Friday, July 02, 2010

Harry Potter Actress Attacked By Brother And Father - Threatened With Death

The brother and father of Afshan Azad, who plays Padma Patil in the Harry Potter films, were in court Tuesday to answer to charges they threatened to kill her and in the case of the brother actually hit her. The whole thing was put off until next month so the details will be kind of sparse. After someone gets arrested the media is not really allowed to talk about the details for fear of trampling on the rights of someone. No Nancy Grace over in the UK.

I'm guessing she probably did something crazy like go on a date or something so the father and brother decided to beat her. She was attacked at her house about six weeks ago. I'm surprised they let her live alone. I hate crap like this.


  1. Enty, sadly this kind of thing happens all too frequently in Britain and the only different thing here is that the victim is vaguely well-known.

    A lot of it is cultural and brought over, which aways leads me to question why, if Western culture is so abhorrent then why move here? Money isn't a good enough reason for me if you feel that strongly against our ways life.

  2. *our ways of life. Apologies, typing on my mobile.

  3. This poor girl.

    What is wrong with people? Your own daughter and sister?

    I hope she is getting paid a good portion of those Harry Potter ££££££, and is able to free herself from this situation.

  4. @West End Girl: Actually, I think that these types of occurrences are fairly well reported in the UK. Not every honour killing makes the front page, but there is a strong awareness in the media and society about these problems.

    My concern is that many young women are caught between two cultures and lack the resources to protect themselves.

  5. I read that the family is Muslim and she was dating a Hindu man.

    Sad and awful.

  6. I read an article earlier that stated that her father and brother disapproved of her boyfriend and demanded she break up with him. I don't like my sister-in-law but I am not going to threaten to kill my brother if he doesn't divorce her. Thats just nuts. Besides, Christmas wouldn't be the same without the awkward comments and thinly veiled insults.

  7. Thinking they own her because she's female. F(*&ing animals.

  8. There have been two somewhat-recent big-profile honour killings in Canada that I can think of off the top of my head. Sickening. Teenage girl didn't want to wear a hajib and chose Western clothing. Traditional brother (who was found out to be cheating on his traditional wife - hypocrite much?) and father killed her.

    Then there was the Montreal parents who killed their 3 daughters and the man's first wife (polygamist) because eldest daughter was dating a poor Pakistani boy. She brought shame on the family, don't you know. (First wife wasn't mother to any of the kids, AFAIK.)

    I get each culture has their own customs, but murders and beatings are wrong. Period.

  9. I agree with Shakey. It really bothers me when people take their beliefs to extreme points like this.

  10. @princess shyness, I accept that we do get a lot of media coverage, yes, but there are many more that aren't, not to mention those that are spirited out of the country & never heard from again.

    I don't think all the coverage in the world will change such ingrained behaviours and appalling abuse of women.

  11. i don't understand the point of moving to a different society, yet refusing to adopt their culture, beliefs, even clothing. obviously there's something about that society that you can accept, so why not embrace as much of it as you can? i'm not saying give up all of your culture, i'm just saying if our culture isn't good enough for you, then neither are our resources.

    /ducks and runs.

  12. yeah,honour killings are getting more rampant in Canada. i live in BC with a lot of these beatings and threats happen often.

  13. In denmark abt a year ago, the courts convicted an entire family of murder, cause they had all helped cover it up. Maybe thats one way of combatting it

  14. Sad. Violence of any sort sickens me.

  15. How come it's always the daughters that somehow disgrace the family honour. You can't tell me the sons aren't going out on dates with girls of different religions over here.

  16. women don't count for shit in many cultures. one of them is hers.

  17. I have to agree with the sentiment that many express here. If you don't like American/Canadian/English culture, why move here? When you bring your children up here and they turn out more Western than Middle Eastern, what can you expect? What are you doing here? Not every culture wants to carry on like we're living in the 7th century. This ain't the Arabian Nights!

  18. I love that violence is always so prevelant to this religion.

    Yea. They can all get the f*** out in my opinion.

    I have no tolerance for this crazy shit.



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