Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Lindsay Says F**k You To The Judge And Much More

Unless Lindsay Lohan gets arrested or something today, then this will be it for the Lindsay stuff. For those of you who watched the video of Lindsay crying yesterday and telling the judge repeatedly how much she respected her, then we really might have to rejudge her as an actress. As I said yesterday I thought it was a pretty good performance. How do we know it is a performance? Look at the fingernail and during her entire speech she kept it focused right at the judge. Some respect.

It turns out that Lindsay as a part of her prescription drug bonanza has been taking Dilaudid which is like heroin or morphine. Actually it is much, much stronger than those. Why the hell does she need booze when she has about 5 drugs including these she is allowed to take legally. One downside. If you drink alcohol, you could die.

Another thing is that if Michael Lohan is going to be an anonymous source for Radar he really needs to learn new phrasing. Yesterday in a a few interviews and a letter to the court he said he did not want Lindsay to become another statistic. Well, check out this quote from a Radar anonymous source close to the Lindsay camp who was talking about the drugs.

"We simply don't want Lindsay to end up as a sad Hollywood statistic, and sadly, it's often the legal prescription drugs that have taken the lives of so many that are simply way too young."

Nice one Michael.

As for the other parent, and I use the term parent loosely, Dina says that she was shocked this could happen and the sentence was not fair to her child. She left off the part about how if Lindsay is out of commission for the next six months Dina is not going to get paid unless she can get the other kids to make her some money. I bet it never occurs to her to actually go out and find a job. She just loves exploiting her kids. Hell, if Ali was 18 she would probably turn her over to Playboy to pick up a few bucks.


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