You know how we are all so happy when the judge said Lindsay was sentenced to 90 days? And then our mood was deflated when we realized she would only have to serve 23 days? But, I mean at least that is almost a month right? And then when she actually reported to jail, officials said it would more likely be 14 days. Oh, and then they changed their mind and said 12 or 13. Well, now because of the hour she served before, her sentence will probably be cut down to about 9 days which means she will be out next Thursday just after midnight.
I don't even understand the point of sending her to jail. I'm not sure that a week in jail is much of a deterrent. The only good news is that by next weekend she will be in rehab. Hopefully a real rehab where people don't get to come over constantly and spend the night and hang out and treat it like a hotel.
In other Lohan news, Michael is still an a-hole. Besides selling stories about Lindsay to FOX News, he has also threatened Kate Major that she needs to stop talking about Michael and that if she does not then he is going to start releasing photos and stories daily to pick up a few bucks and to smear her name. All because he allegedly beat her, kicked her in the face and called her a c**t. So, basically it sounds like he is extorting her.
Everything about Lindsay's case has been a joke. They wasted the taxpayers money having a trial only to sentence her to 90 days and have her serve 10. (Where is the justice?)
ReplyDeleteNo comment on Michael Lohan or Kate Majors, they are both pieces of crap who use each other.
All of these people are LOSERS who need to disappear off the face of the Earth.
I wish there could be a media-wide absolute ban on anything even remotely related to the Lohan family.
ReplyDeleteI just can't with this shit anymore...
ReplyDeleteThe amount of visitors Lindsay has been able to see is just a JOKE. I doubt her "rehab" will be any different. The only thing any of this is accomplishing is keeping her out of the clubs for a while.
ReplyDeleteWow - you really know it's love and you should be marrying someone when you take pictures and recordings of your fiancee to use against them just in case things go bad, hey?
What kind of justice system do they have in Hollywood - it's a joke ! Do they pay off that guy who runs the jail ?
ReplyDeleteThe legal system in Los Angeles is the laughing stock of the nation.
ReplyDeleteBoy am I glad that I don't live in California. Their justice system is an embarrassment and should be upsetting to the "real" taxpayers.
ReplyDeleteWell hell, maybe she should just go all out and kill somebody next time to get a true sentence. This shit is unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Sam is going to take her back when she free from the draconian justice system of CA.
ReplyDelete@sunnyside - I've been wondering that, too.
ReplyDeleteSamatha needs to get herself some help first. see that chick lately? fucking giving Mark Anthony a run for his money in the "slight" awards.
ReplyDeleteas for Michael and Kate..both liars.
What a joke. Not surprising though.
ReplyDeleteSomeone correct me if I'm wrong about what I'm about to post, I'm no expert on history. As recently as three or four hundred years ago, weren't people allowed to pay other people to serve their jail sentences for them? I seem to remember that from a World History class I took in high school (which is ancient history in and of itself). I know you could literally pay the church for absolution of your sins. Today's judicial system reminds me more and more of those days. Lindsay's entire experience from the day she was arrested all those years ago, to the complete mockery of this jail sentence has been one big Fuck You to the rest of us who have to abide by the law or face the actual consequences. Her fingernail message was as purely honest as she has ever been about anything in her life.
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of time and paper and money.
ReplyDeleteI am guessing this judicial circus is being paid for by the Californian taxpayers?
So what difference does this sentence make? She'll go out to party like nothing happened.
ReplyDelete@jadetoo - Ummm, I think it is OK for celebrities to kill people in Los Angeles.
ReplyDeletecan the judge not step in and say Oh hell no, she WILL serve the full 90-days?? I mean seriously. I agree that the rest of us would rot the full 90. At most you get extra "time served" for weekend and/or holiday jail time served.
ReplyDelete@RJ, I know you are right about the Catholic church and paying to have sins *hmmmm* absolved for money. It was Luther who pitched such a fit over that and the rest is history. I know that princes had whipping boys to get the cane when the prince was bad. Not sure about the prison thing. Anyone know?
ReplyDeleteI'd be happy for Lindsay to get out today if it meant Michael would have to take her place.
ReplyDeleteI knew a woman who was sentenced to 90 days for driving on a suspended license (not her first offense, but still) and the woman's son died while she was locked up. The jail did not allow her out to attend his funeral. This makes me sick. And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the state of California so broke they couldn't issue refunds to the taxpayers this year?? All that industry and celeb $$$ and the state is broke? So glad they wasted all that skrilla on what turned out to basically be a mock trial for a C-list at best (and quickly falling) "star".
ReplyDeleteExcuse me while I retch.
How long would someone not named Lohan who didn't call a judge mean things and act the ass in court serve? Nine days seems like a lot for a DUI.
ReplyDeleteWhy bother with all this trial business, then? The sad thing is ... well, there are a few sad things. 1. She is not taking this seriously, 2. the paps will be out in full force when she walks out (it would serve her better if nobody was there), 3. she won't take rehab seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if all her visitors weren't smuggling bumps in for her.
ReplyDeleteJust hope that 3 strike law does come into play when she's convicted a third time ...
What a waste of money and time. I am SICK AND TIRED of these asshole "actors" (because she doesn't really act anymore) getting off. Sick of it.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay, people. She just really is more special than the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Paris Hilton spend more time in jail? And her original sentence was only 45 days.
best way to hurt these people is to ignore them.
I still find it interesting that seemingly the only celebrities who do any sort of time behind bars are women. The male celebrities seem to get far more lenient treatment in the court system.
ReplyDeleteaudhieh_1, both RDJ and Keifer served time in jail.
ReplyDeleteThis is why celebs run around like they run the world...because they DO!