Monday, July 26, 2010

The New York Times Spent 2,000 Words On Snooki

The New York Times used up 2,000 words of its paper yesterday in an article about Snooki. Yes, it was the style section, but still, 2,000 words about Snooki? I managed to read all the 2,000 words and I have to say I do not know much more about her now then I did before I read it. Oh, except for the fact that the school system she attends obviously allows you to graduate without actually reading anything. Ever. In the article Snooki says she has only read two books in her entire life. Twilight and Dear, John.

Her dad was given about 300 words to describe Snooki and the most he could come up with is that he is not sure why his daughter is so popular and that he asks everyone why they like her.

“When we go to venues, I like to stand out in the crowd,” he said. “She’ll be up there hooting and hollering, and I’ll say to someone, ‘What is it that draws you to my daughter? Be honest.’ Because it’s very hard for me to see what it is. She don’t sing. She don’t dance. I don’t want to say she don’t have talent ...”

I will say it for you. She does not have any talent. But in today's culture you do not have to have any talent to make millions of dollars a year as a celebrity. Not that she is making millions yet, but I bet with all her appearances and salary she is about to cross the million dollar barrier in just over a year of "being known." That is a ton of money for someone to earn who just applied for the job after seeing a Facebook ad about the Jersey Shore auditions and quitting her courses to become a veterinary technician. What exactly is that?

In the article, MTV called her an icon. Umm, yeah. The reporter compared her to Elizabeth Taylor. Umm, yeah. The New York Times and Snooki. Who would have thought that was ever going to happen.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. eeep, the nyt is seriously's bad enough her father speaks in double negatives, so i'm not surprised she's only ever read 2 for oompa loompas, i get...but style section of a major mkt print daily, steeped in tradition, seriously? =O

  3. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I find her annoying and I hate when she puckers up her lips.

    Did she really read those books or watch the movie?

    Who is the idiot comparing her to E. Taylor?? Cause their is no comparing.

  4. I watch a good amount of crappy reality TV ("TRHONY", "TRHONJ", "Top Chef", "Bethenny's Getting Married" and other Bravo's Parade of Dysfunction shows) so it says A LOT that I don't stoop to watch that Jersey Shore shit.

    And I know that assault is a punishable crime but I'd love to slap that smirk off of Snooki's orange face.



  6. Who would you rather be locked in a room with (when they are at their most annoying): Lilo, Snooki or Paris?

  7. I have never seen Jersey Shore but am vaguely aware of it and Snooki from the press. Therefore I read the article without any preconceived notions. At the end I had no real sense of Snooki's personality other than she seemed to define vacuous.


  8. I know you were being funny, but don't hate on vet techs! :) They are the ones who give the shots, take blood or other icky samples, etc. It's important that they are people who love animals and treat them with kindness and respect. So, in other words, a job that Snooki is in no way qualified to do.

  9. Is Snookie qualified for any job?

  10. If you read the Times profile, it's pretty harsh. They call her a windup toy and says she's a little girl who throws tantrums and has no impulse control. So really, good for the Times for not licking "celebrity" ass for a change.

  11. Who would you rather be locked in a room with (when they are at their most annoying): Lilo, Snooki or Paris?

    Altering your question a bit but that is my dream, all three locked in a room, only the room is called PRISON. And they are serving a dime of hard labor.

  12. "Oh, except for the fact that the school system she attends obviously allows you to graduate without actually reading anything."

    It's true. I ran into a guy from my high school at an O's game, and I told him he looked like Ernest Hemingway. He had no idea who that was. Rattling off some of his novels and accomplishments only resulted in blank stares from him and another guy from my high school. So sad.

  13. She don’t sing. She don’t dance. I don’t want to say she don’t have talent ...

    I'm not a Grammar Nazi but *head explodes*

  14. I'm w/Mooshki, hope you were just kidding, b/c I love our vet's techs-they are all super people who love animals and don't make a ton of $.

  15. What Mooshki said. I love animals and actually wanted to become a Vet Tech, but they took out the course at SLCC :(

  16. Well at least they photographed her out with the other trash.

    Actually, I would LOVE to see a celeb death match between: Lilo, Parasite, and Snooki. Hair extensions and bumpits would be flying everywhere.

  17. wow am I sick of hearing about this collective group of axe wounds.

  18. saw this yesterday too and first thought was, WTF-the Times is hurtin!

  19. saw this yesterday too and first thought was, WTF-the Times is hurtin!

  20. OMG that picture is awesome! Snooki is posing next to a literal pile of trash!!! Brilliant.

  21. Gawd, I miss the Sopranos!

  22. I don't know what irritated me worse about the latest EWweekly magazine,
    The big article about Inception which I couldn't read because of the spoilers I didn't want to see or the WASTE of space Jersey Shore writeup that I know I don't care about!

  23. i knew moosh would spring to the defense of vet techs long before i could!
    enty, if you were being serious, a vet tech is like a medical assistant, sort of. having a daughter in her twenties, i can tell you that being a tech takes more training than MA, phlebotomist, and is often harder to find an opening. for me, the tech often makes the decision on whether or not i stay with a particular vet.
    i'm lucky, EVERYBODY on staff at my vet is wonderful, and from what little i know about this waste of air, she'd never get a job there. i'd rather have her on tv that i don't watch than trying to deal with furry people, even across the country from me!
    at least from what i read on here!

    on another note, i don't think they make kids read anymore. i don't think my kids would know who hemmingway is, not to mention mark twain (a particular favorite of mine), james cook, charles darwin, herman wouk, etc, etc, if 1. i wasn't a voracious reader, and 2. jimmy buffett didn't sing about them. sad, but true. my DIL has a BA in political science, and she's only slightly better read, and has no interest in politics.

  24. Seriously, Snooki is the Kim Kardashian of the E! list celebs.

  25. @Kelsey: "Axe wounds," what a great phrase!

  26. They absolutely don't make kids read anymore : (

    Witness my boyfriend's 13 year old daughter, going into the 8th grade, who is at a 3rd grade reading level.

    Some examples of words she doesn't know: seizure, similar, seduce - wow, I only seem to be recalling the "s" words, but come ON. And you bet I would be making my boyfriend remedy that, but she's going back to MA to live with her "mother" in about a week. I am not bitter LOL.
