Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Independence Day

Well, another day of reveals has come and gone. For those of you who are my Facebook friends, you might want to check my status update a little later tonight. A really juicy reveal is still to come.

I hope that everyone is having a great weekend. For those of you in Canada or here in the US it is a long weekend and I am grateful that you spent some of your holiday with me here. For all of you, no matter where you are, I am grateful everyday that you spend part of each day reading, commenting, e-mailing and contributing. I think all of you are amazing and all of you are what bring me back everyday.

Now, it is heavy drinking time. So, if you will all excuse me, enjoy the rest of the weekend and I will see you back for more reveals on January 1.


  1. Thank you enty! What's your facebook name? CDAN? Happy 4th!!!

  2. Thanks again Enty.

    BUTTTTttt what about the drunkenly gay tv actor?

  3. What about those who don't have a facebook account? :(

    I've stayed up laaaaateee... (it's 2:22)

  4. @ RM - There is a link the the CDAN facebook page to the left of the main page, below the 'Feel the erge' picture.

  5. @Shmooey - someone will post it here when it appears, dont worry!! :)

  6. His name is Enty Lawyer on Facebook.

  7. Thank you enty! you make gossip classy!

    I don't think you need a facebook account to view his page.

    Im sure one of us will post what he said in the comments if you can't access it.

  8. Thanks, Ent! I'm going to be upset next year because it will be a weekday/workday for me. I've been bummed about that all weekend, lol!

  9. @ItsAJ: I hope so.

    And I hope it's the Bunk Bed Blind Item :P

  10. Thank you, Enty! Enjoy the rest of your Fourth!

  11. Happy 4th to you Enty and thanks for the endless entertainment here. It is appreciated tremendously.

    Also, can someone post the juicy reveal later please? Some of us don't have Facebook.

  12. Happy 4th Enty. Love you.

  13. This one becomes juicy because of who it involves. This soclose to A
    list television actor who has been in movies, but is only really known
    for ones that involved a television character he plays cheated on his D
    list actress girlfriend. While she was pregnant. More than once. - Chris Noth

  14. Previous post was for those who couldn't get onto facebook for some unknown reason- hope you don't mind enty.

    I'll trash it if you want me to...

  15. Oh, and happy 4th of July!
    Don't drink and drive. Have a barbecue for me.

  16. I expected it be Chris Noth. What a douchbag to do that.

  17. Thanks and Happy 4th of July!

  18. Thank you Enty for the fun and revealing day!

  19. My only let down was that there were no John Mayer blind items.

    I love hearing what that tool does.

  20. Thanks timebob for the link. I put in my friend request. I just have one question and maybe you guys can answer it. Are these blind for sure for sure true? Are they verified before enty posts them?

  21. Happy 4th!

    That sucks about Noth!

    I have to go back and read everything now that my kids are in bed :) Thanks for the wonderful day guys!

    And most of all thank you to my wonderful brothers and sisters that keep me safe! I love this country!

  22. from what Enty said in his facebook Q&A they are verified by several sources.

    He only reveals the ones where it isn't worth it to be sued over.

    When it involves kids he says he calls protective services about it.

    hope that helps.

  23. Thanks Enty. Enjoy the holiday and have a bottle or two for me.

    Best reveals of the 4th Ashton, Nicole Kidman and the kindness.

    Happy 4th of July everyone.

    I can't remember but does Enty post tomorrow or does he take a day off and we'll gossip on Tuesday the 6th?

  24. Thanks Enty! Some great ones were revealed today - now on to the rest of my bottle of wine :)

  25. Thanks, Enty. Happy 4th to all those who celebrate!

  26. Thanks again timebob. I'm beginning to think you're enty. ;)

  27. Thank you Enty, I thought this was a great bunch of reveals! Now go party hardy! ♥

  28. Thanks, Enty! Lots of fun as always!

  29. lol RM i can assure you i'm not. I just waste a lot of time online and have an ability to remember useless celebrity gossip.

  30. Wow, the day went by quickly! I can't say they were all as worthy as past years but some real surprises anyway and worth hanging out. Sorry to see it end tonight.

    I think 2010 would be a good year for a Timmy-style BV..complex and long running....hint hint. That was so much fun. Gosh, was that 2007? I distinctly remember sitting at my office desk following along. Oh, we're overdue for a good one like that.
    'night, all & be safe

  31. timebob it's not a waste. You are very helpful and it's a gift to be able to recall so many facts the way you do.

    I'm trying to wean myself off gossip but, this blog is just too good darn it!

  32. Thanks ENTY ... and the rest. For the most part, everyone plays nice together :)

    Did ENTY reveal MV? I read all the comments and thought I saw a reference to it that someone said, it was someone that they didn't suspect. Hmmm. Let me see if I can find it again ...

    Happy 4th!

  33. Thank you Facebook page either so thanks for the last reveal..I may not post a lot but have been reading everyday for 2 years +.... lov e cdan!!

