Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Excuse Me Sir. The Bulge Under Your Shirt Is Moving

Note to self. Next time I try and smuggle 18 monkeys into Mexico, do not try and out them under my shirt and hope no one notices. A man from Lima Peru was stopped at the Mexico City airport yesterday when officials in customs noticed that his shirt was moving. Noting there was no fan or other hurricane like breeze zipping through the terminal, officials suspected something was amiss.

When they asked the man what he was hiding, he lifted his shirt and revealed 18 baby titi monkeys. He had them stuffed into pockets in a girdle he was wearing. Two of them had died during the trip, but the other 16 endangered animals were alive and being cared for by animal control workers. The man said that he put them in his pockets because they had been in his suitcase but he thought that the x-ray machine might kill them so he took them out. When did he take them out? Did no one see him get on the plane like this? He kept them quiet the entire flight? The man said he paid $30 each for the monkeys.

They sell for about $1,000 on the open market. The two that died were in his socks.


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