Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Daniel Craig Is Mikael Blomkvist

Daniel Craig will probably never suit up as James Bond again, but for those of you who cannot get enough of him, he has officially signed on as Swedish reporter Mikael Blomkvist for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and at least two sequels.

I like Daniel Craig for this role but I think he is too good looking. Mikael has lots and lots of women in his life, but I never got the impression he was Daniel Craig good looking. Plus, now fans of Daniel Craig who might not have read the books are going to be wondering why the love of their life is having an open relationship with a married woman and some others at the same time. Lets face it, Mikael will pretty much sleep with anyone.As for the Lisbeth Salander role, Natalie Portman says she has not been signed. The person the director is in love with is Yo-Landi Vi$$er (pictured above). The problem is that she is touring with Die Antwoord right now and has said she is not that interested in being in the movie.


  1. Sorry, I thought that was a guy until I read Enty's caption.

  2. Anyone know the scoop on Bond? I thought it was just an issue of money - MGM being broke - that was slowing down any new Bond being made...is there something more to Craig not wanting to do any more?

  3. I just bought TGWTDT on my Kindle. Love it so far.. Already cannot picture Natalie Portman as Lisbeth. I think Daniel Craig will do just fine as Mikael, though.

  4. i'm confused...i don't follow the books etc. but didn't the movie come out already? and isn't the sequal in the theatre right now?

    The Girl Who Played with Fire or something..??

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, it was a dubbed version. I can't wait for the 2nd movie The Girl Who Played with Fire.

  6. you know, the thing that bugged me about the book was ALL THE SEX! sorry, i'm not a prude, but everyone was having sex with everyone! holy cow! hahaha! i like Daniel Craig, but i think they might have to tone down his hotness for the role.

    as far as Lisbeth, that 'person' doesn't fit my image of her at all! neither does Natalie Portman, she is sssoooo gorgeous! hhhmmmm, who to pick...

  7. @jax - Now I'm confused. I thought they we're just casting for the first movie??

  8. I thought I left a comment on here about Daniel Craig being smoking hot...

    Thanks for the photo. Bad news about Bond, if it is true.

    Don't know anything about this story and am hyped to find out based on what Mrs. M5 stated...

  9. Both the Girl with a Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played with Fire have been released in the US, albeit limited release. I think Daniel Craig is a fair choice based on the actor in the originals- who was attractive but sort of craggy (which is what I think of for Daniel Craig). The books are terrific and I really enjoyed the original movie adaptations. I will not be seeing the US adaptations because really, how many times can you see a movie based on a book that you have already read.

  10. @Ms Cool...the books are pretty great. i thought the first one started a little slow, but it made up for it! good reads! although i had to get a map of Sweden and the surrounding areas to get a good grasp on it ;)

  11. @jax... The books (a trilogy) are Swedish - the three movies came out in 2009 (and possibly 2010 for the last?) from Sweden. Hollywood is remaking the films I guess to appeal to a larger audience, although frankly the Swedish films did very well.

  12. I love the Daniel Craig casting. It makes me feel good that the movie is in safe hands. DC is good looking in an unconventional way. Craggy - as someone posted above - is the best description. He's not movie-star good looking, but looks like a guy who has charisma up the ying yang and character in his face, which would attract alot of women and fits the Blomkvist role well.

    Yo-Landi has the right look for Lisbeth! I hope she can act.

  13. Daniel Craig can blom my kvist anytime.

  14. NOOOO! Daniel Craig has to make more Bond movies!!!!! I think he's great for Blomkvist, because his face has character, and he can act. Yes, he's too good looking for the part, but this is Hollywood we're talking about.

  15. Gah, I HAVE to finish Pillars of the Earth so i can read this book next. Why can't they just cast the girl that played the main character from the Swedish movies since everyone loves her so much? :)

    I don't find Daniel Craig remotely attractive. I know lots of ladies do but it wouldn't bother me to see him cast. I should probably wait until I read the book before answering that.

