Sunday, July 04, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

January 18, 2010

This A list television star has a bit of a drinking problem. More than a bit, but it definitely isn't blind item worthy. What is though is that while drinking our actor loves to switch teams. Get him drunk and he shifts from women to men in a flash. One of his favorite places for a quick hookup is a bar in New York he frequents which closes down just for him and his friends.

Think of this as a what would you do? My policy is no matter what the source or how solid is something about someone, I never out them. I feel like it is a personal decision that should not be forced on someone. My question to you is this. This actor just goes for guys when he is drunk. Is it outing him if I reveal the name or is this just random drunk sex? I am on the fence about this one. Let me know what you think.


  1. Trust me when I say we ALL want to know.

  2. Out'll do Keifer good in the long run, lol!

  3. Reveal it! Most will write it off as only gossip anyway so won't affect him really. /gay man opinion

  4. If you're hesitating, maybe you could just give us a good hint?

  5. Reveal, reveal, REVEAL!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous10:47 AM

    as MUCH as I want to see this one, I don't think that a person's personal sexual preference, no matter or not it's subjicated by Alcohol should be revealed unless they do it themselves.

    That being said, you owe use an extra, Enty! :)

  7. Umm. Is this a reveal??? WHEN are we going to get reveals that aren't obvious or a question?

  8. I can understand not wanting to out someone but you are such a tease! Please don't post blind items on reveal day and then not reveal them.

  9. I'd like to know also, but it's obvious he's getting drunk for a reason, he's suppressing the truth of which sex he'd actually prefer, and it's not women.

  10. Honestly, I vote drunk sex. He's probably bi?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. outing someone and revealing personal medical information to us is OFF LIMITS, IMO.

  13. Just go ahead and confirm it's Keifer. That guy is such a drunk!

  14. Either reveal it or don't mention it, stick to one, please. This is blind items revealed day after all.


  16. Do it enty!! Go for it... most times its done in public so it belongs to the people

  17. I promise I'll be drunk when I read the name. That makes it okay.

  18. A big no to outing someone, whether or not they're drunk. There are some things beyond gossip.

  19. Leave this one be. It would be outing him to reveal the name, drunk sex or no.


  20. Being drunk doesn't make you gay. It might remove some deep-seated inhibitions--*cough* not that I would know--but it doesn't make you gay. So IMO you would be outing him.

  21. Anonymous10:51 AM

    My rule of thumb is: if you do it/or say it in public, you just put your business out there for eveyone to know. And being the gossip lovin' community doesn't really extend to most of the Average Joes consuming movies & TV, you can tell us!! We won't tell, WE SWEAR!!:)

  22. I bet it's Kiefer.

  23. If he does this publicly, it's probably not much of a secret. I don't consider it an outing. I consider it outrageous behavior while drunk.

  24. Dont! its not cool, outing someone... very disrespectful, let him out himself if and when he wants...

  25. Either reveal it or don't bother mentioning it, IMO. That's just being a tease, especially on a reveal day.

  26. I don't think you should out him, no.

    But why the heck even post this item on reveals day then? Damn yooooooou!

  27. Trust your gut. Don't do it if you feel funny about it.

  28. Anonymous10:53 AM

    don't do it. don't sink as low as perez hilton.

  29. It is outing him if you reveal the name. Don't do it, keep your integrity.

  30. I have to agree, outing him is juicy, but it hurts him. Obviously, this guy is having issues with his sexuality. Yes, it would do him good to get help for his addiction and for his issues of dealing with them, but outing him would make it worse.

  31. Once again Ent pusses out on the big reveals. Every six months we go through this. He reveals all the ones that were painfully obvious and everyone could guess, but when it's a doosy, no reveal. Remember the HIV+ singer?

    Same shit, six months later

  32. I consider it outing him and don't think it should be revealed even though I desperately want to know.

    How about a compromise? Tell us the name of the bar and we'll take turns staking it out until it closes down for this person and we'll reveal it amongst ourselves in the comments! :p

  33. Anonymous10:54 AM

    i concur, middle-aged.

    and why even post this one, if it was such a delima. also, don't try to throw stupid ass hints tomorrow. you should have left well enough alone with this one.

    back to the slots i go!

  34. Enty, stop teasing us.

  35. Wow some of you are so angry or act so entitled.
    Everyone should step back and realize how great Enty is for doing this in the first place instead of bichin that this one wasn't good enough.

