Back in December, Emergency Medical Technicians Jason Green and Melisa Jackson were on a break at a bakery when a six month old pregnant woman collapsed in the store. Despite asking the pair for help, Jason Green allegedly said the pair were on a break and told bystanders to call 911. The woman, Eutisha Rennix, died as did her baby.
Now, seven months later, Jason was shot in the face and killed while coming out of a club in New York City over the weekend. The police do not think the two things were related but I can't help but wonder if they were. The technicians had been suspended almost immediately after the death of the woman, but their case had yet to be heard.
Oh well.
ReplyDeleteIf they aren't related then hello Karma! Wow! I am appalled at the lack of empathy in people! Seriously you just sit there an do nothing?!
ReplyDeleteHere in NYC, it's fascinating how the news-radio reports are doing everything in their power not to connect the two, going through bizarre mental/journalistic gymnastics to connect the shooting to something--anything!--other than the fact that this POS let a person die. I guess the Ministry of Information doesn't want the citizenry to start taking the law into their own hands....
Yeah when I heard that on NY1 this am, I thought the same thing, KARMA is a MOTHERFUCKER
ReplyDelete"We're on a break, call 911." How incovenient she picked their break time to die. What POSs. They certainly picked the wrong profession if that is their attitude. You always hear stories of off-duty cops coming to someone's rescue. Why couldn't these idiots do the same? They could of at least radioed for back-up.
ReplyDeleteThis is not the story that a six-month pregnant gal such as myself wants to read. And yet, this is the third time I've read about it today.
ReplyDeletePlease God, surround me by caring people during this time.
Thank you,
And yes. Karma truly is a bitch.
"six month old pregnant woman." that's gotta be some sort of record.
ReplyDeleteKarma...How could you be an EMT and NOT help someone in need. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteThey were suspended for just 30 days.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was your duty, when in the medical field, to help people in need!?! WTH.
ReplyDeleteEither Karma is a horrible bitch, or maybe the husband of the woman decided to take matters in his own hands.. (not sure if she was married, though). That had to be tough on her family.
heatherbug, you stole my line.
Golden Rule, karma, What goes around comes around......
ReplyDeletePayback is heck.
ReplyDeletethey shouldn't have been suspended, they should have been fired. how shameful.
ReplyDeleteI'm just still struck at the absolute selfishness of Jason and Melisa. I hope she's sweating today.
ReplyDeleteRoman Polanski...take heed.
ReplyDeleteOne down, one to go.
ReplyDeleteA guy gets gunned down in cold blood during a verbal altercation and you all are okay with that - it's karma? Even the mother of the pregnant woman had more humanity than that. Come on, I expect this from the Perez Hilton crowd. you people are better than this.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how anyone could just stand by and watch someone collapse without at least calling for an ambulance! Fine, they were on their break and possibly didn't have access to their EMT gear, but come on, not even a call? I'd say karma came back on him in a major way.
ReplyDeleteCancan, I'm pretty sure it's hyperbole. :)
ReplyDeleteKate - they were dispatchers, not equipped EMTs.
ReplyDeleteAll the news stories clearly state they were EMTs. That's not a dispatcher. Unequipped or not, all licensed medical personnel are required by law to render assistance in a medical emergency whether on duty or not. I am more than happy that quick karma did its job in this case.
Correction, they were working in dispatch that particular day, they are still licensed EMTs are are required to assist in medicla emergencies.
ReplyDeletesorry Cancan you are not going to get any agreements here.
ReplyDeleteKarma IS a bitch and these stupid fucks should have known better. a woman and her BABY died so this fucker and his lazy ass co worker could enjoy their sammich in peace.
if that don't deserve a shot in the face i don't know what does.
and if that doesn't make you comfortable how about the fact anyone getting shot in the face these days aren't necessarily "innocent bystanders" sounds like dude was in all kinds of shit.
@Cancan - you're overestimating the people in this group. Pack mentality rules in here.
ReplyDelete@Jax - Karma applies to you too.
i agree, cancan.
ReplyDeletegeez, nobody in here is advocating running out and shooting lazy ass EMTs, who, yes, should have begun initial treatment at the very least!
ReplyDeletewhat's being said is what goes around, comes around.
pack mentality my ass-- even though an EMT doesn't take a hippocratic oath, they were right there. they're gonna get their break sooner or later, the woman freakin' DIED because of their behavior.
coincidence, karmic payback or set-up, dude should have done his job.