    I heard Kristin Stewart was out of the running so all the KStew haters I'm sure will be relieved.

  16. Craig is perfect as Bond. Then again I saw him in a really disturbing movie called Mother where he plays a creepy sociopath who seduces a 60 something widow and he was great in that too. A very good actor with a wide range who could play anything, I am sure.

  17. thanks KLM. god that pisses me off that Hollywood has to remake everything for their American audiences. it's a slap in the face to the Swedes.

    don't you want some fucking variety?

  18. I think Craig is a good choice for this role...he is very much like I pictured Blomkvist when I read the book. I don't find Daniel Craig drop dead gorgeous so he'll work for me in this role. Much more so than the guy who played it in the Swedish version.

  19. I checked the IMDB page for the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and they list Carey Mulligan as rumored for Lisbeth Salander. David Fincher is directing the first remake.

    I saw the first movie and pretty much ran out and read all three books. What was so nice about the Swedish movie was the actors looked like REAL people.

    I think Daniel Craig will do a great job.

  20. I think Carey Mulligan would be good for this role, but I think she has been eliminated.

  21. MCH - I read an interview with Noomi Rapace a while back, before the making of the American version became official, and she was aksed if she would consider playing the part in an American version. She said she didn't want to, because she feels her English is too poor and she doesn't know if she can do it.

    I still think the best suggestion I've heard so far is Ellen Page.

  22. I think Daniel C is the ONLY star who can pull this off and make the film a unique experience, not a lame U.S. money-chasing retread. Giving thanks it's not Brad P ugling-down or George C with his awe-shucks circa THE LEATHERHEADS schtick or Matt D's too All-American boy persona... seriously, Daniel C has the undercurrent that can get scruffy and still simmer with quiet rage.

    I hope Fincher goes with an unknown - or more of a cult figure a la Yo-Landi Vi$$er ... no to Natalie P and having to listen to her talk about the "meaning" of the author's death and being part of his legacy. Mystery is essential to capture Lisbeth, not a Vogue cover girl.

  23. Loved the original GWTDT. I'm on the second book now and can't wait to see that movie as well.

    When I first heard about the American version I could only see Ed Harris because I love that man, he never ages in my head. :) But I think Daniel Craig is a great choice.

    The casting of Lisbeth is going to be very interesting and I too hope they go to an unknown instead of the names being thrown around. I like Carey Mulligan, but I think she's too "cute/innocent" looking for the role.

  24. No!

    Daniel Craig as Kalle Blomqvist?
    No way.
    Daniel Craig is a brooding silent type with a smoldering untone prone to violence. And he's superfit-

    Kalle Blomqvist tends on the chubby side, and is garrulous, often boneheaded and likes people.
    Yes, he's promiscuous, can't resist a pretty face, he's not the seducer, but the seducee. But there's no danger there- he needs Lizbeth to hone in on any threat.

    Lizbeth needs someone anorexically thin, and painfully shy, and amazingly smart. Is there anyone in Hollywood who is that thin without implants, at least until the sequel... is there anyone in Hollywood that smart?

    I don't want to see Big NAmes wreck this series.. I prefer unknowns. And the James Bond thing just isn't going to work.

  25. Mikael Blomkvist. Kalle is the detective from the children's books...*L*

  26. Harriet, "Kalle" is Mikael's nickname in the books. :)

  27. Sorry I think Daniel Craig is too homely for this job, go for Brad Pitt(or Cuter)that's how this guy gets laid every other page in the book.
    Find an unknown for the lead OR use the same gal that was in the swedish version please.

  28. Oooohhhh...BECAUSE his last name is Blomkvist...*L*

  29. Thank you, Enty. I thought I was the only person who cared about the glory that is Daniel Craig.

    Not a lot of red carpet pictures or personal info on him slapped all the time. I mean - why isn't he 2010 Sexiest Man Alive?

    No matter. I know THE TRUTH.

    And apparently everyone else does now too. :)

    Damn. Two of his hottest photos for the price of one.

    I love you, Enty. :sniff:
