Sunday, July 04, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

May 6, 2010

#1 - This former long time A list singer is so whacked out on crack that except for when she is performing she sits around in a bathrobe or naked all day without her wig just smoking away. At this point she doesn't care who sees her or hears her. There have been complaints of screaming and things breaking at every hotel she has stayed in on this tour.

Whitney Houston


  1. Crack is wack Whitney CRACK IS WACK!!!

  2. Adventurous Kate said...

    #1 Whitney

    #2 Nelly?
    2:15 PM


  3. Let me get this straight, it's not okay to out someone sexually who chooses to hook up with people in a public place but it's okay to out someone on a serious downward spiral...twice?

    Bad form ENTY, bad form.

  4. Poor Whitney. What a waste of a talent. She just can't seem to get it together.

  5. ...without her wig. Priceless visual.

  6. ya, this is the worst reveals ever, give me a fucken break.

  7. Is there like some huge insurance policy on her life or something? The tour needs to be cancelled if it's still on. The reviews have not been great nor has the attendance per what has been published.

  8. Whatever to the complainers.

    I guess we can all forget the "blame Bobby" nonsense now, hey?

  9. wait a minute, someone's complaining because bad drug behavior's being reported here in the reveals? or is that just off limits if it's someone you like?

  10. I think these reveals are great. Thanks Enty.

  11. No nancer, i'm not complaining about the drug reveal, i'm pointing out how hypocritical it is not to reveal the other. Pay attention.

  12. Not enough blinds. We are almost finished. There were only two blinds for the month of March out of at least 20 days of blind items. I hope that the months of May and June have plenty of reveals.

    Come on Enty you can at least out all of the kindness and all of the stinginess.

    On a side note I'm shocked that you outed Whitney because I highly doubt that you will out Heroin Mom but if you do I will be yours forever.

  13. It looks like she only stayed clean while she was under the watchful eye of Clive Davis. Once the record was out she was back to her bad habits pretty quickly.

    I don't blame bobby but he got her hooked for sure. She chooses to keep sucking on the pipe.

  14. Worst reveals ever. Whatever. Take your priceless comments somewhere else then, buddy.

    Ugh, I can't stand whiners or complainers. Go hang out at The Awful Truth and wait for a Ted reveal party! Heh.

  15. I agree angelface. I'm slightly upset at the reveals up till now...did i really need to be re-affirmed that 'justin bobby' does coke I DON'T GIVE A CARE

  16. It's a comment section thusly we are allowed to comment. If you don't like free speech, perhaps you can develop a time machine and transport yourself back to the late 70's early 80's communist Russia.

    Have a happy 4th all! :-)

  17. I think he "outed" Whitney because the fact that she's back on crack is hardly a secret anymore. Everyone knows.

    I also don't like complainers. Seriously, if you're so unhappy, just don't read?!

  18. Seriously, people! How many other sites reveal any of their blind items? After reading some of these comments I have decided not to read the comments on any other posts. It will ruin my fun. Quit yer fucking bitching and move on if you don't like it! Asshats.

  19. angelface, Lioness70, anyone else who agrees... these are terrible...lets go out to LA and make our own blind items LOL

  20. I am loving the reveals!!! every little tidbit helps!! Thanks Enty!!! Saw a picture of Whitney in the Star or something like that yesterday, while getting a pedicure(fun!) and she looks like she is ready to keil over~not suprised at this at all.

  21. Oh my god, reading comprehension failure anyone? I simply pointed out my displeasure over two freaking divergent policies. It's not a moratorium on the whole site. Everyone who is complaining about comments should take their own freaking advice. Some of you people apparently need a better hobby.

    Violet, LA is too crazy for me. But thanks for the offer! <3

  22. I meant keel over :)

  23. angelface commentors have a vendetta tonight(your day i assume) against you. Still i'm in england atm so no LA for me either... agree with your comments tho

  24. Enty, can't you PLEASE reveal some that are actually blind and noteworthy?! Love you, but ... these are either duh or so what ... xo

    Reveal coke mom. Reveal the LOSER who left her kid in the car ... if it is true.