  36. How about meet in the middle, give us a stronger hint, a show, or something similar...

  37. I'm with ConqueringKing on this one. This guy should only come out if he's ready. Just cuz he's only doing it when he's drunk doesn't make it any different then outing someone that is sober. But it would be kinda cool to give us an extra one Enty :)

  38. An unscientific poll: Say whether or not you approve of outing someone, then say, on a scale of 1-10, how much you like gays. I'm curious to see if there's a pattern.

  39. I am against outing or calling people out on suspected sexual proclivities. It's too personal, you never know what the complicating factors are...

    It's only OK when they are like, anti-gay activist/hypocrites or something, LOL. Then it's righteous.

    [But in this case, it is a reveal day, so I have a feeling readers aren't going to let you get away with such a tease...]

  40. Isn't that what the disclaimer on the site is for, anyhow?

    "Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights."

  41. Let's think about it:

    - It's OK to talk about others' sex lives as long as it's heterosexual sex or adultery, but homosexual sex is off limits?

    Personally, as curious as I may be about such salacious stories, I have to say, why should one section of the population be spared, while everyone else is fair game?

    Either don't say anything about anyone, or say everything about everybody.

  42. I'll start. I love to know when celebs are gay, and as a gay, imma give myself a 10.

  43. At this point in time, almost everyone in Hollywood knows a guy that's tasted tongue de K. It's not really a blind item...but...I understand wanting to protect someone who has to get drunk to be himself.

    Why do you think he's got a drinking problem?

  44. I can see both sides of the argument. It might force him to get help for the drinking.

    There is a difference between a reveal and outing someone. I'd say this is an outing not a reveal.

    Although, like most I would like to know...

  45. In vino veritas, eh?
    The guy is probably bi, but conflicted. Which is his business. Leave him anonymous.

  46. hey, I never thought of it that way, Shmooey! Freaking good point!

  47. @Andy & @Middle-Aged Diva....not sure what you expect. These were blind & they're being revealed. I wouldn't expect anything explosive about someone currently active or in a position to sue, you know? Relaaaax, enjoy the holiday.

  48. Just give us one of his initials.

  49. Don't out anyone. But leaving a good hint is fun.

  50. I don't believe in outing people, but this isn't outing, and it's NOT KEIFER!!!

  51. Schmooey makes a good point.

    If a homosexual hooks up with the opposite sex only when s/he drinks, would you hesitate to reveal?

  52. Don't mess with the Hoff.

    There. Everybody happy? ;)

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. well, going with the trend...the majority of these were guessed right on the first guess. This one:

    Michaela said...

    3:02 PM
    Christopher said...

    Simon Baker
    3:03 PM
    Pookie said...

    juicy! meloni? =O
    3:06 PM

    were the 1,2,3 guessed. But Pookie needs to step back from that Meloni guess! My man *might* tell kids there is no Santa, but he only goes for me when he is drunk.

  55. This isn't outing. It's drunken behavior. You're famous, you get drunk in public and you engage in drunken behavior. People are going to talk about it. There's no outing here. Go for it.

  56. Shmooey, that would be true if the world were fair. Wish it was.

  57. Great point, Schmooey! I didn't think of it that way.

  58. Ent, I honestly think if you go ahead with this one there will be people in the future who will bitch and moan when you don't do it again. Can you hear it now? "But you did it for so-and-so ..." Then more criticism will start.

    You don't need that bullshit.

    Let's leave this guy to his own personal demons. Or happiness - which ever he prefers.

  59. Sleeping with both sexes? It's called Bisexual. And no, Enty. Don't out him.

  60. I am with Shmooey 100%

    And like someone else said, if they are doing in out in public, it's not exactly private anymore...

  61. The difference is that there is nothing wrong with being gay, but there is something wrong with cheating on one's spouse. So "outing" someone JUST for being gay is like outing someone for being straight. There should be no scandal involved. The scandal comes from the fact that the celebrity is trying to keep it secret. Frankly, though, to me, it's like a BI about someone who's into S&M. It's interesting, but not SUPER JUICY like MV or even the Earl Woods item below. Now, if a drunk Matthew Broderick were hooking up with THIRTY guys at once, that would be interesting.

