Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Most Excited Male Cheerleader Ever vs Jude Law Sings Karaoke

23 seconds of pure fun. The guy loves what he does.

So, if you are Jude Law and in the Czech Republic what do you do for fun? Why you got to karaoke and sing Johnny B Goode. He is pretty good actually. Just no albums please Jude.


  1. Jude Law does not suck at singing. A bit surprised.

    The guy cheerleader has more 'spirit' than all the girls around him combined. Humorous but kind of inspiring (I want him to cheer for me!).

  2. I disliked Jude for a while (can't remember why) but this kinda makes me like him a bit. Again, no idea why. LOL

  3. I liked the way the male cheerleader was like this big teddy bear whose main job was to catch the girls. I've heard that the most dangerous sport in America is cheerleading and if that guy can protect the girls then good on him.

  4. That cheerleader is so awesome. I wish I could be that enthusiastic. I can't even press play on the Jude Law one...even if he is good.

  5. That cheerleader just put a happy grin on my face during what has so far been a really shitty day. Thanks :)

  6. @SkittleKitty that was my first thought! He's so enthusiastic.

    -I can't concentrate on the singing, when I see Jude I'm just wondering when was the last time he took a bath.

  7. lol! you work it girl!

  8. loved the big teddy bear cheerleader...too cute!

  9. Dude cheerleader ROCKS!!! Love it.

    I bet he'll make an excellent lover, and I mean with this with ALL seriousness.

  10. i <3 Jude Law. i know everything in the world should make me hate him. and if i met him in person, he'd probably be a dick, but whatevs. i should fwd this to my czech friends to see what they're saying in the background.

  11. i <3 Jude Law. i know everything in the world should make me hate him. and if i met him in person, he'd probably be a dick, but whatevs. i should fwd this to my czech friends to see what they're saying in the background.

  12. aww, he's cute. he's not going to have any knees by the time he's 30, but he's cute.

  13. Awww!!! Good for him! Great job and fun!

  14. Love the male cheerleader! His facial expressions are hilar.

    Wow. Jude. I'm surprised we haven't heard him sing in any movies before....
