Thursday, July 29, 2010

Levi Johnston Might Have To Go On Maury

Sometimes when I would watch Maury I would feel so sorry for those women who were on baby daddy number four or five and Maury still had not found the match for their father. It always made you think about whether this was an everyday occurrence or just that period in life she happened to have a few partners. It also made me feel bad because the guys never really had to admit they were having sex with four or five girls at the same time like the woman did. The only time you ever feel sorry for the guys is when they think it is their baby and have been raising the baby thinking it is theirs and find out it is not.

Anyway, Levi Johnston might have to head on over to Maury. The National Enquirer says that Levi had a girlfriend before he met Bristol Palin. Well, after he and Bristol split he went back and got some lovin' from this old girlfriend. I guess it must have been about the same time he was having sex with Kathy Griffin. Maybe later. Anyway, this old girlfriend is now pregnant and she says it could be Levi's baby. She is not saying for sure it is. Just that it could. Well, if Bristol has another baby, it could be Levi's or it could be that friend of Levi's she was dating. Lots of coulds and shoulds and ifs. That is why you need Maury.

I actually don't think Levi is the father. If you read the article they are using a lot of vague words and not committing to anything. I just think they wanted to have a Bristol and Levi story.


  1. I'm probably in the minority here, but I really hope this isn't true. I'm rooting for them.
    If it is true, then someone really needs to introduce Levi to a condom!!

  2. Enty- do you really think KG had sex w/ Levi? I mean they are both famewhores so I get why it was "leaked" with no denials on either side ...,.. But I'm having trouble with it!

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The guy must be a duffus if he really did it with Griffin.

  4. I just can't imagine KG and Levi in a real romantic or sexual relationship.

  5. that guy needs to go to battle with a helmet!

  6. Don't they have TV, blockbuster movies or the internet in Alaska?

    This guy (and his harem) are supposed to hump their cell phone keyboards like other teen zombies, not each other....

    Levi, she (they) is not an app!

  7. Really. No glove, no love!

  8. I thought the after school specials were cheesy and pointless but if this kind of situations keep on going then I'm hopeless about future generations.

  9. i was going to say that too sunnyside!

  10. I don't watch a lot of trash tv or reality shows, but my secret guilty pleasure is Maury. I don't know why, but I love that show.
    I still can't figure out why Bristol's taking this douche back after everything we know he did in Hollywood and considering how her mother must feel about their impending "reality show", but I'm with Icecat - kinda rooting for these two crazy kids.

  11. How many guys was she with *that month* that she only thinks he could be his?

  12. I don't think Bristol and Levi will last. She is in love with the idea of being in love with her baby daddy.
    I have to ask---how hard is it for teenage girls to get the pill in the US? And why are so many girls reluctant to take birth control matters on themselves. I just think that this isn't the dark ages, and that with all the preventative measures out there, maybe someone should be smart enough to use them.

  13. audieh_1: Because if you go on the Pill, or have condoms ready, or any such thing, it means you planned to have sex, and that makes you a slut. Seriously, that's the way a lot of girls (and boys, and people old enough to know better) think--sex is really only OK if you're "swept off your feet"/drunk off your ass, but it's the pre-planning that makes you a Bad Girl, not the act itself. In Bristol's case, I'm guessing it was more a combination of being in loooooove, hoping to snare the guy, and sticking it to her mom, none of which are good reasons to sleep with someone, much less get pregnant. *sigh*

    I swear, the older I get, the gladder I am that I don't have kids, and the more convinced I am that the world's going to hell in the proverbial handbasket...

  14. @Robin the Mad Photog - I agree

    Levi is a few bricks short of a load. I am quite sure he was thinking about the short term pleasure than the long term affects when he was sexing all these various women.

    It would be funny if the OTHER woman turned OUT to be Kathy Griffan. HAHA

  15. Those zany Alaskans.