  62. Reveal it in the comments - then only really dedicated readers will get the answer.

  63. Nope don't do it.

  64. enty, please don't reveal it.

    you are better than this

  65. Chihuahuense, that was Christopher Meloni??? Doesn't he have kids of his own? My husband wanted to know that one. I can't remember it being revealed. (My husband has no clue who he is, though.)

  66. What Jessica said - wow, some really pissy people here today who don't understand that Enty is revealing what HE wants to reveal.

    On that note, I say don't reveal. Whoever this guy is, he's not a jerk/dick, and sexual preference blinds are more Ted C's thing :)

  67. he's not teasing...he's doing the reveals in order by date. and if he skipped it,some of you would bitch.

    enty, i don't know why you do this, some people are so fucking ungrateful.

  68. @GladysKravitz That would be nice if it were true, but if people didn't care or find it juicy in and of itself that people were gay, they wouldn't clamor to know. All people want to know here is what boys mess with other boys...not about whether their relationships are faithful and stuff. Being gay or bi is still greated as gossip on its own, and that sucks, and revealing this won't change's still treating it like a freak show condition.

  69. please dont out him. of course i want to know, but i am with jax- medical information and sexual orientation are none of our business.

  70. I think some of you guys are missing the point. Yes, it's true - since we talk about heterosexual hookups, we should also talk about homosexual hookups - and I think this site certainly does that whenever there is something juicy going on. But it is crossing the line to talk about homosexual hookups while outing someone. That is totally different and it isn't cool. While it seems to me this person is almost asking to be outed by being so public about it, he hasn't yet gone that route and until then, this blind shouldn't be revealed. Maybe he'll come out or some other dirtball will out him, and then we'll all get our answer. But until then, I say let him stay in the closet.

  71. You're a closeted star. You don't get it both ways. You might be outed. Unpleasant things that don't go according to your personal timeline might happen. The minute you give that first "personal" interview and willingly become a "personality" there are no more closets.

  72. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Why even bring it up if you don't want to reveal it, Enty?

    IMO, it's not outing him. It's not as if he's going to great lengths to keep it a secret. If he gets drunk and hooks up in public it's already an open secret.

    And I agree with Shmooey. If the BI was about a heterosexuals sex life we wouldn't even be debating this.

  73. Anonymous11:15 AM

    ...and some really bitchy, wolfpack readers who LOVE to tell others what they should write/post!

  74. Although I am dying to know I'll say don't reveal. Let him come out when he's good and ready. I don't want to feel like a vulture.

  75. I just have a question, but I don't want people getting all crazy mad at me?

    How can you be upset at the "idea" of this being revealed, yet you guessed/commented on it when it was originally posted?

    I am honestly just wondering. Also, I think many people are commenting in good fun (at least I was) when we say "don't tease us Enty!" or something like that. I mean, we wait six months for this, I didn't know we had to handle Enty with kid gloves.

  76. whether the person is drunk or not, they don't deserve to be outted, it crosses over into perez hilton territory and i know you're better than that ent.

    yeah, curiosity says reveal, but if he's not being an asshole to his hookups, then his sex life isn't that interesting to me.

  77. Reading over the comments.I must concur - it's not outing sexuality - it's revealing outrageous drunken behavior.
    There. It's settled. Enty, Reveal (por favor)!

  78. If the person actively works against the rights of gays, OR if the person engages in a "beard" type phony relationship, I say that they are fair game for outing.

    This one seems a little in-between - my only concern is for his partners. Men who seek random sex when intoxicated do not always use good judgment, especially when it comes to restricting sexual activity to safe sex.

    I actually like the idea of giving initials - this keeps it away from being a full outing, but also lets the person know that his drunken activities are not as secret as he might think they are.

  79. KLM I'm with you. Take the higher road enty! It's always best to err on the side of kindness. You're not just outing him you're outing the other guys who participated as well.

  80. Anonymous11:22 AM

    entertainment lawyer has never moaned or groaned about what a reader had to say. it tends to be overbearing readers who like to tell others what to do.

  81. Enty wrote the blind item ergo it's his decision whether to reveal it or not. No one asked him to do it in the first place, why bring it up six months later? I'd say this is just a big tease.

  82. There is all sorts of sex gossip going on here.

    We've been reading about people who are promiscuous just for the hell of it, people with fetishes, people who cheat on their significant others, and people who prostitute themselves for money or work.

    Just a while ago some actress was being pinpointed as the woman who was servicing various men to get jobs not only for herself, but for her husband also.

