Lindsay Lohan To Serve Just 9 Days Total
You know how we are all so happy when the judge said Lindsay was sentenced to 90 days? And then our mood was deflated when we realized she would only have to serve 23 days? But, I mean at least that is almost a month right? And then when she actually reported to jail, officials said it would more likely be 14 days. Oh, and then they changed their mind and said 12 or 13. Well, now because of the hour she served before, her sentence will probably be cut down to about 9 days which means she will be out next Thursday just after midnight.
I don't even understand the point of sending her to jail. I'm not sure that a week in jail is much of a deterrent. The only good news is that by next weekend she will be in rehab. Hopefully a real rehab where people don't get to come over constantly and spend the night and hang out and treat it like a hotel.
In other Lohan news, Michael is still an a-hole. Besides selling stories about Lindsay to FOX News, he has also threatened Kate Major that she needs to stop talking about Michael and that if she does not then he is going to start releasing photos and stories daily to pick up a few bucks and to smear her name. All because he allegedly beat her, kicked her in the face and called her a c**t. So, basically it sounds like he is extorting her.