Friday, July 02, 2010

Lets Talk Mel Gibson And Oksana

I am sure by now most of you have read everything Mel Gibson said in his rants to Oksana Grigorieva. It is some pretty powerful stuff and I can't believe he has not come out and said anything to defend himself or to apologize. What will really surprise me also is if he and Jodie Foster actually team up to do the movie they were planning to shoot later this year. You would think she would be a person who would have no use for Mel or his misogynistic rantings.

In case you have not heard what happened, Oksana says she felt threatened so she started taping Mel's outbursts. Radar listened to the tape. At one point Mel says that Oksana is dressed like a whore and that it will be her fault when she gets raped by a pack of n***ers. He also threatens to burn her house down but not before he makes her blow him.

I also find it interesting that although he thinks she dresses the way she does that he is also sleeping with a porn star now. They are not exactly known for their conservative dress.

Now, the one thing that bothers me about these tapes is they are entirely one sided. We only know what Mel is saying. What did Oksana say? I doubt that as much of an a-hole Mel is that he just walks right into the house and says something like that. Were they fighting? I am not defending Mel at all. You already know I hate him. All I am saying is I would like to hear the tapes in their entirety.


  1. how was she able to record only his side of the conversation?

  2. I don't care what she said. He's hideous. He should do us all a favour and drop off the face of the earth.

  3. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Fun times for all.

  4. I feel the same way. I have lost a lot of love and respect for Mel Gibson, who was my Mom's movie star crush for much of the 90's, but I still think that his side should be heard out. Also, have you ever listened to someone intoxicated? They say crazy things, and I'm thinking he might have not been in his element. I think privacy should exist, and so should free speech. I think an apology would be nice for his fans, but honestly? He doesn't owe anyone anything, this is a private matter that should not be aired for our pleasure. Its no one's business except his & that gold digging video recording skank :)

  5. She may not be an angel, but no one deserves to be spoken to like that. And all that hatred, bigotry and anti-semitism has to come from somewhere. Stuff like that doesn't just come out of someone's mouth unless that is truly what they believe.

    I believe the movie with Jodie Foster is in post-production - I can't wait to see how, or if, Mel will promote that.

    After his tirade a few years ago when he was busted for DUI, and now this, I think he has lost all credibility and whatever sliver of respect some in the industry may have still had for him. I just don't see how he can come back from this. Or explain/justify it. Who on earth would want to work with him?

  6. I have no doubt this woman is a piece of work. Wasn't she having an affair with him while he was still married?

    But this man has some serious issues with sex, with all these references to sex as aggression and humiliaton.

    I won't even get into the whole ridiculousness of an adulterer and porn "star" shagger calling someone a whore.

  7. He keeps going down, now using the word n***ers and the violent behaviour. I have no sympathy for him but I want to hear what she said because when there's a fight, there are two sides.

    Now as for calling her a whore, I thought that was his taste. How can he expect something different when he keeps going after those types of women. I'm not saying she deserved it (no one does) but he's delusional and she seems like a woman who wouldn't turn down a few drinks from a rich guy.

  8. i doubt there is anything she can say that warrants "if you get gang raped by a bunch of n----rs, it would be your fault."

    this man is sick.

  9. I'm with Von. I don't care what his side is. His career is gone, gone, gone.

  10. There is no excuse for racist comments drunk or sober and just because you say them in private doesn't mean you are not a racist. It simply means once you're exposed to the public you can no longer lie and say that you aren't.

    So the bottom line is that Mel has proven over and over again that he is a racist. If you find reasons to excuse him it's probably because he hasn't offended your ethnic group or you agree with him.

  11. He looks old and rough in that picture! He's a drunk. I recognize. He needs to get the shit beat of him, overdose on alcohol, really see God, and then start working the steps. Or just die. I'm good with either.

  12. I am so disenchanted with this man. I can't even watch his movies now without seeing this ranting hateful man behind each scene. Thats most of my favorite movies from my youth. *sigh*

  13. "The Beaver" is in post-production. The official release date is "TBA 2010" though I think it will be out in December.

  14. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Alcohol just lowers your inhibitions, it doesn't MAKE one do or say anything that isn't already on the inside. I always thought Mel was batshit crazy.

  15. There are some things are not forgiveable no matter how drunk/high/provoked you are. Telling someone that they will get raped by n*****rs because of how they're dressed and that you will burn their house down but force you to blow them first are in that category.

    I don't care what your excuse is. There's no "he was just joking" or "he was drunk" that will get you out of that despiccable behavior toward another human being. Period.

  16. Does anyone else feel betrayed by this guy? He was at the tippy top of the entertainment biz. Everyone loved him. In Braveheart I think his talent really soared, showing him to be a great director.

    Then it all went to shit after Passion of the Christ and we got to see just how ugly this guy is on the inside.

    I feel betrayed.

  17. Does anyone else feel betrayed by this guy?

    Yep. I caught the first Mad Max movie on cable about six months ago, I thought what a shame that that gorgeous young man turned out to be so ugly on the inside. He had a very respectable career at one time. Remember The Bounty, The Year of Living Dangerously and The River. What happened to that guy? Although I think you can see some of his prejudices in aforementioned Braveheart (the gay-baiting especially, with the oh so fey characterization of the weak-willed Prince Edward despite there being no historical record of him being a homosexual), I'll agree that the battle scenes were masterfully directed. Certainly a superior film to Costner's Dances With Wolves I've also heard Apocalypto is really underrated. Didn't he also give Heath Ledger his first big break?

    I agree though. If his career isn't over, it really should be. Yuck.

