Friday, July 23, 2010

The National Enquirer Got This One Wrong - Kind Of

The National Enquirer is reporting that Benny Hinn is having an affair with a woman and that he was spotted in Rome with a woman who is not his wife. I have no doubts he was with someone who is not his wife. I also have no doubts he would have an affair because I did a blind item that I need to find about him having an affair.

However, Benny and his wife filed for divorce a long time ago. I think it was in January or February. The only reason it is not finalized is because they are fighting over money very quietly. So, while their story is technically true, it is not the "blockbuster world exclusive" they want everyone to think it is.


  1. Guess we never got that blind right because all I can say is Who?

  2. yeah, no kidding. WTF is Benny Hinn?

  3. OK...goggle says he is a charleton faith healer.

  4. What is it with evangelists' hair? Proof that God hates them?

  5. Another Holy Roller who takes from the poor and puts it in his pocket.

  6. Gyahhh! Bleccchh.

    Televangelists make me sick.

  7. Never heard of him, but from the picture it looks like he is in India or Pakistan or something. Still it does look like he studied at the Pat Robertson School of Hair and the Oral Roberts School of Subtlety.

  8. I would like to board the "who" train with the others above.

  9. I'll go on the "Who train" because I have no idea who this man is. Mostly, I don't pay attention to tv preachers and/or self-help gurus.

  10. Wow, no one has put their hands to the tv screen and prayed with him so they may be cured? Ah hahahahaha! He's been on Larry King a few times, many years ago.

    Ent, I don't get what you wrote - "... I did a blind item that I need to find out about him having an affair". Explain. As you would a child. ;)

  11. "I did a blind item, which I need to find, about him having an affair".

    That's how I interpreted it *L*

  12. Never heard of him - thankfully.

  13. I went to one of his crusades in Dallas many years ago as a teen. There were hundreds of people in wheelchairs and stretchers on the floor of the arena hoping to be healed. It was really sad because they left the same way they came in. Faith healers get donations by saying the sick person will be healed through god and god wants their tithes. When the miracle doesn’t happen, the faith healer says, “your faith wasn’t strong enough” or “it’s part of god’s plan.” Blame the victim. It makes me feel sad and angry when desperate people are duped. This man has huge homes, a jet, and makes MASSES of money off of desperate people. My own mother has given money to him.

    He makes me sick.

  14. Who is Benny Hinn?

    Don't care. Like I don't care about Mel's countless tapes (heard 'em once), Khate Gosselin, or Lindsay Lohan. They can all go for a ride in the Bering Sea in winter. In a dinghy.

    Is that how you spell dinghy?

  15. A news magazine show did a piece on this charlatan a few years ago. He rakes in BIG BUCKS from the sick and desperate. He also has shills in the audience.

    I can't see how anyone would have an affair with him. He looks like a muskrat is eating his head.

  16. That is an insult to muskrats. :)

  17. @HookTailKitty:

    first, love the name! second, my mom also used to follow this charlatan and i agree that people like him that prey on the weak and scared make me want to puke!

  18. Your trivia for today: There is an Our Lady Peace song about Benny Hinn called Lying Awake.

    "It's about Benny's about the day he's about to die...looking into his eyes and seeing if all the propaganda that he told people...if he believes it himself." -Raine Maida

    I love OLP - couldn't help myself.

  19. OMG is Raine Maida not the HOTTEST GUY ON THE PLANET???

    Love him, hate the corporate sell-out wife.

  20. @HookTailKitty, no offense intended to the muskrat community. The muskrat probably thought Benny's pointy head was a rutabaga or something.

  21. Oh, it's a blockbuster, alright, just not for the reason the Enquirer says.

  22. May he rest in Hell.

  23. WHO??????????????
    Ugh! Can I get that minute back???!!!!

  24. @sunnyside1213:Did you mean Charleton, Charleston, or Charlatan?

  25. Glad I'm not only one who has never heard of him.

  26. @Robert, sorry, my spellchecker had an epic fail. Charlatan was what I was trying to say. My apologies to Charleston the city.

  27. @ss1213: I never heard of this guy, so I thought you actually meant Charleston the city. Your original description was, sadly, much more accurate.

  28. Good LORD people (no pun intended) you are posting on the internet. You can't take a second and google before you ask "WHO"?
    Benny Hinn is a 'faith healer'
    Don't get me started on him. All I can say is that Ent will never have anything on my boy Billy Graham.

  29. Sweater, I think "Who?" is more commentary than question in this case. :)
