Thursday, July 01, 2010

Michael Vick - A Shooting Suspect

Michael Vick, the a-hole quarterback who went to jail for dog fighting can't seem to stay out of trouble. At a party to celebrate his birthday this weekend, there was some gunfire and a person who was a co-defendant in his dog fighting trial got shot. Hmmm.

The first reports were that Michael Vick left prior to the shooting. Now though, it may be that Vick left right after the shooting and police who interviewed him earlier this week have not ruled him out as a suspect in the shooting.


  1. Stay Klassy, Vick family.

  2. Couldn't happen to a better man. *sarcasm dripping*

  3. vick is exhibit A about what really matters in pro football. if there was any honor in it whatsoever, he NEVER would have played again and the fans wouldn't have stood for it.

  4. The more I learn about dog fighting the more horrified I get. It's bad enough that they breed the dogs for fighting, but they also steal a ton of pets to train the dogs to kill. Just the thought of that happening to my dog makes me want to destroy anyone involved. I wish the guy had gotten off a return shot.

  5. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I was appalled when they made the decision to let him play again. I know people deserve a second chance sometimes, but someone who would be involved in such a horrible thing as dog fighting has to have something missing in their soul.

    Just for him to hang out with former fellow dog fighters is a violation of his probation. I hope they lock him up this time. There are too many criminals in professional sports.

  6. agree with Nancer.

    and Syko, I think that he *might* have deserved a second chance at life, but making millions is a privilege that he did not have to be offered.

  7. My husband is a huge Eagles fan - season ticket holder. The only way he got out of divorce to keep going to the games was to donate an obscene ammount of money to shelters that care for dog fight surviors/victims. He was not happy one bit when they signed them and used the arguement of it being the ugly side of football. We're still in counseling over this.
    I knew he wasn't reformed amd I totally agree with chihuahuense.
    Finally - finally justice will hopefully be served.

  8. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send him to jail. IMHO he did not get enough of a sentence the first time. As a transplant to Atlanta, and a Pit Bull owner, I despise this asshole. You know they found 20+ dog bodies buried in the yard of the fighting house :(
    And, you're absolutely right Mooshki; They steal/buy/adopt innocent animals to use as bait. Animals that don't have a voice or choice. GRRRRR. It makes me sooo angry.
    I also think they day he got convicted, should have been the day he was never allowed to make millions playing in the NFL. It's really sickening they way our society rewards SCUM like this...

    Sorry for the rant.. I'm done now!

  9. Syd I get your point and I think he is awful but his aunt Tina Vick is a really nice lady. She sits on NN city council. She is smart and articulate and really cares about the community, specifically the folks in the east end who have historically been completely ignored. They are finally getting some attention and she and the other women on the council are the main reason. Anyway, sorry to rant (especially about non-entertainment) but I would rather stick to criticizing Michael.

  10. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Could not agree more, chihuahuense.

  11. Understood, Alice. That's good to hear, btw.

  12. When the Eagles first signed him they said there would be a zero-tolerance policy regarding his behavior. We all all waiting to see what the organization will do about this. I can't stand him, and he should have never been signed.

  13. Too bad he didn't get shot. He deserves to die.

  14. a great cause to donate to is best friends in utah. that facility helped rehab lots of vick's dogs and got them good homes. they do, however, have at least one that a judge has ordered can never, ever live in a home with a family.

    so if anyone wants a great place to help out, go to they're phenomenal.

  15. @nancer - Yes! Thanks for the Best Friends shout out!! I'm from Utah, and they do wonderful things!!

  16. i hate this guy beyond comprehension.

    and f- the Eagles for letting him in, no excuse, i could give 2-sh#ts about a second chance (the second chance is that i didnt fly over there and beat the living crap out of him).

    people that hurt animals and children have something seriously wrong with them/chem-imbalance/damage that is usually not treatable

  17. the cartoon is hysterical.

  18. Anonymous1:23 PM


  19. I live right outside Detroit and I own the biggest baby of a Pit Bull, and we never leave her outside for fear that someone will steal her - they said that's the biggest problem. My friend did Animal Control around here and he said he never in 8 years had a problem with a Pit Bull biting - they get such a bad rap because of assholes like Michael Vick... My baby walked into the store I work at in January with no tags or a chip and no one claimed her, so she's ours, and it has changed my fiance and me forever.

  20. I hope nothing but the absolute worst for Michael Vick. May he rot in jail.

  21. @Amy - Awe. It's so true. You might get licked to death by my 'taterbug' but that's about it :)

  22. Delilah, Coach Andy Reid feels for him because he himself has two delinquent sons. If you saw the mother, you'd know why. She looks likes one of those "real housewives" who's more interested in manicures and spray tans than paying attention to her own kids.

  23. my roomie works for the eagles. ill have to see what they are saying about this when she gets home from work.

    and i hate him with a passion. most people in philly do.

  24. Quanis Philips gave in during the trials and ratted Vick out to some degree, although Grand Juries have a tendency to get that kind of turn-over out of people. Q and Ookie were childhood friends from way back.

    IMO, it is not outside the realm of possibility that someone among Vick's minions (or who thought they were helping...) shot Q outside the event after Vick left.

    I only say "not outside the realm of possibility" mind you, not that it definitely went down that way or anything.

    Q was supposedly not invited, so one would wonder why the hell he was even in the vicinity in the first place, but it was supposedly a public event.

    Regardless, both are not supposed to be "associating with felons" which they now both are...

    So who knows.

    (I'm from, and still live near, their neck of the woods, so the full story has been in our papers).

  25. Too bad Vick wasn't the one shot. Fatally. Sorry if that sounds harsh but I don't even consider that POS a human being. You can not do what he did to those helpless dogs and be human. I wish nothing but misery for this prick for the rest of his hopefully short life.

  26. And Michael's stupid, stupid, STUPID brother Marcus basically busted Michael as lying about the event.

    Marcus went on a radio show and said that both Q and Mike were at the party the whole time together, basically busting Mike out as lying to the cops by saying he never saw Q there, etc.!

    IDIOTS, the lot of them!!! Marcus could fall in a bag full of tits and come out sucking his thumb. The guy is THAT stupid. He was given a FREE RIDE and blew it both on the field and off.

    Thugs all the way.

    Their poor, poor Mama must be so NOT proud of them both.

  27. Totally agree @nancer & @chihuahuense

    Best Friends is an awesome organization!

    Pits get such a bad wrap but it's bc of aholes like Vick who breed them to fight.

    Would love to see him go to jail



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