Friday, July 02, 2010

Everyone Is Getting Married July 10th

Apparently if you are a celebrity the day to get married this year is July 10th. Carrie Underwood is scheduled to get married that day to Mike Fisher. That one I believe. Carmelo Anthony is scheduled to get married to La La Vazquez that day and I believe that one. According to Life & Style, John Krasinski and Emily Blunt have also chosen that day to get married. That is the one I am questioning. Not so much the date, but don't you just get the feeling this might turn into one of those Julia Roberts last minute cancellation things? I just get that vibe.


  1. I totally agree about the Blunt/Krasinski nuptials. I get a flaky vibe from that coupling, too. Like at the first chance, she's gonna bolt. I wouldn't, lol, but she just seems...non-committal, or something. Obviously I don't know her, but it's just a vibe I get. We'll see!

  2. DON'T DO IT, JOHN!. You can do better.

    She was a cheating blind reveal (thanks Enty) and was recently photographed leaving someone's home in the morning.

  3. She is the case study for bitchface. She seems literally incapable of wearing a facial expression that connotes kindness, understanding, decency, etc.

  4. Who the hell are Carmelo Anthony and La La Vazquez?

  5. ENT, I wish you'd give us just a tiny clue about Blunt/Krasinski... is this a bearding sitch for one (or both) of them or is the fauxmance just to raise each of their profiles?

  6. I believe Carmelo Anthony is a NBA player. Don't know and don't care about LaLa. Actually, don't care about either of them.

  7. @ Patty: I didn't know that about her being a cheating blind with photos! Juicy.

    I've enjoyed her work in everything I've seen her in, but he definitely deserves better.

  8. I agree she's got bitchface and I got the impression she was very much like her character in The Devil Wears Prada.

    So if she's a cheater, why was everyone throwing Michael Buble shade for the same thing? Who's to know it wasn't an open relationship?

  9. I have a sneaking suspicion that he might get married at the church we both grew up in. I should stalk it that day.

  10. I love that they shop at Trader Joe's!

  11. So Carrie Underwood will soon be Carrie Fisher? Niiice.

  12. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I hate the fact that some asshole had to film them in a store.

  13. ...but don't you just get the feeling this might turn into one of those Julia Roberts last minute cancellation things?

    No. Not at all.

  14. Finally, we got nosygirl's opinion. I was wondering how long we'd have to wait to hear it.

  15. Coincidence - Enty and I are getting married that same day, in Vegas by Fat Elvis. Party afterwards at the all-night 5.99 buffet. All CDANers welcome!!

  16. Looks like you're one of the only one nosygirl to think they'll be okay. EVEN if they do make it down the aisle, it wont last.

    I wish you'd share more with us Enty, what if I offered you a cookie?

    She's changed SO much over the last couple of years, and it seems as though he's definitely changed since they got together too.

    Re the chating thing, I forgot who asked, but blind they're refering to is about John and Emily, and how she cheated on him, not on Buble!!! I'm sure that was an open relationship the more I think about it.

    She has the face of a slapped cows arse, it's not hard to smile dear.

  17. Am I the only one who likes her?

  18. sunnyside1213 said...
    Am I the only one who likes her?

    No, you're not. I do.

  19. I thought they broke up??

    I like her just fine just not with him:)