  18. this board makes me so happy sometimes, i agree that regardless of what she says she doesn't deserve to be talked to like that.

    not to say she's innocent, because she could have been abusive too and i don't know the whole story. mel is a pig through and through in my eyes.

  19. I don't care how drunk or angry you are. You're either the type of person who uses the 'n' word or you're not. Mel clearly is.

    Who is the porn star?

  20. She is the next mrs gibson, im sure...

  21. I don't think anyone said being drunk MAKES you talk the way you do. I just said that when you are drunk, you say things that deep down you repress, such as racism etc. I just don't get offended if someone is racist anymore, I am that immune ;) As long as he doesn't go around physically assaulting someone due to their race it doesn't matter to me what he says, because he's already proven himself to be a mouthy asshole before.

  22. He's a disgusting beast. I honestly wish he would disappear from the public eye. It makes me angry to be subjected to his bullshit even from afar.

  23. Mel brings new meaning to if you are ugly on the inside it will show on the outside.

    He used to be so beautiful even well into his 40's. Now he is just an ugly short old man. Totally reflective of who he is as a racist.

    And I want to know who the porn star is also.

  24. was she completely naive to the type of character he was when she married him?

    if you don't want to play the game, don't step onto the playing field.

    no sympathy here.

  25. I would blow him and he wouldn't even have to burn my house down.

  26. He liked the way she dressed until she had his child.
    His "issues" with women, jews and black people stem from something very deep and dark. He's a very insecure man,IMO,and needs help before he physically harms someone. Makes me wonder what the hell his wife and children went through.

  27. Something tells me that if this chick was saying some fucked up things that Radar would have had no problem reporting it as they have reported that they heard the tapes. They stated that they heard the baby crying in the background. I think it's kinda fucked up to want to know what she said to illicit his response. Seriously? Does it really matter? What would one have to say to make it ok for him to say that shit? Really. Someone explain that to me cause I'm missing something here. Taping that piece of shit was the smartest thing that girl did for herself and her kids. He is famous and has a ton of money. If this crap wasn't on tape, no one would believe her.

    If Jodie Foster has any sense, she will run as far away from him as she can. Standing within 10ft of this dude is career suicide. I can't believe people didn't write him off after the anti-Jew deal.

  28. captivagrl said what I was going to say - Mel has an insane Madonna-whore thing going on - what a sick fuck.

    And sadly, Hollywood has shown us time and time again that people will work together despite knowing what colossal assholes they are. Roman Polanski anyone? Disappointing, and I hope Jodie's new movie tanks.

  29. Boo hiss Mel. Don't bother trying to be a director or actor anymore, ok?

  30. He lost his way when he screwed up his marriage. His wife was the only person able to keep his craziness in line all those years, because she knew him before he was famous and probably kept him somewhat under control.

    I also just used to love him. He had a hyper playfulness and humor about him that was sort of endearing. Now he looks ugly, sounds ugly and has an ugly mean personality.

    Not exactly the same guy from "Year of Living Dangerously" or the first "Lethal Weapon", is he? Or maybe he is and we were just blinded by his good looks and funny charm.

  31. LBJ used the "n" word all the time and even recorded himself in the oval office using the "n" word. Does that mean that the man who pushed through civil rights legislation hated blacks?

  32. Haven't liked Mel for a very long time, but I honestly believe this woman has had something like this planned for a very long time. She probably wasn't on the pill and got pregnant on purpose, and I suspect that if she was taping these conversations, she also probably goaded him when he was drunk. Not saying what he did or said was right, but for some reason I have never trusted this woman.

  33. Anonymous3:28 PM

    LBJ hated Dr. King, but he knew that if he did not cooperate and reach a resolution, he would get hell from most of his countrymen. At that time, the entire country saw, via tv, dogs turned on other human beings and fire hoses as well. Most outside of the South were upset. TV was very useful to the CRM. Before the news stations showed images and footage, many outside of the South DID NOT believe those things went on.

    LBJ had no choice. So yes he could have very well disliked blacks, etc. It's like Lincoln only freed the slaves to preserve the country, but he did not consider slaves equal to whites.

  34. i never liked him much so i'm not upset to find out he's a total prick. he was pretty YEARS ago. so was i.

    there's no excuse for what he said and has said in the past. it's who he is. and it doesn't matter WHAT she is. no man should EVER speak that way to a woman---especially one who has his child.

    fuck mel gibson.

  35. I remember reading an interview with Priscilla Presley when she said that after Lisa Marie was born, Elvis' attitude toward her changed completely. "I can't have sex with you any more--you're a mother!" As one of the Tarleton twins said in GWTW: "Give me a bad girl to have fun with and a good girl to marry..." That Madonna/whore thing is still a prevalant attitude. However, at the same time, I think she calculated all her moves, from the little town in the Ukraine to London and Timothy Dalton to sunny Hollywood and Mel Gibson. She's going to clean up, which is what she planned all along.

  36. Mel is a racist pig and has a temper. I'm sure it didn't take much prodding on her part for him to start a tirade. I dated a guy with a bad temper for awhile. One day I stopped by his apartment after an exhausting day at work and he was fixing himself some dinner. I said "that said that smells so good, I am starving, can I have some?" The a**hole threw it at me because he says I didn't ask nice enough. He told me I was a bitch and to just leave. I did and never came back, even though later, he said he was sorry and didn't want to break up. He called me for weeks afterward, crying with lame excuses and appologies. Men like that it doesn't take much to set them off. The most innocent little thing can do it. It can be frightening. If he was hitting her also, she has every right to tape it because otherwise it is big rich movie star's word against hers.

  37. Sgt. Murtaugh should come out of retirement and kick Mel's ass for using language like that!

  38. So his career is pretty much over, right?
