a "son" for years, saying it would be "fun" to see a child with his features.

    Nevermind that the kid won't have a mother and will be in the care of his hanger-on extended family while he prances around whoring and modelling his greasy hair and pink shirts.

    It remains to be seen, if the other 50% of the child's DNA happen to comprise the dominant genes that will shape his phenotype, whether he will be so interested in his "solo" project.

  8. It looks to me like the scissored Britney's head off and awkwardly stuck it onto someone else's body. Just awful.

    I think Eva wore that dress recently at another event? I remember a reader commenting on it. Regardless, it's gorgeous.

  9. RQ, I was gonna say the same thing. The body and the face are not from the same picture. Or possibly not even the same person.

  10. The Ronaldo story strikes me as 100% gay. What Latin man doesn't just knock up a woman and get her to mother his child for him - because for Latin men, that's what women do anyway? Apart, of course, for Ricky Martin... quod erat demonstrandum...

  11. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Ten bucks says Eva and Mark fucked.

  12. Richard Jenkins is amazing, excellent choice for the #1 spot.

    Fellow readers, if you haven't seen The Visitor yet, go rent it ASAP. It's lovely, and Jenkins is superb.

  13. Another guess for CRon is that he got an underaged girl pregnant.

  14. @LittleMiss - agree on the Visitor, although it was pretty bleak and my BF was devastated by the ending. He was also great in Six Feet Under :)

  15. Brit looks SO BAD in that picture. Like, ugly bad.

    Is Messing still up for Coke Mom? I can't remember

    Donatella looks better!

  16. your timing is way off about Ronaldo...the baby was born last month so if he paid someone to carry the baby it was more than two weeks ago, if I am understanding what you meant.

  17. I think Lainey was right in that a different shot of Brittany's head was put on her body. Eva Mendes looks effing gorgeous. Donatella almost looks good in that pic. And...COKE MOM!

    It's funny - all the young hot guys and gals look the same after they reach a certain age (Wahlberg). I guess Youth is Beauty, and so is aging naturally as you are (without all the plastic surgery crap).

  18. In my older age, I've found that beauty is so much different than what I thought it was growing up, and what Hollywood and the Status Quo are marketing to us. It's not 'skinny' or a face pulled tight. It's something that shines from within. I suppose that is why I prefer the reader photos over the celeb photos any day, even though some would not meet the industry 'standards'.

  19. I thought about the whole Ronaldo is gay angle too, but on the other hand, I think that there are legit reasons why a hetero male celeb would not want a clingy ex controlling access to his child. Spawning with a woman who had signed a contract written by a lawyer would actually be the best way to avoid unwanted drama, wouldn't it. Ronaldo is a big queen, but if he had wanted to have sex with men, he would have probably not worried about it much and just gone ahead. He's clearly a hobag.

  20. Anonymous4:01 PM

    If I was married to Hugh Dancy, I'd have a big smile too

  21. Remember the blind about the actress who kept going to the bathroom during her magazine cover shoot... they ended up letting her keep the clothes b'cuz they smelled so bad? Britney?

  22. I don't think you can immunize against malaria. There are some anti malarial drugs you can take when travelling, but people can become resistant to them.

  23. What Paisley wrote. Doxycycline isn't as effective as it used to be against malaria. It's a bit of a crap shoot now, unfortunately.

  24. Cheryl Cole.. what the hell?

    Before anyone travels to AFrica or the Far East, there are mandated innocuations.. and pre-treatment for malaria - they start you on pills to prevent it before you board that plane.

    Did she get a pass to avoid the medication because she's rich?

  25. lol camilo sesto !

  26. @sage 1
    not really mandatory , i traveled to zanzibar from italy and is only RECOMMENDED , i did it .

  27. WOW I didn't think that was COSMO. It looks like some cheap magazine you see but never actually buy -- and not because of Britney alone. Nothing about the cover is COSMO.

  28. the fuck happened to britneys face? it looks like her eye and eyebrow are contorted or something.

  29. OMG! Wait until I show my mother the picture of Camilo Sesto! He is her love! HA!

    Eva, she needs to expend her fashion...I am tired of seeing the "Chiquita Banana look." Sorry, but true!
    Red (or dark) lips, hair in bun like mascot, picnic table type dresses...she's very sexy for that look.

    I love Marky Mark! Say hello to your mother for me!
    And I am in love with his brother---big time!

    Brit---what can I say???? UGH!

    Stephen Jenkins- so underrated.

    CR - know from someone, very reliable, go with your guts, guys...remember what sport he is in...machismo sells!

  30. @ madlyb 5:57:
    well said! i've found myself letting the plastic surgery ads get to me lately, which is SO not me! but ITA with you!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. RQ, you beat me to it. Brit's head and body aren't even correct in their proprtional sizes. Plus, her neck is just gone. It's tragic what Photochop can do--especially when girls and women look at stuff like that (even when it's wonky) and feel bad about themselves!

    And yes, we've seen a photo of Eva M. in that dress here previously--I just can't remember when. It's actually kind of refreshing to me to see a celebrity wear the same dress at two different public events.

  33. WTF is up with Britney's head/face?

  34. Something has been off with Britney's eyes for a while now. Yes there's photoshopping but this isn't the first picture where her eyes don't seem right. Mental IMHO.

  35. Doesn't Debra Messing have a child? Has anyone ever seen the child?