  34. Actually, G, good point.

    Unlike some other sites (like Perez), when I come here I find other people like me who read about celebs and are knowledgeable about that world...and that truly like to have fun with the BIs...have informed guesses and it makes CDAN such a pleasant site to visit.

    Not that I don't adore Michael K, because I do, but this site has a neat vibe.

    I know I'm a big doubter about Enty's identity, people get testy about it and I won't rehash that, but whomever Enty is, and it doesn't really matter in the end, ---and despite some of the more boring stuff on the site---they've set the tone for a nice community and it's a great, fun read every day.

  35. Thanks Enty, lovely as always!

  36. ok, i suppose i can be done with the blinds, although i would love to see some more!

  37. um G, that was me being goofy.

    He didn't reveal it. And sadly can't see a scenario where he would.

  38. Thanks again, Ent!

    Can't wait for January. While I understand that you can't post the more juicy blinds, I'm always glad you don't get sued as much as that D-bag, Mario L.

    That we know of. ;)

  39. Thank you so much for the fun. I love the reveals. The reader photos are great! Have a wonderful rest of your holiday everyone.

  40. Thank you, Enty! You're the best. :-)

  41. Thanks for everything, enty! I haven't read all the reveals yet...but I'm gonna!

  42. Thanks! Great reveals. i really like the ones with Joey lauren adams and Sarah Jessica Parker. I thought though that there was going to be a reveal of a TV actress who said some pretty racist things. It was awhile back (maybe a month) and spec that it was Michelle Lea.

  43. thanks for the reveals enty, time to get schlugered!

    middle aged diva, I agree.. Timmy/Shimmy was so much fun and I can't believe that was already 3 yrs ago.

  44. Thanks Enty, and everyone who was nice!

    Been reading for three years now; you provide great enterainment!

  45. Thank you, Enty!!! See you on Facebook. :)

    Happy Schnockering. :)

  46. Thanks Enty. You know how I feel. Hope you have a happy fourth. Don't set off any fireworks in the basement. That gets a little messy.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Hi Timebob,

    Yep, it was you. I reread all the comments. It has more to do with trying to preserve what little sanity remains. I wanted to make sure I wasn't imagining things.

    @ Middle-Aged Diva. Thanks! I like a civilized bunch of people and I really enjoy reading ENTY's blog. It really does make life seem more enjoyable.

    I check out Perez' site as well, but it's very catty. The comments are childish and his site is all about self-promotion. Any artist that he "BRAGS" and claims that they are awesome I find that I don't like them in the least.

    Thanks again ENTY ... and the rest.

  49. Thanks for all the reveals! Makes for a great day. I may look forward to it more than Christmas!

  50. Enty, sorry for being late to the party but I am sick as a dog, just wanted to thank you for such a wonderfully fun site and please know that all the hard work you do does not go unappreciated! You are the best, much love to you and yours and after seeing your facebook page, I see I got one right lol

  51. Enty, you have never disappointed me. Much love! xoxo

  52. Thanks so much Enty ... icing on top of this cupcake holiday -- especially the kindness ones. Thanks for sharing with us and starting this little snarky-but-sweet community!

  53. Thanks Enty for another day of fun. Can't wait til the next blind item reveals. Have a great 4th of July !

  54. oh well, i still think the batshit crazy chick with all the sex rules is jlh.

  55. Thank you for a wonderful day, Enty! Please know that you truly are appreciated and just ignore the haters!

  56. Thank you Enty once again for taking the time to post the blind items monday to friday and the reveals twice a year.

  57. Thanks Enty! Hope you enjoyed your 4th!

  58. Enty, you are truly the best! Would absolutely love to have a drink (or 5) with you some time!!!!

  59. Happy 4th and the rest of the Summer, Enty. You are the best, best. You have brought me joy in my darkest days. Thank you.

  60. Enty, didn't get a chance to say Thanks for the Reveals yesterday. I don't know who you 'really' are and I don't care! You will forever be my extra large, basement dwelling friend in the entertainment world and for that... I love you!
    I caught CDAN fever about three years ago (can't believe its been that long) and you have been my everyday companion.
    So thank you again for being a source of excitement and glamor for us 'regular people' that do not get Carvel Ice Cream for life.

  61. as usual, enty, another great reveals day! i had to take a break and join the family for a while, but i appreciate you giving your time up for us, ESPECIALLY today, but every day, all year 'round.
    so thanks, and i hope your fourth was spectacular and safe!!
    furry hugs and bunny kisses!

  62. Thank you Enty! I have been vacationing & had to get my CDAN fix in small doses due to other activities....(My husband thinks I have an addiction;))
    just caught up on the BIR! That was fun!

  63. I'm a day late, but wanted to say thank you Enty! Love this round of reveals and this community. Can't believe it's been 3 summers since I started reading CDAN (Timmy Shimmy). I've enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks for all your hard work Enty. I think you're a constant in so many of our crazy lives (or at least in mine). Hugs, BW

  64. Thanks for taking the time to do these reveals! I was too busy running around on the beach to get to a computer.
