Sunday, July 04, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

January 26, 2010

This married A list actress knows she is losing her popularity quickly. So, she has informed her managers to get her in the next Twilight movie. When they told her there were no parts for her, she said, "Well have them make up one or I will find new managers. Who wouldn't want me in their movie?"

Nicole Kidman


  1. Hahahahahaha!!!

    God, I hate that stupid bitch.

  2. p.s. She already looks like a goddamn vampire, should be easy to find a part for her. She can be the great-great-great grandmother to the elder to that vampire clan.

  3. Oh, lol!!

    Thanks for this reveal, more like this please so we can LOL at their stupidity!

  4. YES!!!!!!! BOO YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Never would have guessed her for this one. Wasn't everyone saying it was Jennifer Lopez?

  6. That is really pathetic and embarrassing. Hahaha and hilarious!!!

  7. Funny. I love Kidman reveals.

  8. Oy. Vey.

    Shows how stupid she is. She knows she is losing her popularity quickly, then wonders why everyone doesn't want her in their movie. Um, because you are LOSING YOUR POPULARITY!!!

    I think she truly jumped the shark in that movie Australia. Her scenes with Hugh Jackman, one of the sexiest men on the planet, were like CARDBOARD. He looked like he was kissing a wax statue.

  9. she does look the part...

    hahahaha! oh lord, so you think she wants the part of the red head who wants to kill bella?? LMAO

  10. H*ly s*&t, that is hilarious.

  11. Cali Girl said...

    DV looks like that chick in "Something about Mary". Ick.

    What about Nicole Kidman? married, a-list (for now), losing popularity quickly - box office poison. And she just changed representation this past week to the folks managing A. Jolie.


    You're right, NK wasn't guessed until a little later ! JUICY!!!!

  12. sis in law just said ...didn't think she was like response: they ALL ARE!!

  13. Oh, and Happy 4th to all my CDAN buddies! Even the ones in Canada. Hee.

    And say a little prayer that I find a good job. It's been a year and a quarter, and I am DESPERATE.....

  14. What an idiot! I saw an interview with her a couple of years back, and she seemed so sympathetic. I guess she was just acting.

  15. I like her but she takes herself sooo seriously. And her face is frozen. Meryl Streep lets her age show and she can go from playing Julia Child to ex-sex with Alec Baldwin without missing a beat. Unless Nicole wants to play an alien in the remake of Close Encounters, not sure what she can play.

  16. Hahahaha! Oh, that's perfect. SO sad, Nicole, that she would stoop that low.

    On another note - you may remember the blind I supplied to Enty a couple of months ago about the B+/A- actor working out of town from his wife that flirted with girls all night at a party and then took one out. The answer to that was Woody Harrelson. I have subsequently found out that the girl I know that went out with him hung out with him and Owen Wilson ALL week and saw some pretty crazy stuff. Apparently they went to our local "compassion" seller of pot and smoked the most incredible pot almost 24/7, had their own vegan chef to cook them munchies all week, and Woody is a fan of naked yoga in the hot tub. The girl I know implied strongly that her friend, not she, spent one or more nights in flagrante with Woody but since she wouldn't tell me for sure, I can't say so.

  17. This either doesn't really make sense (if she knows she's losing popularity, then she must realize that equals not being desirable for parts), or Nicole is even dumber than I thought (um, does she even bother to read the material?! no part. can't squeeze one in. you are too OLD). Instead of firing her managers, she needs to sack the doc plastico and go back to school.

  18. Oh, RocketQueen. Great story, thanks!

  19. woowww. wtg Nicole.

  20. "Who wouldn't want me in their movie?"

    Apparently, most of Hollywood's producers, you dizzy bitch.

  21. so sad mng! I hope you find something soon!!!

  22. /raises hand i do not want you in their movies. ok, so i don't watch them, but still, it's a no.

    what kind of sorry pretentious bitch would think they'd just accommodate her like that?

