Sunday, July 04, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

February 26, 2010

#1 - This former B list television and sometime very bad movie actress who is now a C with great name recognition has had some very public drug, alcohol and other drama issues this past year. Well, I am happy to report that she is now 60 days sober. This, despite the fact that she spends all her time with a drug dealer.

Mischa Barton

Update - This was written awhile ago. She is still doing great and dropped the drug dealer.


  1. she was never a B list, C @ best, and now she's F

  2. Jill said...

    #1 Mischa Barton

    Although the joint she was caught smoking the other week doesn't really scream sober!!!

    #2, I don't know my golfers.

    #3/#4 I like the Rachel/Hayden guess!
    2:22 PM


    This was a toughy at the time, but now it is so obvious. I guess that is why she gained weight :) Good for her! But she can burn those banana pants :D

  3. Hey Enty. Thank you for the entertainment.

    Have you read what Mel Gibson's porn star producer ex claims? from today's Sunday Mirror

  4. At least she is trying. Can't save her acting career though.

  5. I'm no fan of Mischa but her recent pictures look 100% better.

    Lindsay could take a few lessons from her.

    Just get clean and keep your head down and slowly work will come back.

    Lindsay and her obsession with being out and partying makes no sense with her "oh I just want to be a serious actress again".

  6. @MK, I think it was the name recognition along with the success of the show that made her B list and not anything to do with talent.

  7. Lilo is done. she has a horrible work ethic and she has burned so many one cares about her stellar acting abilities.snort.

    next stop porn.

  8. Good for her, let's hope she stays sober.

  9. @Michaela that story says Mel carries around a big bag of cash - wasn't there a blind about someone who did that because they never knew why they might need it or to get away or something like that.

  10. Great for Mischa, she's trying and I hope it works out. I've realized that most of the B.I are guessed by a few readers and that I'm very bad at it(lol).

  11. Poor Mischa gained weight after dropping the drugs and got called fat and double-chinned by the press. She can't win. Glld to see that she's clean, though.

    From that article about Mel Gibson:
    His mistress said, “On the walls are ­posters of his movies – and he’s hand-drawn moustaches on Julia Roberts, Glenn Close and Sophie Marceau. It’s   pretty ­funny.”

    That pretty much sums up his attitude towards women. They are to be mocked and ridiculed. What a charmer.

  12. Good for her. It's good to know some people understand when they have a problem and work on it (I'm looking at you, Lindsay)

  13. @Mango Perhaps he is just mocking and ridiculing those 3 particular women. I, for one, cannot stand Julia Roberts; I don't know so much about the other two.

  14. Glad for Mischa :) To be honest, I think if she's still smoking pot, she's still a far deal bettter than she used to be. Stay off the hard stuff, girl, and fuck Brandon Greasy Bear Davis!

  15. I'm happy for Mischa. I think that when teenage girls get huge acclaim, mostly for their looks, it warps their self-image. Then when she was dropped from the show, it was really hard for her to handle.

    I wish her the best and the strength to stay sober.

  16. Oh, and who was the drug dealer she was hanging with??

  17. Gretchen, She wasn't dropped. She left because she thought she was too big for the OC and was going to become a movie star. Worked out great as you can see.

  18. good for her, i hope she stays clean and gets her life together

  19. I hope her sister is clean now too - didn't Mischa get her into the drugs?

  20. @ Bangagong - I loathe Julia Roberts also. But I would have added an arrow through the head or antennas to the pic. Fangs are always good, too. And crossed eyes.

  21. Good for Mischa. She's still young enough to get her shit together and I hope she does. It's been painful watching her go on such a weird, downward spiral and having the world make fun of a sick person. (And if all she's doing now is smoking pot, even better; it's better than legal/lethal booze)!! Keep up the good work, Mischa. Hope Lilo follows your lead.

  22. Although she's not a 'great' actress (she was pretty good on L&O though), I'm rooting for her. She seems like a decent, sweet girl that got on the wrong train. This is good news & I hope she makes it.

  23. @rocket - she dated him????

    good for her!
