Monday, July 12, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Loves Doctors - Has Six Writing Prescriptions

It seems like if you are a doctor who loves writing prescriptions in New York or California chances are that Lindsay Lohan has stopped by your place of work. The woman loves her prescriptions. TMZ has uncovered that Lindsay currently has prescriptions from six different doctors and dentists in the two states, plus is still getting prescriptions filled by one of her rehab places. Lindsay has not been to rehab in years. What kind of self respecting clinic would be prescribing Lindsay medicine when they have not seen her in years and isn't a rehab clinic supposed to be keeping you off drugs? It seems to me they are doing the exact opposite.

Whenever a doctor says no to Lindsay or stops refilling her prescriptions she just moves on to the next doctor on the list. I still don't know how she got a dentist to prescribe Dilaudid for one wisdom tooth being pulled. You know what though? That dentist probably has a waiting list a mile long for celebrity patients and drug addicted patients now. His business is probably booming.

Meanwhile, you remember all those psychological tests Lindsay is supposed to complete before going to jail? She has not even scheduled any of the appointments. I guess she does not care because it just cannot get any worse for her so why even bother.

Also, her lawyer that quit, is still on the job. It seems that despite all the rumors Lindsay has hired another lawyer, Lindsay still has not filed a substitution of attorney form with the court so the judge has told Shawn Chapman Holley she has to stay. For now.


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I bet Barton Fink knows a few of these doctors, hee hee.

  2. I wish the judge had put her in jail immediately instead of letting her wait two weeks. Now we have two weeks of stupid drama.

  3. I bet all of those Doctor's are crapping themselves right now. I would be. I think they ALL should be investigated. Especially the Dentist...

  4. There should be one common prescription drug system that doctors can look at to see what a patient is on before prescribing more meds.

  5. Why would anyone put themselves through all those years of study to end up as a drug pusher?

    And will Lindsay be allowed to take all that medication while she's in jail and rehab?
    Because that would, of course, defeat the whole purpose of it.

  6. @AlleyCat -- No, I never was cowardly enough to hide behind a doctor's authority. My drugs were street drugs, bought from criminals. It's more honest that way. But what a weird thing for you to say, though, huh.

  7. She's almost certainly got access to similar meds through contacts at her agents'/managements' office, assistants she met along the way who want to get in good with her and her handlers. They may get them from their own physicians and pass them on or at least share them with her.

  8. @Barton - I thought the same thing :P

  9. wait, ms cool - isnt there? thats so odd...

  10. Maybe just like not going to her classes, nobody EXPLAINED what she has to do. Rolling my eyes...

  11. Okay, I don't mean to be a picky bitch ( much... :P ) but shouldn't the title be, Has Six Written Prescriptions?

  12. Wait a minute... we don't have a database of written or filled prescriptions, but TMZ can crack the code and find out this nugget of information? I'm impressed!

    (Actually, makes you wonder if they are paying off doctors' office staff. Seems a major HIPAA violation, even if she is abusing.)

  13. Generally, insurance will kick it out, but if someone does not file it thru insurance, has multiple pharmacies that they are using, and some of the smaller pharmacies are not tied thru a computer database, the addict can get as many scripts as they want from a variety of docs.

    Addicts know how to work the system. It's not a doctors fault if the patient doesn't reveal things.

    That being said, there are some shady doctors who enjoy getting celeb clients.

  14. Didn't I read last week that the court would appoint someone (doctor?) to review all of her prescriptions and recommend which ones she should be able to continue to take. I don't see how anyone can justify the Dilaudid.

  15. @Mango - I think Enty meant; She has 6 Doctors writing perscriptions for her..

  16. We are witnessing the self-destruction of the precious gift of life. Sad. Sad ...

  17. This just drives me crazy. My son accidently hit me in the jaw many years ago and since then I have had all the teeth on my left side removed as well as part of my jaw bone due to infection. The strongest medication I ever got was 30 Oxy-Codone with 0 refills. If someone in her camp comes out with ANY excuse for all this medication I am flying to California and kicking her ass.

    Sorry, I am a little bitter :)

  18. My friend who is a private practice doctor gets "new" patients all the time who after moaning and groaning in the appointment come right out and tell her what prescription they need and dose amount. She refuses and sends them on their way. Every month this happens They are addicts and she knows it. She has ethics. Obviously Lindsay has the right unethical docs to call on.

    Money and fame talks loud.

    I hope the courts take note of all this. Hope they remember the body of Michael Jackson with all his prescriptions too.

  19. according to Ted at Eonline's lastest blind...her 45 year old sister Ali is following close behind. Dina you must be so proud!!

  20. @ icecat - Gotcha! Thanks! I'm a little giddy and sleep deprived right now and didn't catch that.

  21. No problem Mango!

    I hope giddy and sleep deprived from the World Cup??

    Congrats to all of the Spain fans out there!!

  22. Agree Ms. Cool. Can you imagine how many lives could/would be saved if there were a central repository for each person??

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. i really want to believe that lilo can pull it together. i don't want her to die. i do, however, want her to go to jail and get scared straight.

  25. where in the fuck are the state boards, or even the county medical societies? there ARE governing bodies for doctors and they're supposed to hold doctors accountable.
    i just shudder at what medicine has become. it used to be an honorable profession. now it's all about money.
    fuck hippocrates and fuck his oath!

  26. This story reminded me of the Rx shopping that Brittany Murphy reportedly/allegedly did. See how that turned out.

    I don't see how there are not tighter restrictions on this but seeing as I know regular joes that do this with their doctors, nothing should surprise me.

  27. WTF is up with Blogger today? Arggh.

    Anwyay, @Mango--I think Enty means six docs are writing her scrips, so that means she could have up to, what?, between 6 and 36 dang scrips working at any given time!

  28. Oh, I see someone else caught you up. Nitey-nite, hope you sleep tight!

  29. At this point I would just call her the female Corey Haim. I think any future for her is hopeless.

  30. Ms Cool said...

    There should be one common prescription drug system that doctors can look at to see what a patient is on before prescribing more meds.

    They have one, it's simply not used because it's not required.

  31. see, this is why i ONLY have my primary write my 'scrips and ONLY fill them either through the drugs by mail place or one retail pharmacy.
    HOWEVER, twice now i've had 'scrips double filled. one through mail order (a harmless one, just a diuretic), and another through the retail pharmacy--ambien. not so harmless. the insurance didn't pay for the doubles, but they were issued to me nonetheless.
    also, i could go to my ortho or my neurologist and get them to write me 'scrips on the hush-hush, and no one would be the wiser. but i DON'T.
    it's very easy, even with good, honest doctors for these things to happen. so i can only imagine how easy it's been for her to pull this off.
    and i actually looked up the diliuded (or however it's spelled) and it's actually a short-acting equivalent of oxycontin. why any dentist in his right mind would prescribe it for oral surgery is beyond me. to prescribe it long term is unethical.
    hey, she may be forging 'scrips, too. but there IS a mandated tracking system for triplicates, so i still don't get how she's legally pulling this off.