  23. BAHAHA she could have played Aro, the crusty old petrified-rock vampire!

  24. We all thought it was Julia Roberts. Remember? I don't know which would have been funnier.

    mngddess you'll find a job real soon!

  25. I find this really funny, somehow. :D Sad, too.

  26. Rocket Queen .... LOVE IT!!!! If we readers have bonified inside scoop, should we post here or do we send to Enty? I am privy to Dancing With The Stars scoops. LOTS of it!!!!

  27. It is a hard time for those of us without work. Hope something comes your way soon mng.

  28. I would have loved it to be Julia, but that's not realistic. Didn't see Nicole, I thought it would be JLo.
    Mngddess...praying for you.

  29. Ooooh RQ, thanks for the reveal! Personally, I would love to hang out with Woody and watch him smoke and munch on vegan food. LOL, I'd not partake of the ganja nor the naked yoga, but it would be pretty cool to sit around and talk with him. He seems hilarious. ;-)

  30. ...oh, I wouldn't have guessed her for this. It's so pathetic. Has she really dropped so low?

  31. OMG kiki, spill it!! :)

  32. @Kiki - I just emailed it to Enty and think you should do the same :) I love guessing! Then again, anything you want to just straight out TELL US is good, too :)

  33. OMG, I LOL'd at that reveal!

    I can't see why they don't put her hair in a high ponytail, hand her some text books and she could be the Australian foreign exchange student.

    (I've never seen any Twilight movies and don't even know if they have scenes set at school.)

  34. Share Kiki, share!!!

  35. I'm with Moxy!

    RocketQueen - You're the best! Thank you for the info! I wonder if Willie Nelson was there too?

    MNGDDESS - I spent the last couple of weeks glued to CPSAN hoping to see unemployment benefits get extended. I'll be thinking of you on the 12th and hope an extension can provide you relief. For everyone else's info, I don't recommend ever watching CSPAN I learned way too much about the dirty politics going on in this country. Yikes.

  36. How about this .... ask questions about DWTS and, if I know the answer(s) I'll spill today. Then, from next season on, I'll email to Enty. I'll start with this and it totally won't surprise any of you. That "Kate creature" was so hated by the cast and crew she was the only contestant, in the history of the show, who was NOT invited out to party after every Monday night show. Tony hated her so much he would only speak to her when the cameras were on (He seriously did quit ... that wasn't just for show and drama!!)

  37. RQ, Thanks for the reveal. I totally guessed Woody! Yay.

    The reveals today are AWESOME.

  38. Kiki, Were there any other contestants or pros who the cast loathed? Derek Hough always seems like a douchebag to me.

    Are Maks and Erin really dating?

  39. @Kiki Lets talk Sex. Who is doing who? Who slept with who to get on the show?? All that jazz....

  40. Kiki how far back do you go? What was Apolo Ono like?

    Who did the cast like better, Erin or Nicole? Nicole was freakishly good.

  41. ItsAJ, good call :)

    And I always thought Maks seemed like Gerard Butler II

  42. @Kiki-I don't watch the show (I think I watched some of the second season) but do the producers realize that the "credibility" is gone when the winners of late seem like they are already "dancers" i.e. Nicole, Christina, etc. Do you think they will try for more "untrained" dancers next season?

  43. Susan, yes, Erin and Maks are really dating. (and, he and Tony are Best Friends). Derek and his sister Julianne are both douches (and, while we're on the subject ... she's getting paid a LOT to attempt to be Ryan Seacrest's beard (oops! sorry, should have said "girlfriend". Won't last long. She can't act and she keeps "upping her fee"

  44. @Kiki Oooh, the Seacrest! Forgot about him having the beard! Brilliant! Thanks :)

  45. chihauhuense ... Crew is waiting to see the next line up. Nicole was a total ringer and deliberately paired off with Derek for ratings.

    ItsAJ .... Cheryl likes to get "friendly"

  46. ohhhhhhhhhh is Derek really straight himself?

  47. Kiki thanks I would going to ask what they thought about Julianne and Seacrest, too funny.

  48. @mngddess, I feel for you. I've been unemployed for 9 months now. I have 3 more months of unemployment and if I don't find something by then, I'm going to lose my house.

