Thursday, July 01, 2010

Kristen Stewart's Assassination Fears

Ever wonder why Kristen Stewart smiles some of the time on the red carpet and other times looks like she is ready to flee at any second? Yeah, I don't wonder about it much either. But, just in case Kristen is your life and you are just dying to know, Hello Magazine asked her that very question.

"I don't feel very comfortable on the red carpet. Sometimes I get really excited for what I'm going to and then try to take good pictures and go inside... I literally have to keep myself from crying sometimes. I look out there at a thousand people and I realise they could rush me and assassinate me. No security could protect me. Ostensibly they're fans, but I think about them turning on me."

You know, it is easy to make light of her fears because, it is hard to believe someone would assassinate her, but then, I realize there are enough unhinged people in the world that she should be a little scared sometimes. I mean can you imagine if some Team Jacob person is a little off, they might want to get revenge for Kristen picking Edward. Or, some Edward fan might want Edward all to themselves.

I mean who would have thought some guy would want to kill Ryan Seacrest. Yes, I know we all think about it during American Idol, but someone actually went out and was going to do it. And she is right, someone could easily do it. There is so little security at premieres and you have thousands of fans, I could see her being scared.


  1. ugh I hate that she has a point but she does. These fans are just beyond the beyond.

    I think so many of them blur the line between the books and reality and truly think these actors are the real life characters.

    Just the bad tattoos alone are enough to 51/50 a lot of them.

    Even though I think she is sourpuss. I really can't wait until these movies are over. She is going to WANT to be assassinated for some attention.

  2. I'm not even famous but I drive myself nuts thinking about how easy it could be for anyone to shoot me in the head at any time. True story.

  3. I think most of us would be scared shitless if we had to face that kind of hysteria on a regular basis.

  4. I can understand that totally. It can be scary for anyone who has to be among a bunch of hyped up people, especiallu if the person is not a social person. Kristen's anxiety seems like a clinical case.

  5. Anyone in the public eye has those valid fears. Shoot, I have my own fears, till this day, I don't like people sitting next to me in theaters and I always sit in the very back for fear of someone behind/near me doing me in. I know, its dumb but hey,lol

  6. She does have a legitimate concern. I wouldn't even want to be the person that unlocks the door at Walmart on black friday.

  7. Understandable. Look what happened to Rebecca Shaffer. Some people do not know when to back off.
    And Kristen seems like she is very anti-social, so I can see where her paranoia comes from.

  8. I can see how that could be terrifying. We don't have to stop making fun of her for snarling in pictures though, do we?

  9. i dont blame her one bit. im scared of walking down the street half the time. watching the news everyday and seeing how many people are killed, raped, ect... you never know. people are CRAZY out there. i can't imagine being in the spotlight. my fears would quadruple.

  10. A social phobia would explain a lot of her behavior. A lot of social phobes go into acting because when they're playing someone else they have a confidence they can't have as themselves.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. A social phobia could explain it. OR it could just be a phobia of the freaking insane twilight fans. Like the ones who think she and Rob will get married because they are in LOVE just like Bella and Edward! and are meant to be together FOREVER and EVER and EVER!

  13. For fuck's sake, I was dating someone who once asked if I ever was afraid they'd kill me while I slept because it would be so easy to do. This was someone I had been dating a long time (but it sure did hasten us to the end, how creepy can you get?).

  14. you know, i understand her fears. the totally obnoxious mania surrounding 'twilight' would certainly be unnerving.

    she's probably got agoraphobia. and people keep blasting her for actually being human you know. i'd like to see how many of her critics would do so well in her shoes, with her schedule, with the mania of these fans, with the cameras, calling her a lesbian, saying she's marrying pattinson, etc. she seems to be a quiet and introverted person who's been flung into this MANIACAL atmosphere. how else should she feel?

    i cannot WAIT until these damned books and movies disappear.

    **steps down from soapbox

  15. Such BS. You know the person that works behind the counter at McDonalds doesn't have any security at all, and anyone on Earth can walk up to her, with a gun, with a canister of mustard gas, with a tazer, a machete. Bottom line, you thought up an excuse because of the fact everyone in the world is turning on you on blogs and everywhere online because they say you always look like an ungrateful b****. So you thought of something that would get you sympathy.
    Sounds like you need to find a job that doesn't involve the public.
    Then you could roll your eyes all you want.

  16. I believe she's sincere and agree she probably has social phobia unless she's a druggy and then THAT'S the real reason for her phobia.

  17. I bet she gets some pretty weird fan mail and threats for dating Rob. I wonder how much of that is kept from her.

    It just takes one crazy person to do some damage, physical or emotional. Did anyone think a gymnast like Shawn Johnson would get such a weirdo?

  18. watching her on Letterman allowed me to finally get her. She's socially awkward and probably a bit phobic about the crowds.

  19. Those Twihards are crazy, no offense to any fans here. I know some women who are very close to the line between reality and fantasy when it comes to their love of all things Twilight.

    I don't know if she has a social phobia or not but she definitely needs to take time to take care of herself. I'm not into Twilight and have no love or hate for this girl, but she is young and probably genuinely scared.

  20. Isn't KStew a total pothead? Wouldn't that make her, like, totally paranoid?

  21. You know she has a point. Look at Jodie Foster and what an unhinged fan is capable of doing. @jessica someone working at mcdonalds or at any counter deals with someone one on one. Imagine a throng of 1000 people waiting to pounce on you. Being actor doesnt mean you automatically have the skillset to do interviews or even be able to handle doing a red carpet. Rob Deniro hated doing interviews or only now just started doing them and the red carpet. I rather someone like Kristen not comfortable with her fame than someone like Lindsay Lohan

  22. I'm not sure if that's an excuse for her odd behaviour but she makes a good point. Some people are crazy! Those girls (and not even girls but grown up women as well) looks insane, crying and screaming when they take a pic of them.

