Friday, July 09, 2010

ESPN Analyst Arrested On Child Porn Charges

Jeremy Green, the son of former NFL coach, Dennis Green, and a pro football analyst on the network was arrested yesterday afternoon in Bristol, Connecticut and charged with possession of child pornography, possession of narcotics and possession of drug paraphernalia.

There are not any details being released and everything is under seal because of the nature of the charges. He has worked for ESPN for five years and has been on television and worked for their internet site and if true, a despicable human being.

ESPN did not have any comment about the arrest. Have to love those Disney companies.


  1. I only have two things to say about this: 1. If the guy's guilty, then I hope he gets the maximum sentence; and 2. I'm so glad Denny Green's no longer the coach of the Minnesota Vikes. Not because of these allegations against his son, but because he sucks.

  2. No idea who either is but Jesus, doesn't seem like your standard arrest somehow.

    Ugh, I will never understand such people.

  3. The guy could be a druggie but a lot of times if you go to file sharing sites you think your downloading a movie or something and it could really be kid porn hidden in there. It happens all the time. I have downloaded stuff before only to find out that it was porno stuff.(not kid porn,just regular)
    I will wait to see the evidence before I make a call on this one.
    Actually a while ago I seen a case on Court tv where this did happen and the person turned out innocent after computer forensic testing took place.

  4. @Becki

    I know what you mean, once I was downloading a French class video and it's title was "Paris" so the 12 year old me thought it was about the city. It turns out it was the Paris Hilton sex video T_T

  5. If true, dude better wish he head to hell now. Because prison will turn him into a character from "Oz".

  6. Jeez, what a creep to the nth degree.

  7. Possession of child porn in almost never (anymore, after the advent of the internet) a person possessing pictures of a child that they personally took. So it is usually a case of something that has been downloaded from the internet.

    That being said, there needs to be proof that the person knowingly downloaded the image and the image needs to be of a person who is identifiably under 18. (Someone that is 15 or 16 and looks as used up as Lindsay Lohan isn't good enough - the kid needs to LOOK like a kid). And the nekkid picture usually needs to be possessed for a sexual purpose. (Naked pictures of your baby is not child porn).

    So either he confessed that's what he was doing, they have chat room logs, or there were millions of downloads (too many to be accidental).

    Have I seen prosecutors go overboard on these? Yes, I've seen people charged who were really looking at artful pictures or people who were charged for pictures of their kids in the bathtub. Does it happen all the time? No - I would say false allegations of child porn are usually fewer than false accusations of sex abuse. In my experience.

  8. Accidental download of child porn happens almost NEVER. You guys said it here. The accidental stuff is regular porn. These people are sick, sick, sick.
