Thursday, July 08, 2010

Mel Gibson Adds Another Ethinc Group To His Hate List - Still Hates Women And Also Hires Illegal Workers

As I sit here looking at my Mel Gibson BINGO card, I only need him to insult either people from Iceland or mentally challenged children and I would win. At this point there are not very many ethnic groups or other groups of people that he has not gone after with his sewer of a mouth.

Radar just happened to listen to more excerpts of taped conversations of Mel. Hmmm. I wonder where they got them.

Anyway, two things of note to talk about on them. One is that he apparently hires illegal aliens to work for him which should get hm a call from the government. Also, even though he is willing to hire them, it does not mean he likes them or won't screw them over. One of his tirades against Oksana he says, “I will report her to the f**king people that take f**king money from the wetbacks.”

Nice huh?

Well, he also took another step towards being the worst pig in the world when he told Oksana that she deserved to be hit, even if she was holding their baby at the time.

Oksana - “What kind of a man is that who would hit a woman when she is holding a child in her hands, hitting her twice in the face? What kind of a man is that?”

A-hole - “You know what — you f**cking deserved it.”

If anyone ever says that he is a great guy or misunderstood, I will go nuts. No awards, no honors, no movies, ever again.


  1. Why is he so full of hate?

  2. He's obviously mentally ill. What is even more frightening is that if we closed our eyes and pretended it was the 60's, he would be considered perfectly sane.

  3. This time he is done! What a horrible person he is!

    Is he still "considering going back to his wife"?

  4. Has anyone other than Radar heard these tapes? Are they available somewhere? Or just the reporting of what Radar listened to?

    I'm just curious of how much is out there and how much more is left.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. *lol* Mel deserves all the bad press he is getting. The true Mel is disgusting. Oksana the gold digger doesn't have much going for her either except perhaps a bigger payday.

    Her son must be so proud of his mama! *snort* I hope his dad is helping him through this.

  7. those last two sentences sum everything up, enty.

  8. You know what? Good for Oksana for finally exposing Mel for the racist, sexist FUCK that he is. Without her, he could have skated on good will from his past accomplishments for the rest of his life. I actually think he's more vile than Roman Polanski at this point.
    May your career crash and burn spectacularly, and may you always be remembered with disgust from here on out, Mel. Dick.

  9. That's it. My VHS of "Tequila Sunrise" is going in the trash!

    When Karma gets him, it's going to be bad, very bad.

  10. When you look like a f**king pig in heat you deserve to be gang raped by n***ers????!!!! It's so crazy and off the wall the things he says that I can't even take it seriously except for the hitting and then that drives it all home and I realize this is a seriously disturbed man who should get some treatment fast before someone gets hurt and he ends up in prison.

  11. OMG - I can't believe I ever ever ever thought Mel Gibson was a cool guy. He is a straight up racist, misogynistic mess. It's hard to imagine his careeer will survive, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised by anything that happens in Hollywood.

  12. he's not mentally ill. he's just a fucking ASSHOLE.

    people who are shitty human beings aren't mentally ill. that's actually an insult to the mentally ill.

  13. Did that stupid beaver movie ever come out? Anyway I think I am in the monority that doesn't think this will hurt his career that much. Mel's people will make sure of that. That's what he pays them for. I think Mel's pockets are pretty deep. It would be nice if he just went away.

  14. One question for those who have been following this story closer than I have: has Gibson (or his public relations team) made an official statement regarding these allegations?

    This is so bad, one would think he would have reacted to it.

  15. the judge issued a gag order so i don't think he's said a word. and her lawyer denies she's leaking these tapes but obviously SOMEBODY is. if not her, then she's having someone else do it.

  16. @Shmooey - I think after the first one, his PR dude said they were "reviewing the veracity of the tapes" or something. In other words, they weren't saying it wasn't him.

  17. from TMZ about the first tape:

    Mel's rep just told TMZ he could not confirm the credibility or accuracy of the tapes.
    TMZ, however, has confirmed that the tapes are the real deal.

  18. Thanks for the info.

    The fact that there hasn't been an outright rejection of these claims doesn't bode well.

  19. This guys brain is totally rotted from alcohol. Or maybe syphilis. Something like that. Remember on Dr. Drew when they did the brain scans and showed the brain damage to Rodman and Mindy? I'm sure Mel's brain would look much, much worse. He's in his own private hell. And should be neutered at the very least. Poor kids.

  20. He used to see so nice and dreamy, like a lot of the characters that he played. I used to have a crush on him. Well, he was one hell of an actor because in reality he is a monster. How did his wife stay with him for so long?

  21. I think racism is a form of mental illness. Has to be. It's not based on anything rational or sane. Didn't mean to insult the mentally ill.

  22. I expect "The Beaver" is going direct to DVD now, or to theaters in countries that don't receive U.S. entertainment news.

    Also, this does not excuse him in the least, but his hate was learned (and continues to be preached) by his father.

    Glad he'll be permanently gone from public display very, very soon (i.e. once he pays off Oksana and the current ruckus dies down).

  23. You are right RocketQueen, This woman should be thanked for exposing him. I wish Enty would expose the racist tv star who called a PA a n*gger.