    I'll pray for you if you pray for me that we both find work.

  49. It DOES seem like a contradiction that NK knows she is losing popularity but expects to get a role in a hot franchise on demand. But maybe she figures it's a drop in quality compared to what she thinks she should be doing, given that it's not prestigious in a critically-acclaimed sense, but that it will get her back on the radar because she'll seem hip for being part of something young and trendy. But it's so pathetically desperate. TRYING to be popular is a recipe for failure. Why doesn't she let her face deflate, re-learn how to move it and go and do a few quality, low-key roles for a while and get her credibility back?

    LOVE the bonus reveals in this thread. It is hilarious to hear Woody lives up to his image to the nth degree. And as for Seacrest's beard... why does he bother? He's not an actor whose chances at snagging macho leading roles will be hurt. How would it really hurt him? It's not like he should have to come out to the world, but I don't see the point in trying so hard to seem straight.

  50. Oh, and I'd love to know the types of things Kate Gosselin did to piss off the DTWS people so much. I presume she is a detestable person in general, but I'd love to know specifics. ;)

  51. Poor delusional Nicole. Does she even know what Twilight is about?? Maybe a role on Tru Blood would have been more appropriate.

    mngddess - I have had so many friends & fam in your same position; I feel your pain! I'll say a prayer you find something quick!!

  52. BWAHAHAHAHA!..She seems so desperate.

    Thanks for the reveal RocketQueen.

  53. @Kiki, Pamela Anderson seemed to alternate from hot mess to sweet. What was she like on set? Also, was Evan as socially awkward as he appears to be?

  54. RM, Lissette, Chasing Heaven, and Sprinkles -

    Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers, and wish you nothing but good karma for the rest of your life! Sprinkles (love the name), I will keep you in my prayers.

  55. HAHAHAHAHA!!! I've sometimes worried that we are too hard on her, but now I feel free to trash-talk her to my heart's content!

  56. OMG let me just say: This one caused me to gasp out loud! :)

    (I have been scrolling through these reveals, leisurely, thoroughly enjoying re-reading the blinds and then scrolling down to show the reveals. Wow. I don't know why but this one just caught me off guard.)

  57. mngddess, thank you! I'll keep you in my prayers as well.

    And I also wish you nothing but good karma for the rest of your life! :)

  58. Love, love this reveal and the bonus reveals & scoop in the comments! Thanks RQ & Kiki!

    Mngddess and Sprinkles - you and all the other currently unemployed CDAN readers are in my thoughts and prayers. I *just* had my first week of work last week after almost seven months of unemployment. I'm in bankruptcy that's being challenged (because clearly I should have been able to pay all my bills and be just fine with some severance and unemployment that I didn't even get for half the time I was unemployed : \) and whatever happens, I'm definitely losing my house. I'm at peace with that and I'll rebuild my life, but being unemployed for as long as I was will make it harder. I feel so much for anyone who's been in that situation.

  59. Paisley ... Pammy was nicknamed "Miss Fun" ... she was an absolute blast and cast and crew loved her. Even when she had diva moments, she'd do or say something to make everyone laugh.

    Um ... yes, Evan had those awkward moments because ... um .... he hasn't "found himself" yet.

  60. Let's be honest, it doesn't seem like Nicole at all, but she has played a couple of 'witches' so vampires are not a stretch. She's very pale, and red haired, she could be the queen blood sucker!

    See, I've already written her in.

  61. I love Michael Irvin, how was he on DWTS?

  62. It wouldn't take much to write her in.
    As pale as she is and as frizzy as her hair gets, she could totally just roll out of bed and stroll onto the set and shoot a couple of scenes as Edward's kooky Australian aunt: no hair and make-up, no time wasting!

  63. HAHAHAHAHA I finally got one right. I said it was Kidman back when this one was first posted. She does look like a vampire but I guess the producers had the good sense to pass on her anyway since anything she's in tanks.



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