The penalty for being an ass is not death. If that was the case, most of Congress would be pushing up daisies. I agree, he was an uncaring pig, but he didn't deserve to be shot down in the street either.
ReplyDeleteThis is just one tragedy following another.
@casey, you obviously haven't been around here very long.
However, in total, I'm with heatherbug and nancer in wondering how a 6 month old finds maternity clothes. And why wasn't someone arrested for THAT? Was Polanski in the area?
Cancan, it's called karma. These two evil pieces of crap watched a woman die in front of them and were so conscious-less that they walked away?? Seriously? I respect your opinion but that man did not deserve to walk the earth. I can only hope the woman has to think about that 2 second decision for the rest of her life.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with cancan. I would imagine that wishing death or anal rape on everyone who does something horrible brings its own nasty karma (if I believed in karma in the first place).
ReplyDelete"Was Polanski in the area?"
ReplyDeleteBwaa haa haa!!! Thanks for the laugh, Melody the First!
fucking bring it! i am A-ok with my karma...
ReplyDeleteLol...keep talking and we'll keep laughing.
You'll be okay once you get some weed and crack, Lil Miss Histronic and Everyone Did It Back In The 70s Polanski!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Cancan. The "Karma is a bitch"-attitude is simplistic and disgusting.
ReplyDeleteA guy was killed. Murdered.
And, to quote Ent, "their case had yet to be heard". What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
A woman and an unborn infant died of negligence. What about those victims? I'll be happy to take any karmic debt I might collect for not crying over this asshole getting shot in the face.
ReplyDeleteI just love a good rational, mature discussion, don't you all?
ReplyDeleteOk, just need to follow up here. In regards to my statement as this being Karma. I am sorry, but you sit there and do nothing while someone is asking for help! That is just as appalling to me as much as someone getting shot in the face! My opinion, as obviously we all have one, is if this is really what he did, then um yes what goes around comes around!!! Sorry if you find that offensive, but I respect your opinions therefore please allow others to have theirs!
ReplyDeleteI don't see anybody wishing death upon this dude (though I wouldn't blame them). Rather, it happened and we're kind of like...[shrug].
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletelol@Mooshki - ah well, one or two closed-profile bad apples can't spoil the whole bunch :)
ReplyDeleteNo, they can't, RQ! :)
ReplyDeleteI did some googling to read the original story and there seems to be more to it. Apparently the woman was having a seizure. I'm not sure I'd jump to conclusions and guess that they could see that this woman was *dying*. According to the NY Post the two actually were dispatchers and hadn't had patient contact in years. A witness said they explained that they were trainees who could get in trouble for touching a person without a call to 911 first. As messed up as this is, I believe it. Like the cases you hear of good Samaritans who get in trouble for trying to help someone.
ReplyDeleteWere they negligent? Of course! Should they have called 911 and then stayed to help. Absolutely. And while I believe the 30 day suspension was a pretty light punishment, I certainly don't wish death on either of them or am happy or relieved that he is now dead.
But wait, there's more... After those 2 refused to help, someone "went outside where there was a group of about 10 FDNY employees, and told them, "Somebody has fallen out. There's an emergency."
"They said, 'What do you want us to do? Call 911.' "
Sounds like more than those 2 were negligent that day.
Look, My job is Real Estate, if someone needs an emergency answer, I'll help them, but who gives a CRAP about REAL ESTATE! However, if I'm an EMT, the least I could do is walkover there, start engaging, then have someone call 911. Maybe they thought it was just a pregnant woman having a baby, which in that case, call 911 for an ambulance to deliver the baby. But 6 months pregnant requires medical intervention to save a life.
ReplyDeleteOh wait, this is NYC, unless a World Trade Center has a problem, don't engage them.
ReplyDeletewhat syd said.
ReplyDeleteand firefighters aren't trained to deal with medical emergencies, just fires. that's why there are EMTs.
and holy fuck, even _I_ know what to do if someone is having a seizure, as was just stated. damn things can break bones, any idiot could have given some initial help.
what some of you people put in between the lines amazes me.
@bionic bunny! "and firefighters aren't trained to deal with medical emergencies, just fires. that's why there are EMTs"
ReplyDeleteHUH? Are you sure about that?
