Monday, July 12, 2010

The Goopster Lost Her Baby Weight And So Can You

Gwyneth Paltrow, aka The Goopster wants you to know that she is just like all of you other moms out there. Sure, she can afford to hire a full-time trainer and doesn't work a full-time job, but none of that matters. What matters is that if you don't lose your baby weight is that you are just not trying hard enough.

The Goopster gave an interview at the end of Tracy Anderson's Post-Pregnancy Workout DVD. In the interview The Goopster says, "After my first pregnancy, the weight had come off a little bit better but after the second one it was really stubborn. It was really hanging on," said the 37-year-old. It was not easy and, when I started it, it was by far the hardest thing I have ever done - but I really was seeing results so it motivated me to just work through it."

Lucky for The Goopster, Tracy was willing to work with her every day for hours at a time so of course she was going to see results.

She says though you don't need Tracy in the room with you and that every mother can do what she did. "Every woman can make time - every woman - and you can do it with your baby in the room. There've been countless times where I've worked out with my kids crawling around all over the place. You just make it work, and if it's important to you, it'll be important to them."

Umm, so her toddlers knew working out was important to her so it became important to them? You know what? I think she means well, but she always always comes off as clueless to the world and what people go through everyday. She says losing the baby weight was the hardest thing she has ever done. She did it but had a full-time trainer, no need to work or do anything but to ficus on losing the weight but you can do it to, no problem. She is such an idiot. I really want to like her, but she makes it so, so difficult. Oh, and the only time her kids have been crawling around is when the nanny is off or the kids have escaped from whatever room they were probably locked in so mom could work out.


  1. I disagree Enty. you CAN work out with toddlers in the room- you can use them as weights! It is fun for them getting lifted and swung around, and you get your exercise!

    But Fuck Tracy Anderson- she is gross.

  2. I don't like when Enty rips on moms who CAN lose the baby weight so quickly. Good for them, they actually put in the effort and time as opposed to all those mothers who give up after a child and keep piling on the pounds. Not exactly healthy living. Just sayin.

  3. Crazy! I thought I was the only Icecat around here... :(

  4. I'm prego now, and exercise when I can. I exercised way way way more pre-pregnancy. Just, everything exhausts me. Like, I vacuum a room and need to take a siesta.

    But, I hope to resume my fitness program as soon as I can once the bambino arrives.

    That said, fitness advice from Gwyneth. Ah, hell no. She just seems so freakin condescending. But, that is why I don't subscribe to her newsletter or pay attention to her, really.

    The fact is, celebrities and those wealthy enough get plenty of baby help so that they can make fitness a priority. So, their advice about it is kind of out of touch, I would say. Hell, if we all had "staffs" wouldn't life just be so much easier.

  5. If I didn't have to work every friggin day of my life and drive a commute from hell to do it I might be a bit healthier. Just sayin. Kids or no kids.

  6. @Icecat - judging by the blogger date for IceCat #1, you WERE the only Icecat until this month!

    Honestly, Goop has no idea about the little people and I wish she'd stop putting her foot in her mouth. You can't tell me she didn't have a nanny look after her little ones while she exercised.

  7. Aw, Icecat, you've been trolled. :(

    But I'm excited the "ficus" made another appearance in this post - it's been a while!

  8. As much as I don't like Gwyneth she's absolutely right - you can and should make time for fitness.

  9. @RocketQueen - Yeah, I looked at the date..oh well...C'est La Vie

    And, I agree, the wealthy (who don't have to put in 50hrs of work in a week every week, some of it being out in the friggin humid Georgia heat) have more options. By the time I get home (from my 11hr day) the last thing I want to do is go to the gym.. BUT I guess I'm just a little lazy too!!

  10. Why be so cynical about health, fitness and how a mother should prioritize her day? She's talking about working out...not getting a manicure or highlights in her hair. People need to relax.

  11. It's obvious that it's a lot easier for her to work out. She's a movie star! She gets paid to look good and she has a chef, a personal trainer and all sorts of things to help her because that's her job.