    I seriously don't blame her some people just don't feel comfortable in big crowds (yes, me) and if she has a phobia or anything I think that she should address that. Maybe when Twilight it's over she'll get back to normal because I don't remember seeing her being that awkward before all this madness.

  23. I'm no Kristen Stewart fan, but I think the massive fan freak-out that is present at all the Twilight events would be pretty scary. Most Twi-hards are teens, who are an impulsive and unpredictable lot by nature so I'm sure there are some absolute nut jobs front and center everywhere she goes especially when you then factor in the whole "vampire-lover" crowd that show up for these things, too.

  24. Please. Does the fear of the crowd cause her to roll her eyes too?
    People are so gullible.

  25. @Borg Queen said...

    @jessica someone working at mcdonalds or at any counter deals with someone one on one.
    Did you actually think about this before you said it? Do you not see how that would be 10x more dangerous? Besides the fact that there is security all over red carpet events, there is none at McDonalds.
    Look, she found a way to spin the story to combat all the criticism. You bought into it. I applaud you for trying to justify it. But it's total BS.
    She rolls her eyes constantly. That has nothing to do with being friggin scared.

  26. Made me think of the Indigo Girls song Fugitive (great song btw), written by Amy Ray about fears her girlfriend had about fans:

    Are they coming for us with cameras or guns
    We don`t know which but we gotta run
    You say this is not what I bargained for

    yes, there are some really crazy people out there, and I have no doubt Kristen has seen their "fan" mail.

  27. I'm starting to like her. She obviously doesn't like the spotlight, and in a way isn't that a little refreshing in the world of Kardashians, Housewives, etc.?

  28. Look, I'm nobody, and I've already had to deal with stalkers (ex-boyfriends and wannabe boyfriends) and death threats and attempts on my life (note: don't write publically about subjects that annoy military or government people, they WILL track you down and hurt you or attempt to hurt you to "send a message.) And women deal with this stuff as part of the background of their everyday lives, period. Piss off one drunken asshole who wants to get in your pants and you don't know what might happen - and often, if you go to the police, they won't do anything UNTIL the guy hurts you or you're able to record evidence of him trying to hurt you.

    Makes us all feel real safe, doesn't it? And we're not even famous.

  29. I don't think Kristen's fear is unreasonable, hard to relate to but not unreasonable. Just think about Rebecca Schaefer and her unhappy far to early demise. We also cannot forget what Robert Hinckley did to "attract" Jody Foster.

  30. OK, I just wrote a novella about all this, but Blogger wouldn't let me post it (yes, you can all heave a big sigh of relief now). Between being old enough to be Kristen's mother, and having been a Nine Inch Nails fan for a good number of years, I like to think I have some perspective on growing up in general, having to grow up in public in the Internet Age, and having to deal with truly psychotic whackjobs (having seen the latter in action over the years, and they weren't even the worst). I don't care if she spends the next 10 years rolling her eyes all over the place; eye-rolling does not warrant having to fear for your well-being or even life, and if you truly think it does, doesn't speak well of you, at the very least. (Looking back on all the stupid shit my friends & I did growing up, I can't imagine having every dumbass thing I'd end up cringing over years later plastered across the globe 24/7/365. "Growing up in public" in the Internet Age = Teh Suck...and that's rather understating the issue.) No one should have to feel they need to leave a job they love and that fulfills them somehow just to be safe, and that goes for everyone from famous actors to, yes, the counter girl at Mickey D's.--and yes, plenty of socially awkward folks get into performing as a way of coping with their anxieties by adopting another persona temporarily. *cough*TrentReznor*cough* (Hey, Trent, be a mensch and give the Twilight kids a call, will you? If anyone knows crazy & obsessed fans that put you in mortal fear for your life, you sure do, and God knows they could use some of your perspective in other areas as well...)

  31. If her fears are legitimate then she needs some counseling. And also a stern talking to by her manager, agent, handlers, whoever would advise her NOT to look as if she's 1) Less than happy to be at her premier, 2) Stoned.

    Her dopey fans spend a ton of money on the movies, books, and all Twilight tie-in crap (key chains, jewelry, purses, etc. etc.) and she herself makes a small fortune from the movies.

    Bottom line, she needs to suck it up and deal with it.

  32. @jessica it's a little offensive to call people gullible for empathizing with a young woman dealing with extreme fame and insane fans. i myself have struggled with that kind of anxiety, and it appears several people on this board have, too so for those of us with experience (or um, HEARTS) don't find it that offbase that she's afraid of her situation.

    you can have your opinion, i don't care to change that. i'd just appreciate it if you didn't generalize those of us on this board for not seeing it your way. and while yes, pot can cause anxiety, it wouldn't lead her to believe her fans are out to get her. i think simply the behavior all of us have encountered with twilight fans (jonas bro fans, hannah montana, etc), is enough to tell you that some people just ain't right up here /points to head.

  33. oh and can i just point out that she is what, 18 years old? most of us couldn't handle those fans at our ages, but 18? i'd be in a mental hospital. i'm just saying.

  34. She picked Edward? Oh, good. Now I don't have to feel badly about never reading any of the books or seeing the movies.



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