You state yourself that "even _I_ know what to do if someone is having a seizure"
but, Firefighters apparently are clueless about anything except fires? Doesn't make sense
In fact, according to the FDNY website their mission statement says
ReplyDelete"As first responders to fires, public safety and medical emergencies..."
I'd be such a phony liar if I said I really felt terrible when I read this story. 99.9999% of the time, I feel sick inside when I hear or read about someone dying or a child being harmed, or an animal being abused. I read this story and felt nothing, really. That probably means I lack as much humanity as this guy did when he ignored a dying pregnant woman so he could finish his lunch.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute - no. I'm guessing that all the "horrible, evil people" in this forum would put down their food and help that woman. I'm also guessing that if they were near when this man was shot, they'd assist him, even knowing who he was.
I think some of us are still too disgusted with the original story to digest this latest story properly. I'm not going to feign sadness because a trained medical professional didn't even blink an eye while a PREGNANT woman needlessly ended up dead.
Maybe the lack of compassion here for this man is his karma for his lack of compassion. Then again, Hitler got off easy with a self inflicted bullet to the brain - and with a lot more dignity than his victims suffered. Maybe Polanski's karma dictates he walks for rape because of what happened to his wife. "Karma" is merely a belief shared by human beings trying to make sense of a world that doesn't make sense a lot of the time.
i am an emt and they should have responded since they are protected by the good samaritan law. when someone is having a seizure you cannot do anything. you cannot put a bite plate in. you can only try and administer oxygen but if they are dispatchers they wouldnt have any medical equipment on them. you do not try and restrain someone when they are seizing. you only move furniture out of the way and start timing the seizure to report to the paramedics who would show up with a gurney to put the women in. all these people responding dont know sh*t about the field. they honestly could do nothing for the women except time the seizure.
ReplyDeleteso people tell me again how they could have saved the women if they are in a restaraunt and someone probably already called 911? do they hold her hand as she seizes? no. they can only watch helplessly as everyone else would have.
ReplyDeleteNow you're just being ridiculous. They could have administered CPR when she stopped breathing. It probably wouldn't have worked but at least it would have basic humanity, not to mention their sworn duty.
ReplyDeleteI read that an ambulance was called and she was taken to a hospital, where she died a short time later. People who have seizures don't necessarily require CPR and I didn't read that she stopped breathing while at the restaurant.
ReplyDeleteAgain, you're being ridiculous. Basic fucking human decency, heard of it?
ReplyDeleteshe was seizing so they could do nothing. if she was laying there dead and not breathing they would have done cpr. everyone that is condemning them dont know anything about the original story and dont know how to respond to medical emergencies
ReplyDelete@MadLyb, why are you here again if we're all such a bunch of losers? This is just one blog.
ReplyDeleteAs it happens, I've been in that situation. I did help. I think even children walking around would have done what they could to help. If nothing else, it might have been a comfort to the dying woman and her family that something was tried.
So, yeah, I vote pig, but he didn't deserve to be murdered for it.
For those of you following this story, the Post is reporting today that Green tried repeatedly to walk away from this, but was overpowered by 4 men. Kinda sounds like someone really had it in for him, huh? And how about the fact that the dead woman's brother was shipping off with the military YESTERDAY? Some coincidence.
One of my girl scouts with a first aid badge would have had the compassion to have the partner call 911 while she knelt by the patient and held her hand, speak soothingly to her about her baby, maybe gave her ice chips if she wasn't seizing, put a cool compress on her head (it's a restaurant, these were all available.)
ReplyDeleteBTW, this morning's press says this guy was in a fight for a parking space and was shot when the other guy got tired of being beat down. So THAT was where he was willing to put his energy. That's karma, folks.
Maybe his life was taken to leave a lesson for his co-workers and for his girlfriend, who's still in her 20's and maybe can take something away from this. Two bits says she falls out and carries on at his funeral.
Madeline, thank you for updating your profile name and not posting again as MS. I've had this moniker for a few years here.
ReplyDeleteIana, did they time the seizure? Or were they too busy munching on their doughnuts?
ReplyDeleteWho asked them for help? Was it the pregnant woman herself, or bystanders at the bakery?
Seems like such a shame absolutely nothing could be done with EMTs and firefighters close by.