Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Casey Anthony Wants To Adopt A Child

The Orlando District Attorney released a series of letters written by Casey Anthony. Casey is charged with the murder of her two year old daughter Caylee.

In one letter which Casey passed to another inmate she says, "I always wanted to adopt a baby or child from another country. Is it selfish to want one from Ireland? Accent and all? If I do it someday, I'll adopt local - U.S."

Umm, first of all a baby is not going to have an accent. Second, who in the hell does she think will let her adopt a baby? WTF? Seriously?

Oh, and wait, it gets much worse. You want to know what Casey wants to do for a career if she gets out? She wants to work on behalf of homeless kids and finding missing children.

"So many kids and teens are homeless, and that's something I want to target. And yes, missing children as well. That sits too close to my heart, and I wish there was something we could do to prevent it."

Umm, one thing you can do to prevent it is not kill your kids. It turns out if you don't kill them they don't go missing.

Her trial is scheduled for next year.


  1. What a stupid woman. If she wanted to adopt a kid with an accent, she'd have to wait til they were teenagers. Otherwise they would acquire the accent of their adoptive parents. She needs to be locked up.

  2. I second your "WTF? Seriously?" comment, Enty...

    She looks a little like Jennifer Connelly in that pic...

  3. No offense to JC, of course.

  4. She had a perfectly good child. Of course she was probably defective since I doubt she had an accent. Stupid woman!!

  5. Still think we need an island for these people somewhere they'll never get off..send her, Van Der Sloot , and all the other delusional pychos.

  6. Go to hell, Casey. And I mean that literally. Go there, and fucking BURN.

  7. What do you want to bet that she's saying these stupid things in order to build a case for her being mentally ill, so that she'll be sent to a mental institution rather than a prison?

    She's crazy all right--crazy like a fox.

    Btw, did they ever find poor little Caylee's body?

  8. I think they did find her body.

  9. @ gretchen, yes they found her body i believe about a mile from casey's home. apparently her mouth was covered with duct tape and there was some type of sticker over it. police later found the same stickers at the house.

    this bitch is delusional if she thinks people actually buy her bs. sorry if your child is missing for a month you don't go out and party and not tell anyone. psycho.

  10. more on holyrollernova's ... yes duct tape on her mouth with a little red heart sticker over her lips area, I believe

  11. wtf is up with all these women killing their kids and stepkids? isn't it the rarest form of murder?

  12. Casey Anthony is truly one of the most psychopathically criminal people I have ever heard of.In case you have not followed her case, you should really take the time to google it and find out about all the lies and deceptions she has told since her daughter went missing. she even has tried to claim that Caylee's father is dead. I think the fact is that she is such a slut that she can't be sure of who the father is!! She actually took police to a place she hadn't worked at in 2 years to say that is where she was when Caylee went missing. She finally had to admit she hadn't worked there in 2 years. Anything that this psycho child murder says is a lie. I hope she gets the chair.

  13. She wants to target homeless kids and teen? Why doesn't that surprise me?

  14. Fantasy-land! This whack job is possibly looking at the death penalty! Complete narcissist and completely delusional!

  15. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I hope her attorney doesn't try to get her off that she is nuts or that she comes from a dysfunctional family or something in that area.

  16. This case has always fasinated me. What's up with the parents too? There's something off, way off.

  17. LOL Cheryl! An excellent and succinct analysis.

  18. It is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder; to a degree that could best be described as malignant.

  19. I would love to do to her what she did to that baby. Narcisstic cold blooded bitch. If you do not want your child, GIVE IT UP.

    I did laugh at the stupidity, that a baby would have an Irish accent, when she'd teach it to talk.

  20. i have no words for this. it makes me sick. f*ing sociopath

  21. i know her defense liar is hoping that by stalling this trial, people will forget, or at least not be so heated about this case.

    he can forget that. people will NEVER forget this case or that poor baby.

    and yes, reese. correct diagnosis. that's precisely what she is.

  22. On July 15th, her mother, Cindy, and her brother Lee, will be testifying at a motions hearing in regards to the admissibility of the three 911 calls that Cindy made to report Caylee missing *31* days after Caylee was last seen with Casey.

    For folks who follow the case, this is a must watch, and people are already booking the day off work. Casey's mother is every bit as psychopathic as Casey is. She's tried to throw everyone & anyone under the bus for the murder, except Princess Casey. We affectionately call her Spindy.

    The case is utterly compelling. One forum alone has 4,077 threads about the case, and over 650,000 posts. (Only about 10,000 of those were mine.) ;)

    Here is a link to a news site local to Orlando, where Caylee was murdered. Great coverage and lots of history if you want to learn just how f*ed the entire family is:

  23. Screw sending her to the chair-- they should sell lottery tickets, and the lucky winners get to beat her with 2x4s while her mouth is sealed with duct tape. With a sticker on it. Maybe the Walmart smiley faced sticker... sorry but the rage just boils my blood. That poor baby.

  24. I think the Irish will choose to keep their babies.

  25. Yea I followed this case pretty closely too & agree with pp that the whole family is screwed up. I am not surprised at her statement bc she has always proclaimed innocence. Even with all the evidence found. I think the mom needs to be brought up on charges too. The 911 call about the dead body odor? Oh & this bitch is completely sane just cold hearted, self absorbed & calculating.

  26. and thanks ThoughtElf for the link.
