Monday, July 05, 2010

Dave Chappelle Pulls A Dave Chappelle

Just when you thought you might never hear the name Dave Chappelle in the news again, Dave comes along and does what only Dave can do. TMZ reports that on a private flight Friday from New Jersey to Ohio, Dave became so out of control that the pilot deemed Dave a safety risk and diverted to a different airport.

Think about this for a second. That flight is super short. It is a private jet so you can pretty much do anything you want and no one is going to say no. Despite that, Dave still managed to be deemed a safety risk. What did he do? Well the TMZ version is that Dave would not wear his seat belt and throughout the flight kept walking into the cockpit to ask how much longer the flight would be and would grab the pilot's arms.

The Dave Chappelle PR spin is that Dave's stomach was upset and that he needed a different kind of plane then the one offered by the plane. Is there more than one kind? Have people been hiding this from me all these years? Is there a bathroom that works only for celebrities?


  1. I know someone who went to rehab with Dave a few years back - looks like he still may have some problems. Shame, cause he's so funny!

  2. i think Dave's probs are more mental health related than drug fueled at this point.

  3. where is that website that someone posted here a while back. I think it was for Britney and how she "cracked" in an interview, but it had some stuff about Dave and how he thinks the Illuminati is out to get him or something. Oh well, I thought he was funny as hell and I hope he gets whatever help he needs and doesn't just have "yes men" around him. I'm rooting for you, Dave!

  4. Some people are just not cut out for extreme fame. When he was a middling comic he seemed fine. Or whatever mental illness was just brewing and the show just took him over the edge.

    I feel sad for his wife and kids. He has a family, I hope they are OK through all of this.

  5. there's something seriously wrong with this guy. i really liked him as a comedian.

    he sounds really paranoid.

  6. Funny, I was just watching him the other night & thought, "Wow, I forgot all about his crazy, good to see he's back on track". Very unfortunate, the comedian/mental health paradox.

    He's also as cute as a button :)

  7. The walking into the cockpit & grabbing the pilots arm should be enough to get his ass kicked off. Jackass.

  8. Chihuahuaense:

    It's my new obsession! *L*

  9. Oops, sorry, it's just

  10. What a shame. So much talent and yet clearly so troubled. So many mentally ill people try to self-medicate with various forms of narcotics and hallucinogens, and that just makes their problems worse. I feel for him, I just hope he never hurts anyone else during any of his episodes.

  11. OH!!! Thanks Harriet, that is exactly it!!

  12. Harriett and Chihuahuense--thanks for that site!

    It talks about EXACTLY the stuff I have thought for YEARS.

    At this point I almost hate to say I am thinking twice about my desire for legalized marijuana because if "they" get their GD hands on it, it too might become dangerous like the FDA "approved" stuff all is.

    The FDA is a bunch of effing liars in the pockets of Big Pharma.

    I know that sounds paranoid, but I don;t care.

    And I LOVE Chapelle and I don't care how crazy or doped up he is. Love him.
