Friday, July 23, 2010

Jessica Simpson Pays For Everything For Her Unemployed Boyfriend

Apparently Jessica Simpson's friends have been telling tales to the tabloids. Either that or the tabloids decided that someone who once went to a Jessica Simpson concert 5 years ago and has an active imagination could be a friend. Hey, it happens. When they don't use their imagination like that, the tabloids just say a source and not a friend.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. So, this new boyfriend of hers, Eric Johnson does not have a job and has not had a steady job since he quit playing football. His wife is living in the marital home so Eric moved in with Jessica and lives at her place. Despite having no job, he did go to Italy with her where she paid for their $3,000 a night hotel suite and $5,000 a day yacht. And all their meals, shopping, etc. He probably did buy her a card for her birthday though so that's nice. Maybe a gelato too.

The whole point of the article is that her friends think he is using her for her money and fame. Wow, who would have guessed? I say she can do whatever she wants. If the situation was reversed no one would care. It happens all the time. The reason I care is that I think Jessica is a very nice person and she will probably get dumped eventually and then have to go through this whole process again. Or, she could just call John Mayer.


  1. The boyfriend is actually Jules Kirby.

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I don't know. I just don't see it right for a woman to be paying for a man.

  3. This is so sad. She's not a bad person. She really deserves to be with someone that would genuinely like her.

  4. She needs to start saving some of her money.

  5. for real, Ms Cool. I said it before, but I wish I could be the money manager for some of these celebs. Put them on a budget so they don't have to pimp themselves out when they are 70 to pay for their plastic surgery.

  6. She'll be alright. If he is using her hopefully she will catch on quickly and cut him loose. If she doesn't its not the end of the world, cause when she gets dumped then she can sell her sob story to a tabloid and make a few bucks.

  7. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I don't really "really" care because this is not uncommon in rich/wealthy couplings. However, if she is NOT aware of what he is doing, then he is using her. If she knows and is paying for companionship, so be it.
    Sometimes women in these kinds of relationships use their money to control that person.

  8. Anonymous10:04 AM

    She won't be hurting for money for a very long time, as long as it's invested well.

  9. I hope this isn't true for Jessica's sake. She seems like a really nice girl that has just had a bad string of relationships since her marriage ended.

  10. I hope this isn't true for Jessica's sake. She seems like a really nice girl that has just had a bad string of relationships since her marriage ended.

  11. He's already moved in with her? Oh Jessica...

  12. she is an awful person. i knew her stand in on the dukes of hazard and a few commercials and she told me some awful stories abut her diva behavior and fucking johnny knoxville while nick was in her trailer waiting for her and couldnt find her and she would berate him in front of the entire crew. she would show up hours late and had to have her team style her that the movie paid for. yeah, i hear she is quite an evil little diva. no wonder her career is in the shitter. also, my ex bf works at sir and said that she used to come in there not speak to a soul and fuck john mayer in the bathroom and this is before she divorced nick. those are two sources i know of for sure with first hand. and jessica and john had not went public yet so i didn't believe my bf at the time and he was all, it will come out really soon and sure enough he was right.

  13. If she gets tired of paying for her unemployed boyfriend, I have an unemployed husband she can take care of for a while.

  14. I like her in spite of her dippiness and clinginess. Even if they dropped her on her head when she was little and what little intelligence she might have had came dribbling out, that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve a family and baby, which is clearly what she wants.

    Why doesn't she date someone outside of the Hollyweird or pro sports scenes? Then maybe she'd halt the string of Douchey McDouchebags?

  15. This girl certainly picks lemons in the garden of love.

  16. I don't have much hope for her finding a "good" man. This lifestyle will continue until she's no longer relevant enough to be in the tabloids.

  17. Littleman- true or not.that was in the middle of Jessica's Helltime. She was dieting like crazy,working out like a madwomen and fucking around with those douchebags..not surprising that wasn't a flattering time for her. I don't think i'd be nice either at that point.

    Everything i've heard about her has been positive.

  18. Anonymous11:16 AM

    wow, littlemanwhatnow! interesting.

  19. One of my best friends made this same mistake recently with a guy. The guy had nothing to his name and she moved him in after seeing him for 2 weeks and it ended badly. But she hung on a lot longer than she really needed to. I hate to see women do that.

  20. @littlemanwhatnow Interesting facts.

    I don't dislike her and I'm not a fan either but I wish she would get a higher self-steem. Just quit doing things just for the guys and be happy and single for some time, see what happens.

  21. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Booster Seat, women, God's wonderful creation, do tend to hang on too long to useless men. But this has more to do with them trying to prove the relationship naysayers wrong.

  22. This is something of a double standard. If she were a male celebrity, dating an unemployed woman, who would even notice. Anyone think George Clooney's girlfriend is paying for anything?? Even after he pulled some strings and got her that recurring role on "Leverage", I doubt she was suddenly wanting to go Dutch. For the record, she wasn't bad. That being said, something about this guy sets off my "creep" radar. I hope I'm wrong.

  23. Eric is actually a really nice guy. While I'm sure she spends money at a rate he couldn't possibly afford (and so, if she wants them to go yachting, she obviously has to pay for it), he's hardly hurting. Not to mention that he recently got into Wharton (no idea if he plans to go now, but he definitely had been), so it's not like Jessica is his only means of making a living.

  24. as I heard it..when she was dating Romo, some of his friends/neighbors had them over for bbq and they couldn't stand her. Thought she was a rude, fake, b.

    I liked her better with Nick.

  25. I think there are shades of gray in these situations. If someone is with you just for the money, that sucks. If they like your money, but they like you too, that's okay with me. Maybe I'm naive, but I think people like Anna Nicole Smith and Gretchen Rossi (a Real Housewife) clearly wouldn't have been with their men if they were poor, but both seemed to genuinely like their sugar daddies.

  26. hey guys

    this is true she was dieting like a nut and all wacked out. i don't think she even really was in love with nick anyway. she might be nice now and that was years ago. she might be better, but still don't treat people so mean if you don't want karma to slap you on the booty. now, she's a little bit of a joke so...

  27. If she's used to a certain standard of living and doesn't want paps crawling up her ass each time he treats her to KFC, then she needs to pony up. It's unfair to expect the man to support her lifestyle even if he does have that kind of scratch.

  28. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Hmm...I am not sure I agree. If a man has the means to "help pick up the tab" (rent, utilities, dining), then he should. He doesn't have to be financially responsible for her lifestyle, but if he benefits, then he's a deadbeat not to "help out".

  29. She chooses men about as well as she chooses her clothing. I still have visions of that onsie thing she was wearing the other day. It even looked like she had a diaper on under it. Maybe she is happy with the arrangement. She pays for everything and gets a little nooki now and then in return. This guy really does not seem like any prize tho.