  12. Ok,this is to the fake Icecat,
    Some moms work and take care of kids and don't have time to workout. So I don't think that "mothers who give up after a child and keep piling on the pounds" is the answer to why some woman don't have their pre-pregnancy figure. Also if your breastfeeding I don't think you should be dieting. Icecat it seems that you think women need to look like they did before having a baby? Why?
    Who gives a shit what men and the media think. And Icecat you sound like a Idiot Troll so please burn in Hell.

  13. i have no problem with her message. yes, you can lose your baby weight and more power to women who work at it and do.

    but coming from her, it sounds ridiculous because with or without pregnancy, this chick's never had a weight problem in her life.

    and to see it's the 'hardest thing' she's ever done shows how out of touch she is. i would HOPE something in her life has been harder than that (like losing her father). it was a silly thing to say.

  14. I don't think they need to look exactly as they did before the baby, but we shouldn't condemn the women who actually put the effort into shedding pregnancy pounds as setting so unattainable standard. Then there is the whole aspect that breastfeeding alone burns tons of calories which speeds things along. But if you choose to bottle feed your child, and make no effort to work out or eat a balanced diet, you can't sit there and judge people who do.

    On another note Becki, you must lead a satisfying life to tell someone to burn in hell who does not share the same opinion as you.

  15. I can't stand the Goopy one, but it's hardly fair to single her out when practically every celeb does the exact same thing (or resorting to surgery) after having a baby.

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  19. I agree with Nancer.

  20. There is no condemning here other than Goopy Gwynnie the totally out-of-touch-with-reality, snobby-ass bitch who condescends to women for ANY and EVERY reason.

    Eff her on this one, and I've never even HAD a baby.

    Women are CONSTANTLY bombarded with how and why we should LOOK BETTER. And when it comes from other women (who usually have the whole WORLD by the balls) it's worse.

  21. @Icecat - This is the real Icecat, and I was just wondering why you changed from IceCat to Icecat. Now we totally have the same username!?! Did you do that out of spite? Because I didn't say anything bad about you, I just stated my dissappointment that you chose to use my username? WTH?

  22. er.. 'disappointment'

    I am so smart, S-M-R-T...
    (it works better better if you sing it in Homers voice)

  23. @the "real" Icecat - that totally sucks, and people changing their names to troll others has been happening a lot on these boards lately. Let's just hope the new "Icecat" doesn't upload the same photo as you - that's how we'll be able to tell you apart.

  24. @Rocket - Well, I've changed my name to The Real Icecat, and my profile pic. I know she/he/it can just upload the photo of MY CAT, but hey, at least you all should know me, and my writing style. (if I even have one) :P

  25. Goopster drives me crazy and having a full time trainer is not possible for most women but I kind of agree with her. I get annoyed when people blame their weight gain on having kids.

    My mom had two kids. She breastfed and walked two miles with us every day. When I was little she put me on her back and then when my sister was born she put me in the stroller and my sister on her back. She ran and swam on the weekends or went swimming at our neighborhood pool. She didn't spend a lot of money but she worked hard and has always made an effort to eat healthy.

    Over the years there have been times when I have been really skinny and times when I have gained weight. When I gain weight I have to make changes like less alcohol or portion control. I don't drink soda, eat fast food and I don't have a sweet tooth. I feel like it is possible if you work at it. Not everyone is going to look like a starved actress but I think a lot of people are just making excuses. Hate me if you want.

  26. Well said Alice D.

  27. I don't think Gwyneth Paltrow is a role model for moms. I mean good for her for wanting to lose the weight and exercising. But isn't she underweight and like orthorexic. I'm fat and I'm a mom and I'm pregnant. I have to work really hard to lose weight but I'll always look fat to other people. Everyday I work on making an effort to eat better and exercise but it's always going to be a struggle for me. I hate the judgment that that women who are overweight or obese don't work hard enough to lose the weight. There is also this stupid perception you have to be a twig with a bump when you're pregnant. I think GP has good genes to begin with and she has a lifestyle that allows her to spend a good amount of time working out.

