Friday, July 02, 2010

Kendra Wilkinson Talks About Assembly Line Sex With Hugh Hefner

Kendra Wilkinson's book comes out next week. I have to say that if every part of it were like the excerpts that were released it would be a great book. Unfortunately though I think it is going to be pretty lame and the only parts worth reading are the parts released.

So, we know from a past interview with Kendra that she went through a time in her life with drugs. Well, in her book she details it extensively. She did every drug you can think of, would slice herself with scissors until her arms bled and was put into a mental institution for several weeks where she tried to overdose on toothpaste because she heard that worked.

She also talks about being a stripper and how she loved the power and money and made enough money stripping that she paid for a new set of breasts in just two days of working. OK, that part I don't believe. I believe she made enough in two days, but I don't think she did it just by stripping.

"I worked for two straight nights to collect my boob job money and had them done. I had my dream boobs and business was good!"

Do you want to know what sex with Hugh Hefner was like? OK< well read on.

"One of the girls asked me if I wanted to go upstairs to Hef’s room. In my head I could hear my mom’s voice: ‘You know they have orgies there.’ I said “Okay, if I have to.” It seemed like every other girl was going, and if I didn’t it would be weird. One by one, each girl hopped on Hef and had sex with him… for about a minute. I studied their every move. Then it was my turn… it was very weird. I wasn’t thinking about how much older Hef was - all the body parts worked the same. I wanted to be there."

So, basically Hef just lies there and a line of women hop on and off him. Apparently he must have liked her one minute better than anyone else because he asked her to be his girlfriend the next day. Maybe he just woke up from a nap while she was on top of him. Is there a stopwatch and when a minute is reached, someone shouts out, "Next."


  1. Wow. She seems to have been really troubled. I amsure she was prostituting as well. I have always resented her, but at least this makes her seem human.

  2. Ick NAST - these people ever hear of STDs?

  3. Yes, I have heard this from other playmates. Hef pops a little blue pill, lays in bed and each playmate sits on him for a minute and next, if it weren't so sick, it'd be hilarious! lol

  4. I think I need a shower after reading that. Ugh. Yet she claims to be upset about the release of that sex tape? I find that now especially hard to believe.

  5. I hope the people in the office don't hear me wretching at the thought of a Hef assembly line. ick.

  6. Ok, my sister used to be a high end call girl/escort. It was sometimes possible to make big money in one weekend without actually having sex. I wouldn't call that just stripping, but maybe that was the case the time Kendra's talking about.

  7. This is one of saddest and vilest things I have read here.
    And it happened when she was only 18.

    This woman is more troubled than I thought, and Heffner an ever grosser pig.

    Presumably, they didn't bother to put on new condoms during the changeovers. *VOMIT*

  8. I wonder who will write the tell-all book once Hef's gone?

  9. Shakey- I wonder who won't! That'll be their ca-ching moment.

  10. I feel dirty. In a bad way.

  11. "I wasn't thinking about how much older Hef was - all the body parts worked the same."

    Now that part was hilarious!

    Kendra wants money and she will say and do anything to get it. Of course she also has no morals or self respect but what else is new? At least she's getting paid which is the only thing that counts to most people "in these hard economic times".

  12. It never rung true for me that she was upset by that sex tape. She sells herself at any opportunity. She's like the slut version of Kate Gosselin.

  13. I think it is funny and I wouldn't mind having the opposite done by a bunch of attractive well hung men.

    The only gross part for Kendra and the others is having to have sex with Hef...bleeeeeeech

  14. Please tell me that part of that one minute was putting a new condom on. This is one of the grossest stories I have heard of.

  15. "The slut version of Kate Gosselin" made me choke on my Peanut Chicken. LMAO!!!

  16. that was an auditon,not an assembly line. sick sick sick.

  17. After laying there on his lazy back/a$$, I wonder if he had the nerve to ask if was good for her too? Talk about a quickie. Absolutely vile.

  18. sweetie, i've been a stripper myself and know plenty of them and let me tell you something. the only stripper that can afford a boob job after two nights, is the stripper that sleeps with her customers after the club closes.

  19. Lol @ john... U are so right!

  20. This is so bizarre. I wonder if this is Hef's version of speed dating. Whoever fits the bill in that minute "wins" the right to be considered his girlfriend. Talk about feeling special.

  21. Anonymous11:52 AM

    She is so trashy and gross. How wonderful for her child to be able to read this stuff about his mom some day.

  22. Reminds me of musical chairs. Guess the music stopped for her.

    I've always assumed that something was signed by the women, so they couldn't talk about Hef's sex life. Guess not. Ditsy Kendra is the first to tell all? That's the only thing surprising to me.

  23. Ugggggggggg. Just revolting.

  24. Do you think Hef has a counter above his bed and the girls take a number when they enter his room?
    The only difference between him and the deli dept. at grocery store is his counter reads:


  25. I thought Enty posted a link some time ago, concerning an online tell-all by one of the exPlaymates. This woman claimed the same thing, that Hef has sex with about a dozen women a night, like an assembly line, no condoms are involved, STD's are passed around like candy, abortions are common and no one says anything because they are scared of Hef and his people. Oh, and women no longer get him off. He has gay porn in the back ground and only "finishes" inside the backdoor of whichever "lucky" girlfriend he chooses for that night. Disgust. I have a very intelligent, well-educated friend that can't tear her eyes away from Girls Next Door, and won't believe me when I tell her these things. The American public loves this guy for some reason. Hope his parts rot off.

  26. This is utterly disgusting and I am utterly disgusted by Kendra and all those woman who took part in that assembly line. Is your self-worth so low that you subject yourself to this for a bit of money from someone old enough to be your great-grandfather? I have no respect for Kendra. None.

  27. People love Hef because he is the guy that does everything that many of us want to do, but neither have the money to make it work or the charm to pull it off. He's also a dirty old man, and women like dirty old men, at least from a distance or when the guy does the occasional "I used to be able to turn you over and pound you into submission" wink.

    But Hef is a nasty piece of work. The assembly line sex, the hardcore donkey porn, his treatment of many of his former girls. He's no gent.

  28. Hank must be proud that he wifed a Ho lol

  29. I could have sworn that right around the time her and Hank got engaged, she said that her and Hef never had sex. She said she needed sex, so she would have to sneak out and get it.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Goodgrief, yep, she said that. But if you think about it, it wasn't really sex from her perspective. Just the daily debasement.

  32. At least she's honest.

  33. Didn't know she was a stripper?? (not surprising)

    the Hef sex sounds very boring & digusting!
