Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Levi Johnston & Kathy Griffin Had Sex

When I woke up this morning, I don't think I ever imagined I would write a headline about Levi Johnston and Kathy Griffin having sex, especially together. According to The National Enquirer though, the pair have had sex, and on more than one occasion.

It all started as them just hanging out together for publicity, but apparently they must have got into Mama Griffin's wine because the next thing you know last August after the Teen Choice Awards the couple ended up having sex.

Then, when Kathy performed in Anchorage a few months ago they hooked up again. Now, Levi is supposedly back together with his baby mama Bristol, so I guess Kathy will have to find some other guy.


  1. Part of me wants to say "you go, girl! Have your boy toy" and the other part of me can't get the words out because I'm throwing up in my mouth.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Usually, Kathy Griffin can do no wrong in my eyes, but this is just all sorts of wrong.

  4. Ick nast. The only thing that may be okay about this is if she includes it in her routine...

    But she'll have to warn her audiences to bring a barf bag.

  5. Gawd, so she really is a loser. I thought she just played one on tv.

  6. Valerie you took the words out of my mouth can keep the vomit though

  7. Never liked Kathy.

    Have no reason to like Levi.

    Double ick nast!

  8. Losers times 2. Yuck.

  9. Is this not the definition of D list celebrities?

  10. I'm grossed out, but I'm not sure why. I mean, he's legal.

    naah, it's still gross.

  11. I think this guy is a thick as nails rascal, but I am more disgusted that he would have sex with HER, than her with him.

    Ick, nast, etc...

  12. This has to be the funniest thing I've read in DAYS!! :-D

  13. Wow. Clearly neither of them have any standards to speak of, but I guess Levi is at least honest about being a famewhore starfucker.

  14. Funny, my boyfriend & I were watching part of her Alaska special a few days ago, where Levi's taking Kathy ice fishing and they cruise by the Palin house. I could totally tell something was up between them; she was making these horrible innuendo jokes towards him the whole time while he had this sick grin on his face.

  15. I don't believe it. She probably planted it herself for publicity, and I guess it's working.

  16. Oh my....back to the D List Kathy.

  17. what valerie said.

  18. I'm waiting for the headline:

    Trig is Bristol Palin's baby.

  19. Nosey Parker - I think that it has been implied on less reputable news sources that Trig is indeed Bristol's baby.

  20. I have been thinking about those two crazy kids since last weeks episode! ahahaha, I wonder if she hit Brit Brit's Persian dude that she had on her show a few years back. Love it!

  21. Don't be such pilgrims! Unmarried, consenting adults hook up each and every minute. Even ugly people have sex. It's not news or at all scandalous. :)

  22. I'll go with the Ick, Nast comment above. sorry, that's just ick.

  23. If she did it for the purpose of pissing off Sarah Palin, then I approve.

  24. Sorry, Enty. I know you love to gross us out, but on the Verne Troyer Sex Tape Still Scale, this is only about a 4 out of 10. ;)

  25. Stop talking about a sex tape---it might just appear and then I don't think I want to see any clips from that!

  26. I agree with Tallulah...this seems planted. Kathy LOVES this kind of publicity. I think she is with Tom from her show.
    But if she did, good for her! Why is this so gross?

  27. I don't believe it. I have no doubt that Kathy would say they hooked up but she is all about rattling people and being outrageous.

    Incidentally, I've seen her live twice and she's brilliant. The first time she was on stage for two and a half hours and was utterly hilarious.

  28. I don't believe it.She would say anything to get a reaction, but I don't think she would actually do that or him for that matter...

  29. @lutefisk - I have actually seen a screenshot from that sex tape. It was a mistake to look. A big mistake.

  30. RocketQueen, I was hoping it was an urban legend. I guess not.

  31. At first I was, 'WHAAAAAAAT???!!?!", but now I'm "Good for her!" We middle-aged women got to hit up the Tundra sluts when we can.

  32. Oh,Kathy, he is just not worthy! As much as I want to say "you go, girl," in this case I just can't. That boy is despicable. Just because a guy's hot doesn't mean he's worth bangin'. Even if he HAS got a bangin' body. And I do not doubt he is talkn' it up.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Wow. Never thought I'd read that headline either. I read earlier today that he'd issued a public apology for all the trash talk he did & that alot of it was not true

  35. Seems like both of these fame-whores are desperate for attention. Kathy is so, so, so tired.

  36. Umm why was Levi Johnston at the Teen Choice Awards in the first place?