    Now and forever, whether the stories are true or not, every time someone googles that woman's name it's going to come up people think she prostitutes herself.
    (Just one example out of many).

    So my point is, if it's ethical to divulge what is or may be happening in other people's sex lives why should homosexuality be taboo?

    Is it really worse to be called "gay" than be called a prostitute, or a cheater, or a fetishist?

    How do we measure the amount of devastation these allegations cause on the individuals' personal and professional lives?

    And where do we draw the line for what is an acceptable amount of pain and embarrassment?

  83. I'm with Shmooey.

    Enty at the very least give us the "and it's not" guesses.

  84. How about a happy medium - give us another hint. Don't out him. I mean, this scenario does beg for the question that needs to be asked - when is outing ok? Everyone's got an answer!

  85. It's not outing. There might be tendencies, but not necessarily, gay imho.

  86. Anonymous11:25 AM

    1122 was for you chihuahuense. you and i can say what we want. :) take care. i have no opinion one way or the other about this BI. i just had to comment on something else.

  87. If you're on the fence now, think about how you'll feel once you put it out there. Totally not worth it. Thank you for giving us your thoughts behind it though.

    And thank you so much for spending your holiday giving us reveals. Don't know of any other site that would go to these lengths and it's very appreciated.

    To those bitching about how "lame" the reveals are please go get something to eat. Your crankiness is bringing me down.

  88. I'm with KLM and RM. Much as I'm curious, outing him would be cruel.
    Enty I enjoy reading you because you basically take that high road !

  89. Somehow I don't think anyone would have a problem with it if the blind were about a woman getting some girl action when drunk. Just saying...

  90. I've done stupid stuff when I was drunk. If it's in the public sphere, ie, pretty obvious that he picked up a guy when he was drunk, it's not an official outing... IMO.

  91. Is there a high road in salacious gossip? I don't think so. ;-)

  92. As much as I'd love to know, don't reveal it Enty. Don't go against your own policy.

  93. Again with Shmooey. Right on! Where do we draw the line??

    And Fresh, you are right! "Sexy" when its girl on girl, but everyone gets all righteous if you "reveal" guy on guy. Hmmm?

  94. I've read this 4 times and been giving it a lot of thought. It appears this actor is single and definitely not discreet. So, I say "yes" ... reveal. I have a feeling none of us will be surprised.

  95. I don't think it's outing really since there's no evidence.
    Don't get me wrong I don't mean that in a disrespectful 'you're lying' way but unless there's undeniable proof like a photograph or video then I don't view it as outting.
    A lot of people are usually really reluctant to believe a celebrity is gay even with those things sometimes and don't believe it unless the celeb actually comes out.
    I honestly don't see this as being any different from something like the Hoff BI.

  96. I think that you should keep this one to yourself, Enty, no matter how badly we want to know the answer. When in doubt, just say no. ;-)

  97. Enty "revealed" that Hillary Clinton was sleeping with an aide.

    What is the difference? Please, I'd like to know.

  98. With todays society all crazy about who is gay or not. I would say leave it alone. Only becuase it can hurt their career. I mean I think we all know it is Kiefer Sutherland. But I think he is so drunk he doesn't even know what he is doing.

    He is looked on now as an action star becuase of 24 if the leaks to the press it is going to hurt his credibility.

    And if it isn't him it will hurt whoever's career potentially.

  99. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I so agree with Fresh. Enty didn't seem to be on the fence when he "revealed" that Hilary was sleeping with her female aide. Everybody would be ok if it was about an actress who hooks up with women but since it's a man we draw the line.

    Personally, I have a few guesses and I don't care if it's revealed but I hate double standards. That's what really bugs me. Enty, all you had to do was just skip it entirely.

  100. For those arguing Enty shouldn't out people, he has done it constantly. He's repeatedly insinuated Kelly Brook and Jessica Biel are lesbians, plus Queen Latifah and Emile Hirsch. He's done it constantly, at least 3 times with Brook. He seems more willing to out women than men, too.

  101. Well said Athena...

    And a HUGE THANK YOU, Enty! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Reveal Days! Nowhere to go, a couple bottles of the sweet nectar and REVEALS!

    Have a safe and happy 4th e'eryone! This is my fave site and you guys are the best!

