Friday, July 23, 2010

Four For Friday - With An Old Hollywood Item

#1 & #2- Let us try for one more Old Hollywood blind item. As always, when it is Old Hollywood, at least one of the people is dead. This A++ movie actor was nominated for an Oscar but did not win. Everyone knows his name and the name of his partner. It turns out though, that like yesterdays actor, this actor also had a thing for little boys.

#1 - Actor
#2 - Partner

#3 - This married A+ list movie actor talks a lot about his work and what causes him to take one role over another. The fact is he takes roles which let him complete his game. The game is to sleep with one woman from at least every country in the world. He loves going to regions of the world where he can bring in women from countries he has not been with yet.

#4 - This 30 something B- list very attractive television actress on a hit network show is always seen with guys and has dated lots of men. The thing no one knows about her though is that she is still a virgin.


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