  24. You think this is the only guy out there that treats his baby mama terribly? Criminally? No! But at least he's got plenty of dough so she can make him pay and pay and pay.
    Who cares if he never makes another movie, he's sitting on more money than we could ever imagine.
    But that massive ego has got to finally be taking on a few permanent dents.

  25. L.A. police have starting investigating because of the domestic violence:

  26. I'll add myself to the list of women who loved Mel. I could accept the traditional Catholic viewpoint he espoused, even though I disagreed with it. But these antics over the last few years, starting with the rant against the Jews, has forced me to completely boycott the guy and his projects forever. And I hope that Robin does not take him back.

  27. "If anyone ever says that he is a great guy or misunderstood, I will go nuts. No awards, no honors, no movies, ever again."


    couldn't have been stated better, enty.

  28. so sick of hearing the oksana is a golddigger bs. if she is, that's her business and there are men (well, and women too) that don't mind being with one. some prefer it, even.

    being a golddigger does not warrant abuse. she's still a human, and a mother and does not deserve to be hit. period.

  29. Enty thank you for you kind words. That's why I love you.

    Mel on the other hand, regardless of what kind of celebrity treatment he enjoys on this earth will certainly rot in hell.

  30. Stick a fork in him.

  31. Hard to believe he was ever cute and seemed so cool. Sigh.

    Pretty sure he's also secretly a Holocaust denier, like his father.

  32. Good for Oksana for being smart and recording him.

    Makes me wonder what his wife put up with all those years.

  33. Blackballed from the Entertainment industry, there is no other acceptable outcome.

    If this goes the way of Roman Palansky (he is such a great actor, he is just misunderstood) I will freak the freak out.

  34. Isn't this the same guy who founded his own Catholic church and then shoved his Jesus movie down everyone's throats a few years ago? (I mean no offense in calling his movie that) Wasn't JC all about love, compassion, kindness, charity, good deeds, etc? WTF Mel?

    I never cared much for him (his heyday was before I was born, anyhow) but now I will NEVER spend a dime on anything related to him. He is absolutely vile.

  35. Damn you Mel!!!! Just when I thought that some day, I'd be able to get past the whole 'sugar tits' fiasco, you make an even bigger asshole out of yourself. Now I want an divorce, and I'm not even married to ya....that's how mad you make me!

  36. I'm honestly ashamed to admit this, but once upon a long long long time ago, I used to have a crush on Gibson - he was cute, back in the day.
    Then his bigotry came to light during a spanish language interview, where he began to disparage homosexuals. Given that he worked in Hollywood, not exactly the brightest move.
    Then a few years later, came the "Passion of the Christ" movie.
    Chalk another one up for bigotry, this time anti-semitic.
    Then came the DUI and the whole "sugar tits" episode - demonstrating he was someone who was so out of touch with reality that he deserved pity (along with a 2x4 to the head).
    And now, we have tapes made by his baby momma where he essentially confesses to beating her up *WHILE SHE'S HOLDING HIS CHILD*
    I don't have any respect for her since she's a proven golddigger however that doesn't excuse striking a woman, period.
    But most especially when she's holding an infant.
    Didn't Tommy Lee do serious jailtime for just such an incident?
    Please, please please, let Mel get the same treatment.
    And throw his bigoted ass into genpop rather than restricted.
    Let's see how his "fans" like him.

  37. "If anyone ever says that he is a great guy or misunderstood, I will go nuts. No awards, no honors, no movies, ever again." amen Enty... Amen!!

  38. RocketQueen - you da WOMAN!!!!!

    Enty - the first lines aboout the Mel Gibson bingo card are simply hilarious!

    Mel is one of those pompous asses that has gotten away with a lot because he's good looking. Now he's just an ols, disgusting PIG.

  39. There's no need for any of us to feel guilty if we had crushes on him - he was a very good actor and a beautiful man (for those of you too young to remember The Year of Living Dangerously or The Bounty - he was some serious eye candy, trust me) and we didn't know he was a crazy racist asshole. He was apparently faithful to his wife, had a bunch of kids, didn't do crazy shit or have lots of drama. He was even kind of like Clive Owen if you can believe it - family life stable, completely out of the public eye - you only saw Robin Gibson at the occasional award show.

    He was a very good actor, obviously, and he kept his real self hidden. This was in the days before the Internet, too, remember. No cell phone cameras, no TMZ or Radar. Assholes were much harder to detect.

    So - it's not our fault if we didn't know he was a sick jerk. It will only be our fault if we excuse it or overlook it.

    I feel really sorry for that little girl. Wish Robin could do a Sandy Bullock and raise the baby herself. And his other kids must be so ashamed.

  40. What a huge, huge disappointment this man turned out to be. I'm wondering also how she was able to secretly tape him without him knowing. Pretty smart on her part. Has he come out & said anything on this yet??

  41. "shoved his Jesus movie down everyone's throats"? No he didn't. We who saw and liked the movie went to see it of our own free will. What I don't understand is that Roman Polanski drugged at least one young girl, raped her, and is unapologetic about it. Then he flees the country and continues to make movies. And Hollywood rallies around him. Why the love for Roman in Hollywood but not for Mel?
