Monday, July 05, 2010

How To Pick Up Guys - Throw Bottle At Their Head

I have read a lot of dating books. A lot. More than anyone I have ever met. I keep hoping for some kind of magical answer. Maybe Katy Perry has it. In her interview with Esquire this month she claims the way she introduced herself to Russell Brand was by throwing a bottle at his head, and hitting him with it. In most states that will get you arrested. In their case they ended up going to Thailand together a week later.

"I was 25, 30 feet away from him. And I threw the bottle straight at him: hit him smack dab on the head. Can you imagine the horrible feeling he had, when he was used to getting everything he wanted? I was like, 'You've met your match, motherf*cker.' A week later we went on vacation in Thailand."

In the interview she also says that he was basically a prostitute before she met him. That he is an even bigger diva than she is and that she is in her own words "a f*cking strong elephant of a women."

She also says that if you want to keep a guy you should make him wait. How does the whole going to Thailand after a week fit with that??

Esquire woman we love - Katy Perry from esquireuk on Vimeo.


  1. The guy is a sex addict and went to rehab for it.

    I think Katy and her magical boobs will keep him entertained a few months longer.

    I'm sure he has every honest intention of marrying and staying faithful. But I have as much faith in them as I did with Jake & Vienna.

  2. as much as i have a big MEH for her...damn she has got some great
    t-ts. and i'm straight!

  3. She doesn't bother me, but then again I don't pay much attention to her either. I do hate it when celebrities try to give us "little people" advice, though. Please, if I wanted relationship advice I'd go talk to some old couple that has been married 50 years--at least they give it to you straight. Nothing worse than someone getting a little fame and then thinking that they know everything.

  4. I don't get these two.

  5. Well, that is a novel way to meet a horndog.

  6. Anonymous1:57 PM

    She kind of resembles Betty Page.

  7. Way late here, but I swear I keep having dreams with both Katy and Russell in them. Weird! And I don't even really follow them or listen to any of her music.

  8. In KP's defence, this is Russell Brand. You've made him wait if you don't sleep with him within 3 hours of meeting him, so one week is basically forever in Brand World.

  9. Sick to death of her. Crap voice, crap music, hot body. Big deal.