  28. Gwyneth is absolutely correct that if your young children see that health and overall physical fitness is important to you it will be important to them as well. In all honesty, this is a great message and one she doesn't deserve to get reamed over. Look at the freaking obesity epidemic in North America! The number of miserably overweight and out of shape children and teens is staggering and nothing to defend. It's one thing to be plump, or recovering from having a baby, or whatever, but to knock people who choose to be active and promote fitness and nutrition is just sad. Oh, and for the record, my highest weight was 240, my lowest was 105 (yes, I had an eating disorder and do not consider that time as being one where I looked or felt healthy) and am currently pregnant with my third child. I'm doing my best to remain as active as I can by walking; not so I can be skinny after having my baby, but so I can continue to lead the kind of healthy lifestyle I'm trying to instill in my children. My tween daughter is by nature sedentary and were it not for the fact that I feed my family well and make her get some form of daily exercise, be it a walk or playing tag with her younger brother, she would definitely be overweight. I don't want that for her; I want her to have good eating habits and consider daily exercise a pleasant part of life as opposed to a chore.
    Anyway, off my soapbox!

    Oh, just have to add that it is terribly unfair that my son has a naturally lean, ripped little body that can eat his sister and I under the table any day of the week, and we are HUNGRY women. WHY do the males have these metabolisms?

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  30. Ok, I'm not a mom BUT I did have my body changed post chemo/steroids, and I gained a ton of weight, it came off and then out of nowhere I gained it back. I work out 3-4 times a week, count my calories, don't drink, don't drink soda, don't put sugar in my coffee-so it's frustrating to people who do have a body/metabolism/etc change and no matter what they do-can't seem to take off the weight. So just as terrible some people feel it is to condemn women who shed the lbs quickly, it's equally terrible to condemn women who simply haven't been able to. for me it's been devastating, my doctor's are at a loss and say that all my body went through is what did this-so to hear people say, oh eat less (I'm at about 1500 calories) workout more (I run 4-5 miles, or do kickboxing with heavy bags) as if if that's just the answer-it's sometimes not. So that's what I get from these stories. Why do we have to condemn either camp?

    But to me the point from Enty is that Goop never had the weight problem she's talking about, she didn't really struggle the way other moms might, so it sounds condescending.

  31. I wish the hardest thing I've ever had to do was be a millionaire and lose the couple pounds I gained from pregnancy.

  32. i never thought i'd see thday where i'd actualy defend her, but i really don't see what's wrong with what she said here. i actually tend to agree..

    it's true, a lot of women have children and over prioritize their children into their lives- literally cutting out any time for just themselves. props for them for being hands on parents, but i think parents have a right to stand up for their personal time and goals.

    my sister is a perfect example. she has 4 kids- the oldest is 14 and is the nanny to the younger three so my sis can go to school. that frees up a lot of space to better yourself too and she claims to want to lose the weight, but refuses to set aside just 10mins each day to bang out some crunches or a quick arm workout. 10 minutes can go so far for her. she can make time, she chooses not to saying she's too busy. no, it's just not important enough for you, since you're kids are being taken care of by someone else 80% of the time.

    i have a handful of girlfriends that claim the same thing time wise but it doesn't add up- if you have time for tanning and getting your nails done, then you have time to work out. it's hard to sympathize when they complain about their weight, and choose not to do it.

    maybe i'm a cynic and i hope i don't offend by this post, but this is just my experence. i know it's hard for the vast majority of moms, but it's not impossible if you have a little help (or really laid back kids!)


    how is she supposed to know what having a full-time job and not enough money is like? in her own life she HAS worked hard. you can't deny that (even though she didn't deserve that oscar).

    now she's trying to make money with her blog and keep her name in the spotlight. of course she's clueless about different ways of life on her blog, what would you expect? i don't read her blog because i know already i can't relate - and don't want to.

    so if you don't like what she says or that she views the world the way a privileged person does, well guess what: YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ IT.

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