  102. Right, Andy. And with the Hillary "reveal" he actually tried to give it some legitimacy by saying the LA Times was sitting on the story.

    I don't particularly care who it is, either. I just find it sexist.

  103. I don't remember the BI about Hilary at all...

  104. Hmm, I would like to know too.

    A few BIR's back Enty revealed what a douchebag Ryan Phillipe is and what a pig Tiger Woods' father was.

    I'm wondering if Ryan's kids will someday google their father and read about him or if Earl Woods' grandchildren will be able to read what their grandfather did.

    Thus I'm with Shmooey; Where do we draw the line?

    he's not teasing...he's doing the reveals in order by date. and if he skipped it,some of you would bitch.

    Jax, it is teasing because it is obvious that Enty will have to skip a lot more BI's for legal/moral reasons anyway.

  105. Enty I think your conscience is holding you back from revealing this for some reason. I am ok with that, BUT would love a very strong clue.

  106. "Ungrateful?" LOL
    Chill, Jax. This is a gossip site. Gratitude has nothing to do with it.

  107. As much as I want to know, I really feel like this would be outing him. I posed the question to my husband, who, as a straight male, said that even if it is drunk sex, it's still gay sex. While there is nothing wrong with it, obviously, the guy definitely has a thing for other guys, despite the apparently necessary circumstances. I agree with Enty that he should never out someone w/out permission, and this is definitely a situation that applies.

  108. Enty, you are a good man and i understand your problem with this one. that being said, this man commits these drunken homosexual acts in public, so it technically is public someone...are you following my train of thinking? i de-railed somewhere

  109. Aww quit your whining, whiners!!!

    It's your call enty.... Is the person a nice person? Maybe give the dude a break if so...

  110. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Jax said, "he's not teasing...he's doing the reveals in order by date. and if he skipped it,some of you would bitch.
    enty, i don't know why you do this, some people are so fucking ungrateful."

    Oh please. I know why Ent does this: he gets lots of money from sponsors the more readers he/she/they have. So get off your high horse, Jax. We all know you LOVE Ent, but let's not pretend this is a bunch of friends doing each other favors. This is a celebrity gossip site. Get over yourself.
    And if Ent had/has reservations about revealing this one, then he/she/they should just grow a set and say, "Here's the blind, but due my moral code I'm not going to out this person." Everyone thinks it's wishy-washy to ask us what to do.

  111. @chihuahuense Great point about people guessing then saying outing is wrong, you make the best points! :)

    @Schmooey - the point is, if the gossip is naughty behavior within the sphere of one's homosexuality, treat it the way we treat naughty behavior within the sphere of heterosexuality - don't make the homosexuality the news itself (which in most of these cases it really is), because then it IS equating it with other deviant behavior we gossip about. It's not elevating it to normalcy.

    Also, whoever pointed out the Hilary Clinton outing, well done. It's definitely hypocritical to pretend it's never been done here before...however, never too late to learn better!

    So, stop pointing at people and saying "Gay!" wouldn't be calling them out on it if it wasn't supposed to be weird or novel.

  112. Well, consider stopping. I am not trying to tell people what to do....just voicing my POV over here... :P

  113. @Tom, I don't get this:

    At this point in time, almost everyone in Hollywood knows a guy that's tasted tongue de K.

    What does that mean?

  114. @Selock: According to the BI, that's exactly the case:

    "This A list television star has a bit of a drinking problem. More than a bit, but it definitely isn't blind item worthy. What is though is that while drinking our actor loves to switch teams."

    The "team switching" is clearly the news here.

    Everybody's sex life is their own personal business.

    AnnaLynne McCord's sluttiness and alleged sisterly threesomes have as much a right to remain private as this actor's (whoever he is) drunken gay antics.

    I don't need it or want it to be revealed. But then let's not talk about anybody else's sex escapades either.

    Let's not get into the silliness of saying that one type of sexuality is "too personal and private" to reveal, while everything else people choose to do is a good reason to point fingers and name names.

  115. 1Ii been drunk before and never felt like playing with a d**k because of it.
    2. if he takes them to a bar, he already outed himself
    3. I think it's the guy from the Mentalist not Kiffer

  116. @Schmooey - all salient points, all salient points! I give! :)

    Still feel like there must be a clear line, somewhere...definitely a better one than "it's in public".

  117. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Seems to be better to not have posted this one at all. Right?