  25. Anonymous4:59 PM

    If you can't stand to read others posts, skip over it. We jump from telling people to not comment on religion on this blog, to attempting to bitch slap 'complainers'. You're equally culpable since YOU keep commenting on it as well.

  26. Why do you keep changing your name, Rocket Socket?

  27. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Because I am an "almost regular poster" who gets tired of your heavy handed ass! It's not your blog, and I have not done anything that you have not done yet!

    Fuck Off! If you don't like what someone posts, outside of racist assholes, you aren't entitled to chide them.

  28. well angelface, i'd say reporting a KNOWN crackhead's actions is a lot different than outing someone who's having gay sex. maybe it's just me, but those don't sound like the same thing.

  29. Almost done?? No way, the Whitney blinds must count as one(same person). Now we say, Bobby who?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. lol @ RocketSocket :) Okay then, but at least please have the decency to stick with one name when you constantly berate me for the same thing over and over. It's lame to hide behind changing names. Please try to get over a comment I made three months ago, and don't criticize me for doing something that YOU are now doing.
    PS - and for the record, I have never - not once - posted under another name than this one. Believe me or don't, I don't give a fuck.
    Have a nice day.

  32. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Okay! Run, fly, witch!

  33. I guess we can all forget the "blame Bobby" nonsense now, hey?

    Well, he got her hooked and now she's addicted. So I think we can still continue to blame Bobby.

  34. Rocket Socket - please change your name to Asshole. or Troll. It's pigs like you who ruin everyone's day. Crawl back under your rock, you miserable twit.

  35. I just wonder if Oprah will comment on this...I mean, she had to know Whitney was lying to her when she was talking about being clean? Right? I'm not the greatest at telling if someone is on drugs, but she was really weird in that interview for sure!

  36. Chihuahuense: I thought the same thing! What's the Op's gonna say about this, after that love fest she had a few months ago?

    On another note, LOVE when people have the guts to call someone out here on their territorial ass. They're always so shocked when handed their own sh*t.

    Just getting to the reveals now, after midnight & it's actually kinda cool to see them all at once, after the fact. It's like a bird's eye view of the buffet AND the guests.

  37. can we please not disrespect eachother and name call here? isn't that why most of us came to this site in the first place?

    have your opinions, everyone's entitled to express it here, but calling people a pig and troll because they don't see it your way is trashy and uncalled for.

    i LOVE reveals day, and this one didn't disappoint. i'm grateful that ent actually reveals SOME blinds, as most sites don't and certainly not in this fashion. and i still think the sex rules blind is jlh. LOL. maybe someday ent will confirm that for me. ;)

  38. Too easy. Anytime anybody says "crack" and "A list singer" everybody knows it's Whitney.

  39. Oh look, what a surprise. If you don't agree with the clique, you're a troll, or a complainer, or a hater. I haven't read this blog in well over a month, and nothing has changed. Eventually, everyone who is not part of the pack will stop reading and posting, then this blog will die, and then there will be no more nothing for anyone.
    Good job.

  40. no, that only happens when someone IS a troll. the "pack" as you call it happens to recognize the style of a handful of particularly hateful trolls who like to change their names to either target a particular poster, or just to be as rude as possible.

    and we do get sick and tired of the whiners who have to complain about every thing that they don't line about any/all reveals. at least we get SOME, and what might be obvious to one person is not always obvious to all.

    when enty quits revealing at all, THEN you can bitch about it, okay?

  41. Very sad. I just finished "Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man," and that is how I picture Whitney's life, minus the rentboys.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I want to thank all the people who bitched and moaned about my statement. If it weren't for you I would have never done a google search for other items that are suspect about this site. After the appalling way that people behaved I looked around a little and found out this site isn't exactly on the up and up.

    Thank you all, without you I would have gone on my merry way blissfully unaware of just how crooked this site is! You all are awesome!!!!

  44. This is wicked late because I'm a bad Enty Lover.'s a f*cking BLOG.

    /end rant
