Friday, July 02, 2010

Lets Talk Mel Gibson And Oksana

I am sure by now most of you have read everything Mel Gibson said in his rants to Oksana Grigorieva. It is some pretty powerful stuff and I can't believe he has not come out and said anything to defend himself or to apologize. What will really surprise me also is if he and Jodie Foster actually team up to do the movie they were planning to shoot later this year. You would think she would be a person who would have no use for Mel or his misogynistic rantings.

In case you have not heard what happened, Oksana says she felt threatened so she started taping Mel's outbursts. Radar listened to the tape. At one point Mel says that Oksana is dressed like a whore and that it will be her fault when she gets raped by a pack of n***ers. He also threatens to burn her house down but not before he makes her blow him.

I also find it interesting that although he thinks she dresses the way she does that he is also sleeping with a porn star now. They are not exactly known for their conservative dress.

Now, the one thing that bothers me about these tapes is they are entirely one sided. We only know what Mel is saying. What did Oksana say? I doubt that as much of an a-hole Mel is that he just walks right into the house and says something like that. Were they fighting? I am not defending Mel at all. You already know I hate him. All I am saying is I would like to hear the tapes in their entirety.


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