  118. I'm of the opinion that yes, it is outing and it shouldn't be done. The only time I support outing is if we're talking about hypocritical politicians or religious figures, anybody else, actors included, should have the right to discuss their sexuality on their own terms.

    Like it or not, we're still in an era where outing someone could destroy his career. Not to mention that the sort of person who is having same-sex drunken hookups while dating women probably hasn't come to terms with his sexuality and outing somebody before he's even come to terms with it himself can't be justified in any way that I can possibly think of.

  119. People are bisexual, you know. Just because he sleeps with both doesn't make him gay. I don't get that misconception.

    Again, I don't see where Enty's morals were when he claims he never outs anyone if he "outed" Hillary Clinton. I think running for President is a little more important than an acting job. That's not why she lost and this guy won't lose any sleep over it, either. If he did, he'd be more careful.

  120. If it's only when he's drunk, he isn't legally consenting. A woman could cry rape and have her identity protected. He should be afforded the same courtesy.

  121. Lisa, I don't buy that at all. I think this guy knows exactly what he's doing. He's consenting if he has consensual sex.

    I doubt any woman who consistently has sex when drunk and cries rape every time will get any attention from a prosecutor after awhile.

    This doesn't sound like a one time event.

  122. I think something as horrible as Whitney Houston pulling out a crack pipe in a concert is much more scandalous than some "straight" actor being outed on a gossip blog.

  123. I'd leave it. If you even have a question about it being an "outing", then better to not reveal it.

  124. I don't really buy it either, Fresh, especially after the Zito reveal. Was just speculating. What makes this actor deserve special treatment?

  125. Andy said...

    For those arguing Enty shouldn't out people, he has done it constantly. He's repeatedly insinuated Kelly Brook and Jessica Biel are lesbians, plus Queen Latifah and Emile Hirsch. He's done it constantly, at least 3 times with Brook. He seems more willing to out women than men, too.

    "Enty" also appears to be perfectly willing to slander a woman as an adultress without a shred of evidence. And frankly, it's much more damaging for a woman's reputation to be considered a slut than for a man to be a manwhore.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Enty asked us to let him know what we think. He knew he'd get comments across the spectrum. So back off to those who say we're snarky and a wolf pack.

    While Enty is open to post anything he wants on his blog it's not consistent with his other posts that he does not post a Reveal on his reveal day.

    Being gay is wrong? Being gay is shameful? We want equality and sometimes equality isn't pretty. Enty has no issues outing straight celebrities or those that go from gay to straight.

    In the end this is Enty's thread.

    Oh, and tell me which bar it is. If it's Kiefer I want to #($*%&# his #$*(%&#$*(

  128. Outing gays who go straight? When does that ever happen. LOL.

  129. I still fail to see how gossiping about someone's gay tendencies the way we gossip about people's drug habits and adultery elevates their orientation and removes the tarnish of shame from it. We don't talk about "normal" - straight - drunken hookups unless there is something "off" happening - underage participants, drug use, or other perceived deviance. I stand by my feeling that there is nothing righteous about outing nondeviant bi or homosexuals the way we out douchebags.

  130. Why do you think Julia Roberts did an aboutface and ran so far in the other direction, so abruptly?
    He DID look great in a dress on the Letterman show.

  131. Um, he is gay. Nobody that's not gay would have sex with the opposite sex no matter how drunk they were. Make out? Yes, Sex nope. I personally think you should reveal it, but you would be outing the guy, though.

  132. this is the best trip of my fave bloggers and commentors all in the same place with whats got to be the best debate on the interweb =)...having been a drunk lesbo myself i agree that it was definetly what i wanted to do conscious or not...and if all of this happened in public its fair on, enty!

  133. I have met and seen many people who need alcohol to get courage to do things that they don't normally dare to do. Some just needs a few sips and some needs to be totally "drunk" which they can use as an excuse "I don't remember what happened" or "I was stinking drunk." So - based on that - I think this guy is a coward gay who couldn't face his sexuality sober and needs booze to commit.

  134. It's private. He's not bisexual. He probably just doesn't remember what he's doing.

    And remember...all women are lesbians after 2 daquiries....except me.

  135. Drunken behaviors is not an "outing". He already did that...if it's done in public, ANYONE could why not you? :)

  136. Probably Kiefer. When he was shooting a film in my hometown in NZ he quite publicly made out with 2 male uni students while drunk.
